Self improvementPsychology

Gestures of man and their meanings. How to understand a person by gestures

According to research, only a tenth of the information a person conveys in words. The rest is on gestures, facial expressions and intonation. For the first intuitive "scan" a person needs about 10 seconds. People do not always say what they think, but the body does not know how to lie. Hidden feelings find an outlet through gestures. The psychology of non-verbal communication is very broad and multifaceted. Having learned to understand the gestures of a person and their meanings, it will be much easier to find out the truth.

Classification of gestures

When the emotional background of a person rises, he ceases to watch his body. But when trying to unravel the thoughts of others it is necessary to take into account situational factors so that the judgment is correct. For example, if a person crosses his arms in the chest in severe frosts, this can only mean that he is cold, and not secretive and withdrawn.

Human gestures are divided into the following types:

- Common;

- emotional;

- Ritual;

- Individual.

Movement with hands

Studying the gestures of a person and their meanings, special attention should be paid to the hands. It is their movements that make up most of the communication. Many of them became so familiar and ordinary that they were no longer noticed. But even simple gestures in more detailed consideration can be entertaining.


When one person greets another, the manner of giving a hand can say a lot. Powerful people give it down with a palm. When there is respect, the hand is fed edge down. If a person is notable for compliance and knows how to find compromises, he extends it with his palm upward. Morally weak people shake their hand uncertainly and very weakly, and aggressive, on the contrary, is very strong, at this time their hand is completely straightened and tense.

Open and closed gestures

Thinking about how to understand a person by gestures, you need to know that they are open and closed. Under the first understand those movements, when a person spreads his hands to the side or shows his hands. They show that he is ready for contact and open to communication.

Closed gestures include those that help a person build a psychological barrier. The body can be closed not only by hands, but also by foreign objects. Such manipulations indicate that a person does not trust the interlocutor and is not ready to open up to him. It can be locked in the lock or fingers crossed.

Studying the gestures of a person and their meanings, experts came to the conclusion that people who put their palms in the palm of their hands or clasped their hands behind their back feel superiority over others and are highly conceited. On the aggression can testify to the hands, put in the pocket, when the thumb left outside.

Touching the face

If during conversation the interlocutor constantly touches the face, ears or a neck - this should alert. Most likely, he is lying. The movements of the hands near the mouth may indicate that the person lacks support and approval. But it is necessary to take into account and external factors: perhaps, the interlocutor scratches his eyes and touches his nose because of a cold or allergy.

People who are passionate about something often prop up their cheeks. If a person scratches his chin, then he is in the process of making some important decision.


To find mutual understanding, it is important to know what the facial expressions and gestures of a person show. The psychology of non-verbal communication is the key to success. Many movements are carried out at a subconscious level, therefore it is practically impossible to control them.

When a person feels sympathy for the interlocutor and is ready to go with him to contact, he usually leans toward him. If he sits, the body can be propelled forward, but the legs remain in place. Leaning on one side, he demonstrates a friendly attitude. When the interlocutor leans back, perhaps he is bored with the conversation, and he lost interest in him.

Personal boundaries

Why do I need to know how to read a person's gestures? People have certain rules concerning their personal territory and space. A person who likes to violate them and invade other people's borders, loves to show strength and flaunt in public. Confident people often occupy a little more space: they stretch their legs, conveniently have their hands. The stiff man tries to adopt the embryo pose.

Not everyone is ready to let the interlocutor into their personal space. If a person internally strains, crosses his arms and moves back, then he is not ready for close contact.

If a person is far away ...

A person who is away from the interlocutor seems arrogant. But in fact, he's just afraid to get close to others. He can be annoyed by the appearance or topic of conversation, and he wants to stop communication sooner. Often, people who are used to distancing themselves, feel fear in their souls.

Copying movements

Wanting to understand how to understand a person by gestures, it is worth paying attention to whether he is copying other people's movements. When the interlocutor imitates, this indicates that he is sympathetic and positive.


Such gestures, as well as the corresponding gestures and facial expressions of the person, speak of inner anxiety or impatience. In moments of excitement, adults can swing from their heels to their toes to calm down a bit. But this behavior is unlikely to please the interlocutor: it distracts and confuses the speaker, preventing him from concentrating.


When people begin to get nervous, their body can give out a lot of different information. The rattling speaks of the inner state no less than facial expressions and gestures. When a person feels insecure, he commits various movements, for example, wringing his hands or fidgeting in a chair. This helps him to get distracted from an unpleasant situation.

If the interlocutor constantly pulls the tie, he may have lied or just wants to leave the society in which he is.

Head inclinations

Sloping head - a sign that the interlocutor is interested in the conversation, he is ready to listen and is interested in its continuation. Man's gestures and their meanings are unambiguous and suggest that he is completely focused on the perception of information.

Nodding and sharp movements

Psychologists have long noticed that if a person does not like what he hears, he unconsciously makes a sharp head movement in the opposite direction from the speaker. Thus, it creates an obstacle between itself and a source of discomfort.

People who constantly nod in response to the interlocutor's speech, are accustomed to please everyone. They really want everyone to like and receive the approval of others. As a rule, these people are not sure of themselves and are afraid to be rejected.

If a person shakes his head from side to side, then he expresses an internal disagreement with the interlocutor.

Dropped and thrown head

A person who talks with his head lowered - modest and insecure, he suffers from low self-esteem. Perhaps at the moment he is depressed or deeply unhappy.

The upturned head and chin-chin are a sign of aggression and hostility. Perhaps a person feels threatened and ready to go to any extremes to protect themselves.

If the interlocutor constantly throws back his head, this may indicate contempt or arrogance.


This movement does not matter only when a person is sick. In other situations, it is an indicator that the interlocutor is uncomfortable or insecure. It is much easier to find contact with others if you know what the facial expressions and gestures of a person mean. The psychology of non-verbal communication will help to resolve the situation without bringing it to the conflict. Sometimes people can scratch their nape if they do not like something. In time, offering the interlocutor an alternative option, you can avoid disputes and criticism.

Often a man scratches, if he does not understand the question. Changing the wording and explaining in more detail what is required of him, you can give him time to prepare a response.

Shoulder movements

Such gestures may indicate that the person does not care what is happening, or he is lying. Also this can be regarded as uncertainty in the words spoken. During an untruthful story, people shrug their shoulders very quickly. Such twitching helps them to gather and look collected and calm. Raised shoulders are a sign of insecurity.

Flirting Gestures

When a person wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex, he touches the hair or straightens the clothes. Sometimes there is increased gesticulation and anxiety. Women can wind a curl of hair on a finger or correct make-up. Men in communication with a lady who causes them sympathy, want to seem strong and self-confident. They put their hands on their waists or put them in their pockets, play with a belt, drawing attention.

Disguised gestures

They help a person to achieve the desired level of peace and security. Instead of direct crossing of hands, various objects are used: cuff links, watch strap or bracelets. But the result of these manipulations is always the same: one hand is across the body, thus creating protection. This indicates nervousness.

Hammering with your hands

For full communication it is very important to understand what gestures of a person mean. If during a conversation one hand is chaotically dangling, drawing some lines or describing circles, this may indicate that the person is deceiving.

If a person wants to express criticism or is dissatisfied with what is happening, often he takes such a pose: one hand propps his chin, and the index finger is straightened. The other hand can support the elbow. If in conjunction with this one or two eyebrows are omitted, then the person clearly does not approve of the interlocutor.

Rubbing the neck

When a person rubs his ear or neck during a conversation, he most likely does not fully understand what is required of him. His assurances that everything is clear to him is a lie. Of course, if such actions are not caused by yesterday's draft and painful sensations.

Mouth covered with hand

The language of a person's gestures reveals what is happening inside at the moment, and reveals all emotions. The interlocutor may remain silent, but if he disagrees with something, he will involuntarily cover his mouth with his hand. In order to correct the situation in time, it is necessary to analyze which words caused such a reaction. Then mistrust will not go to the next stage and will not be transformed into dislike.

Gestures of lies

Most often, a person, lying, tries to cover his mouth with his hand. This gesture comes from childhood. So do children who accidentally betrayed someone else's secret or told a lie.

During lying, a person feels uncomfortable and afraid of exposure, so he is nervous. When people try to pull themselves together, they scratch the tip of the nose. It can be a fleeting involuntary movement.

The friction of the century may also indicate that the interlocutor is not telling the truth. If the deception is serious enough , a person can look away or down, stroke the neck or ears. But all these signs should be considered in the complex.

Useful recommendations

  • People who want to emphasize their unshakable positions can make solid gestures with their hands to focus on the transition from one topic to another. Such gestures of people photos clearly demonstrate this.

  • If the situation is very tense, it is worthwhile to use the movements with your hands to slightly defuse it. Serious phrases can be illustrated with cheerful gestures. This will a little encourage the audience and will charge the atmosphere with a positive.
  • Do not become a clown and make ridiculous moves. Gestures and facial expressions of a person should attract attention to the main conversation, and not distract from it. In addition, they must be understood by all present.

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