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An anal hole is scratched: symptoms, causes and treatment

All of us to a greater or lesser extent communicate with the people around us: colleagues, family, friends. But there are such topics that are not accepted to discuss even with the closest ones. One of these delicate issues is the itch in the anus.

What if the anal opening and the area around it are itchy? What does this indicate and should special measures be taken? In the article you will find the answer to these and other questions.

Causes of itching in the anus

Why is the anal opening scratched ? It is this question that interests a person who has such unpleasant sensations.

The baby itches the anal opening in most cases because of the appearance of worms. In adults, however, there may be much more reasons, so consider the most common:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • Anal fissures;
  • Dysbiosis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • The appearance of polyps in the rectum and anus;
  • Female bacterial gynecological diseases.

Let us dwell a little more on each of the problems.


During this disease, in addition to the fact that the anal hole is scratched, the patient may be troubled by other unpleasant symptoms. These include the sensation of an alien object and a burning sensation in the anus.

Hemorrhoids are of two types: internal and external. During the first for a few days, the anal opening is scratched, there are no other special symptoms. But in the absence of proper treatment, internal hemorrhoids turn into the external hemorrhoids . It is characterized by the appearance of hemorrhoids, which are soon filled with blood and burst. Such formations can interfere with the normal process of defecation, which leads to the appearance of constipation.

Anal fissures

In the presence of cracks during the emptying of the intestine, there is not only an itch, but also painful sensations. In the case of inflammation of the mucous membranes, the situation may become even worse, so do not delay with the solution of the problem.


Despite the fact that Western medicine has long denied the presence of this disease, our doctors continue to diagnose "dysbiosis" or "dysbiosis." It appears as a result of imbalances in the gastrointestinal tract of pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms. The disease can be accompanied not only by itching in the anus, but also by other unpleasant symptoms: nausea, vomiting, flatulence and stool disruption.

Prostatitis, urethritis and gynecological diseases

These three types of diseases were combined into one group, since they all belong to the intimate area. Infections that are in the genitourinary tract can easily get into the area of the anus. In this case, patients begin to complain that they are itching around the anus or inside it. As a rule, other symptoms are not observed in such situations.


Polyps are the growths from soft tissues on the mucous membranes. During their appearance the anal hole is scratched or a feeling of discomfort is observed. Due to the fact that the polyps can expand, the patient may begin to worry about constipation. The problem is solved exclusively surgically.

Indirect causes of itching

The sensation, when it itches around the anus or directly in the very anus, does not always indicate the onset of the disease.

The most common are the following indirect causes of itching in the anus:

  1. Obesity. Everyone knows that people with excessive body weight differ in excessive sweating. As a result, rubs and intertrigo may appear in the anal area, which causes severe itching and discomfort.
  2. Diabetes. Those suffering from this disease can complain that they are itching around the anus, inside it and even in the pubic area. These symptoms are secondary to diabetes mellitus and are not found very often.
  3. Gastrointestinal problems. In the presence of certain diseases, for example, dyskinesia biliary tract, as a side effect can occur the appearance of itching in the anus.
  4. Allergy. Its traditional symptom is a rash on different parts of the body, which in most cases causes itching. In this case, the allergy itself can be on any food, chemicals.
  5. The presence of mental disorders. Psychosis is usually accompanied by tingling on the skin and itching of the entire body, including in the anal area.

Revealing the cause of the itching

To take all measures to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. What kind of a doctor should I consult if the anal hole is scratched? For a start - to the proctologist. It is he who will inspect the area of the anus and perineum, as well as conduct a small survey.

It will be important for the doctor to know the answers to these and some other questions:

  • Where itching is felt: in the anus, around it or in the entire perineum;
  • Itching is felt only in intimate areas or spreads throughout the body;
  • Whether the occurrence of itching is associated with the use of certain foods in food, or with a change in personal hygiene (soap, gel, etc.);
  • How often it begins to itch in the anus (permanently or briefly) and how severe itching is;
  • Whether there is a discomfort with other symptoms.

It is possible to carry out not only an external examination, but also a proctological examination that will help to detect the appearance of possible neoplasms, polyps, papillomas, hemorrhoids, cracks or inflammatory diseases.

Additionally, the delivery of fecal and blood tests can be scheduled. Their results can tell about the presence in the body of worms, as well as allergies, diabetes, infections and so on.

Getting rid of the problem

To begin with, I would like to say that in this situation you should not engage in self-medication, as the cause of itching in most cases can only be determined by a doctor. And this happens after a professional examination and obtaining the results of the necessary tests.

To successfully get rid of the problem in the first place, you need to take care of proper hygiene. It is necessary to dab every day, and after using the toilet use moist antibacterial napkins.

If the itching occurs after eating certain foods, then you should stop using them. It would also be nice to limit the number of spices, alcohol, too salty and spicy foods in your daily diet, as they have a noticeable effect on the digestive system.

Another important point is choosing the right underwear. It is necessary to abandon the synthetic materials that create the greenhouse effect. It is better to give preference to cotton and other natural fabrics.

To remove irritation and itching, local pharmacological preparations in the form of creams and ointments help. In addition, you can make lotions or baths with herbal decoctions.

If the presence of itching in the anus is associated with the appearance of worms, it is recommended that anthelminthic drugs be taken. The most popular of them are Vormil, Albendazol, Mebendazol, Nemozol, Vermox, Pirantel, and Decaris. It is important to remember that if a worm is found in one of the family members, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment for everyone else. If the house has animals, then they also need to give antihelminthic drugs.

Another diagnosis, which you can identify yourself - hemorrhoids. To eliminate it, doctors usually prescribe funds in the form of ointments or suppositories. The most famous and effective drugs are: Relief, Bezornil, Detralex, Ultraprotect, Aurobin, Gepatrombin, Proctosan.

In all cases, the use of medications is possible only after a visit to the doctor and an accurate diagnosis.

Finally I would like to say: do not hesitate to contact a doctor in case of such a delicate problem as an itch in the anus. It can not disappear on its own. Only an experienced specialist will be able to identify the cause of its appearance and choose effective methods of treatment.

Be healthy!

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