Self improvementPsychology

Thinking abstract is ... Psychology: thinking, types of thinking

Abstract thinking is a type of thinking, in which it is possible, abstracting from small details, to look at the situation as a whole. This property allows you to transcend to some extent the boundaries of rules and norms and make new discoveries. In childhood, the development of this ability should be given enough time, because such an approach in the future will help to find faster non-standard solutions and the most optimal solutions from the current situation. Very often, when hiring, employers check potential employees for abstract thinking. The test helps to assess a person's ability to cope with problems, find solutions and process unknown information.


The features of abstract thinking are its various forms: concept, judgment, inference. For the correct perception of the term in question, it is very important to understand the specifics of each of these definitions.

The concept of

This is a form of thinking in which one or more objects are perceived as one or more features, each of which must be significant. The concept can be defined as one word or phrase, for example "chair", "grass", "mathematics teacher", "tall man".


It is a form in which the negation or affirmation of a phrase describing objects, the surrounding world, patterns and relationships occurs. Judgment, in turn, is of two types: simple and complex. A simple proposition, for example, can sound like this: "The boy draws a house". A complex judgment is expressed in a different form, for example "the train has moved, the apron has become empty."


This is a form of thinking in which one conclusion (or several) draws a conclusion, which is a new proposition. Sources that help to form the final version are prerequisites, and the result is a conclusion. For example: "All birds can fly. The tit flies. Titmouse is a bird. "

An abstract thinking is a process in which a person is able to freely operate with a concept, a judgment, an inference, that is, categories whose meaning can only be understood in relation to everyday life.

Development of abstract thinking

Naturally, this ability is developed in many ways. Some people draw beautifully, others write poems, some still can think abstractly. However, it is quite possible to form it, for this purpose, even in early childhood, the brain should be given reasons for reflection.

Today there are a huge number of different specialized printed publications that train the mind: puzzles, collections of logic tasks and so on. For the development of abstract thinking, it is necessary for your child or for yourself to give such exercises only 30-50 minutes twice a week. The effect of such exercises will not take long. It is proved that at an early age the brain is much easier to cope with such problems. The more training there is, the faster the result will be.

In the total absence of skills to think in general, it is difficult for a person not only to realize himself in creative activities. Also, there may be problems with the study of disciplines, in which there are a lot of abstract key concepts. Correctly developed abstract thinking is an opportunity to discover the unsolved mysteries of nature, to know what was previously unknown to anyone, to distinguish lies from the truth. In addition, the distinctive feature of this method of cognition is that it does not require direct contact with the object under study, and important conclusions and conclusions can be made remotely.

Psychology: thinking, types of thinking

In the process of thinking, the relationship of a word, image, action can be different. Depending on this, some species are distinguished.

  • Particularly effective, or practical, is aimed at solving specific tasks in the conditions of organizational, constructive, industrial or other human activities. In this case it is, first of all, constructive, technical thinking. His characteristic features are attention to detail, expressed observance and ability to correctly use these skills in a specific situation, the ability to quickly switch from thinking activity to action and back.

  • Artistic, or specifically-figurative, is characterized by the ability of a person to generalize and the ability to embody abstract thoughts in concrete images.

  • Verbal-logical, or abstract thinking, is the ability of the individual to find common patterns in society and nature. The concepts, broad categories come to the forefront, and representations and images play a secondary role.

Thinking in the process of historical development

Initially, the formation of human intelligence was directly influenced by practical activity. So, by experience, people have learned to measure land. On this basis, the formation of a special theoretical science - geometry - took place.

The earliest kind of thinking activity, from the genetic point of view, is practically-effective thinking, the primary role in it is played by actions with objects (in animals this ability is observed in embryonic form). It becomes clear that it is this type of cognition of oneself and the surrounding world that is the basis of the visual-figurative process. Its characteristic feature is the operation in the mind with visual images.

The highest step is abstract thinking. However, even here the activity of the brain is inseparable from practice.

Depending on the content of mental activity is practical, artistic and scientific. Action is a structural unit of a practically effective method of cognition, an image of an artistic way, a concept of a scientific way.

All three species are closely related. Many people have equally developed abilities for action, imaginative thinking and abstract perception. However, depending on the nature of the problems being solved, one kind of species appears on the foreground, then it is replaced by another one, after - the third. For example, to solve domestic issues, practical thinking is required, for the scientific report - an abstract one.

Types of knowledge by the nature of tasks

The tasks set before the person can be standard and non-standard, depending on this, and also on the operational procedures, the following types of thinking are distinguished.

  • Algorithmic. Based on pre-established rules, the generally accepted sequence of actions that are required to solve typical problems.

  • Heuristic. Productive, aimed at solving non-standard problems.

  • Discursive. It is based on a set of interconnected conclusions.

  • Creative. It helps a person to make discoveries, to achieve fundamentally new results.

  • Productive. It leads to new cognitive results.

  • Reproductive. With the help of this kind of person reproduces the results obtained earlier. In this case, thinking and memory are inseparable.

Abstract thinking is the most important tool in human hands, which makes it possible to comprehend the deepest layers of truth, to know the unknown, to make a great discovery, to create a work of art.

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