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What is the proverb and what is its meaning

The proverb refers to one of the most interesting genres of folklore. Many scientists studied it very carefully, but they could not completely unravel its mystery. What is the proverb and what is its meaning?

The meaning of proverbs and sayings

Proverbs consider the sayings of people, in which their opinion can be traced, the assessment of current events and the people's mind. It reflects the most diverse aspects of life. If people do not accept such statements, they are simply sifted out. The proverb always teaches something, and from it it is necessary to take something useful for itself. With the passage of time, new statements emerge, and old ones remain in the past, but the most valuable ones have come down to us from ancient times. Often the direct meaning of proverbs was lost and a portable one was acquired. However, some of them immediately appeared in the figurative. About that, what a proverb was said by V.I. Dahl: "This is a vault of folk wisdom and sudomury, it's sighs and moans, sobbing and crying, fun and joy, consolation in faces and grief, this is the color of the mind of the people, their distinctive article, this is the people's everyday truth, a kind of judiciary that no one judges ".

Form and composition of folk sayings

The proverb has a rhythmic organization and a peculiar sound design. It is very short, without superfluous words, has capacious and precise content. Such a statement firmly enters the speech revolution and has an instructive meaning. Appeared such sayings even in the primitive communal system, even before the first literary monuments and works appeared. It was passed from mouth to mouth, so the content should be concise. To convey the necessary information, the authors carefully selected the words for proverbs. Usually they consisted of two parts. The first clearly described the phenomenon or object, and the second gave them an assessment. Having found out what a proverb is, it becomes clear to us that it can have not only a direct but also a figurative meaning. They often have a mystery to solve.

A bit of history

Such folk sayings are born out of ordinary everyday life. Quite a few of them also appeared from literary works. For example, Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" has about 60 expressions that are firmly established in folk folklore. At first they were just phrases, and then gradually turned into proverbs. And there are a lot of such works. Such popular statements began to be recorded back in ancient times. Aristotle made up one of the earliest collections many years ago. In our country, as early as the 17th century, the first records appeared and immediately began to be published. "Proverbs of the Russian people" is one of the most widely known collections of such wisest folk expressions. There were more than 25,000 texts in it. They were compiled and carefully collected by VI Dal. They belong to the genre of folklore.

In conclusion, I would like to once again dwell on what a proverb is. This is a figurative, grammatically worded and logically complete statement, which has an instructive meaning. It has a rhythmically organized form. An example of such a statement is the following: "What you sow, you'll reap."

The proverb differs from the proverb in its brevity. In it, practically never reveals any instructive meaning. She is considered an ordinary persistent expression.

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