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Theory and definition of informatics

Informatics is a relatively young science. It arose in the middle of the last century. What were the prerequisites for occurrence? Most likely, this is a dramatically increased amount of information that has hit humanity. Next, we will consider what is informatics, the definition of this science, its goals.

Appearance and development

So, give the definition of informatics. It's hard to do this at once. This science appeared with the advent of a computer that acts as a technical means capable of enhancing human capabilities and processing huge amounts of information. Since this is still a very young science, scientists are still arguing about the definition, directions of development, and also its role in society. All this speaks only of the fact that this science is developing very rapidly.

Our generation saw the emergence of modern scientific technology, which is based on information. What is information? In computer science, the definition of this word has more than one meaning. It is a new resource of humanity, joining other known resources: energy, natural, human. Interesting is the fact that every day it only increases.


What is information? In computer science, the definition of this term can be described as follows: it is a set of signals that are perceived by the brain of a person or nervous system of animals using sensors and software systems that reflect some properties of objects, as well as phenomena related to physical activity. The nature of such signals should imply the ability to store, transmit, and transform or process them. The science that studies all these processes is what informatics is. The definition of this science consists of such concepts as "information" and "automation".

The word entered into circulation in the second half of the last century in France, in order to denote the processing of information by automatic methods. The definition of informatics in Russia at first meant documentary, storage of research, library work. And now this science already means a completely different sphere and has penetrated into all sectors of human life. It covers the areas that are associated with the maintenance of information systems, which includes equipment, software.

Concepts of Informatics

It is noteworthy that the definition of informatics is of an explanatory nature and does not pretend to be any kind of limitation. After all, it is based on such general categories as "data", "objects", "signals", etc. But these concepts and definitions of informatics are easily explained.

Signals are a dynamic form of information that is transmitted (transported) at a distance with the help of material carriers, called communication channels. The science of communication is what informatics is.

In computer science, the definition of data is this: they are a static form of information that is transmitted in time with the help of material carriers. They are called storage devices.

If you represent the process of transferring information abstractly, it can be divided into three main elements:

  1. The source of information.
  2. Information transfer channel.
  3. Information receiver.

The interaction of these three components generates information, that is, some kind of message. In a single row with information, one can put the concepts of "knowledge" and "data".

Knowledge is the definition of science of computer science. They are high-level information, called semantic. On its basis, with the help of logical reasoning, certain semantic conclusions are obtained, also called semantic.


The basic definitions of computer science are the "program", the "model" and the "algorithm". A model is a conditional analogue of an object that has certain properties. The purpose of the model is to study this object. The algorithm is a way of finding an exit from any problem situation. It clearly defines the sequence of all necessary actions. The program is just the algorithm itself, which is presented in one of the programming languages. The main goal of informatics as a science is the search for knowledge in all spheres of human activity with the help of computers.

Before this science are set a variety of tasks. The most important are the following:

  • Development of technology that processes information.
  • Research of various information processes.
  • Introduction of computers in all areas of human life.
  • Creation of new, improved technologies that process large streams of information.

Informatics is a science that can not exist separately from others, since its purpose is the creation of new information technologies that will be used to solve problems in various fields.


The main directions of development are applied, theoretical and technical informatics.

Applied Informatics is engaged in creating a knowledge base, developing methods for automating production. At the present time, this is the main catalyst for scientific and technological progress. Applied informatics saturates all spheres of activity with information.

The call for theoretical informatics is the development of general theories of search, processing, and storage of information, the identification of dependencies in the creation and transformation of information, the study of human communication with computers, the development of technology.

Technical Informatics is a branch that includes automated systems for processing information, creating new models of computer technology, artificial intelligence, robots, and so on.

Structure, form and measurement of information

The most important characteristics that information possesses are structure and form. The structure of information is what defines the links between the elements that make up its composition. The main property of information is systematic.

A system is a collection that has properties that are not inherent in any of the elements that are included in it separately.

Forms of information representation are different:

  • Binary (information that is represented by machine code).
  • Sound.
  • Graphic (photographs, drawings, drawings).
  • Text and symbol (letters, numbers, signs).
  • Video.

In the event that information is simultaneously represented by several forms, this is called a multimedia presentation.

The standard of measure for information is an abstract object, which can be in two different states. Such an object is called binary or binary. It contains 1-bit information. It is from this unit of measurement of information that there are larger bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and so on. They operate computer science. Determining the amount of information today is one of the main tasks.

Informatics and Technology

Reasoning about changing the role that information began to play in people's lives can be found in scientific and fiction. How are these changes expressed?

  • Over the last several decades, one can observe a constant acceleration in the rate of increase in information. Information was even called the only resource of a society that never departs. As a result, a certain barrier appeared in the processes of its processing. Sometimes there is simply no sense in collecting and storing information, as there is no possibility to process it and use it rationally.
  • The proportion of problems in communications has increased. This means that information in the transmission process is distorted or lost.
  • There are great difficulties due to geographical, linguistic, terminological, administrative and other barriers.
  • Often it becomes impossible to use information in practice because it is randomly dispersed in different sources.

Other definitions of science

The work carried out to solve all these problems led to the emergence of an independent scientific discipline - computer science. Its subject was information properties, information behavior in various systems, methods for its collection, processing, storage and transmission. Very versatile science - that's what informatics is. In computer science, the definition of all of the above is called information technology. This formulation is not the only one. There is also the following definition of informatics: it is a science that studies the description, representation, formalization and application of the knowledge that is accumulated by computer technology. Its goal is to gain new knowledge.

The use of the term "informatics", which denotes the field of scientific knowledge, is not universally recognized. In the United States, for example, this field is often called computer science.

Informatics and Society

The peculiarity of information technology is a different sphere of their application. This is due primarily to the universality of their nature. The reverse side of this universality is the difficulties that arise when the descriptions are formalized.

The result of the development of information technologies is the processes leading to the global informatization of society. This means that more and more people are involved in activities related to the information industry. Over the past couple of decades, there have been very powerful shifts in the structure of the hardware and software market for computer equipment. It turns from a market of services and products into a technology market.

All of the above suggests that the definition of informatics is very multifaceted. This is a science that will eventually become something more.

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