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Tver coat of arms and flag: description and meaning

Tver is an ancient city on the Volga, located near the capital of Russia. The coat of arms of Tver and its flag - what are they? When were they approved and what do they mean? This we will discuss in this article.

Tver: city history pages

Tver is a small homeland for the great Russian traveler Athanasius Nikitin. The city itself was founded in 1135.

Tver was the capital of a powerful state formation - the Tver principality, which existed from 1247 to 1485. Thanks to the extremely successful geographical position, this territory has developed very rapidly. The greatness and power of the principality is also evidenced by the fact that the Mongol-Tatars did not dare to storm its capital in 1293.

In the Tver principality, architecture, icon painting and jewelry art actively developed. It even minted its own coin. External relations of the principality were strengthened thanks to the numerous trips of Afanasy Nikitin. The era of the Tver principality ended in 1488, when it was annexed by Tsar Ivan III to Moscow.

In 1612 Tver was destroyed and devastated by the Polish-Lithuanian army. After this event the city was restored very slowly. Another misfortune befell Tver in 1763, when its entire center was almost destroyed by a violent fire. After that, the city was restored by a special team of architects on the orders of Catherine II herself. It was then that the Travel Palace was built - a landmark architectural landmark of Tver.

In the 1930s, the city unexpectedly became Kalinin (in honor of the Soviet party leader). The same fate befell the region. The old name (like the historical coat of arms of Tver) was returned to the city only in 1990.

Today Tver is an important transport hub, a major scientific and cultural center of the country, in which 414 thousand people live.

History of the Tver coat of arms and its description

The former glory and rich history of the city are reflected in its symbols. The first coat of arms of Tver was adopted in 1780. On it was depicted a throne of gold, on the pillow of which lay a golden crown. Although the same image was used as a symbol of the Tver land before. The crown here was not chosen by any chance, because it was the Tver prince who first began to call himself king.

The arms of the city of Tver in its modern form was officially approved in February 2000. It is based on a classic French shield of red color. In the center of the shield is a chair with a green pillow on which the crown lies - a golden leaf with five teeth.

The Tver coat of arms

What does the Tver coat of arms symbolize?

The main element of the emblem is a golden crown with emerald insets. It is depicted on the city's symbol not by chance, for the prince of the Tver principality called himself the king, equating himself to the kings of the western states. The crown on the coat of arms of Tver is, above all, a symbol of state power.

The chair on the city coat of arms should not be taken literally. After all, in heraldry, it can symbolize any possession or, in this case, the principality. But the green color of the pillow on the chair accentuates attention to the natural resources of this region.

Every color in heraldic science means something. Thus, the red color of the coat of arms always symbolizes strength, courage and courage. It can also be viewed in a religious context, as a symbol of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

The golden color (crown and chair) represents not only greatness and wealth, but also wisdom, nobility and harmony. In ancient times, gold was always associated with the sun and truth. That is why in the Middle Ages the tradition was born to cover the gilded domes of churches, icons and vessels. This indicated the divine root of the church as such.

In the heraldry of the imperial countries, gold elements are found quite often - they symbolize the full power of the monarch (king or king).

Flag of Tver and its description

The flag of Tver is one of the official symbols of the city. It was approved in May 1999. It is based on the coat of arms of the city, approved by Catherine II at the end of the XVIII century. The author of the modern flag of Tver is VI Lavrenov.

The flag of Tver is a rectangular panel of standard size with three horizontal stripes: yellow top, red center (widest) and yellow bottom. In the center of the canvas is a chair with a golden crown on top. The picture is exactly the same as that which can be seen on the city coat of arms.

The colors of the flag stripes also have their meaning. So, the red color symbolizes courage, courage and readiness to defend their native land. Yellow color represents wisdom, wealth of the land and prosperity of the region.


The settlement, whose inhabitants are today called Tveriaks, is one of the oldest settlements in Russia. Interesting and unusually rich is the history of the city called Tver. The emblem and its flag symbolize the greatness and glory of the former capital of the mighty Tver principality.

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