Sports and FitnessAthletics

The program of training on the bar for beginners and athletes with experience

If you want to get rid of fat deposits, make your figure embossed, build muscle mass, become hardy, then you will be helped by a special training program on the bar. This projectile, in conjunction with other exercises, including on the uneven bars, will help achieve the desired results.

Turn and beams: training program. The first day

This exercise plan is designed for 3 training days, which are then repeated again. Do it better outdoors, on specially equipped sports grounds. For best results, you need to dedicate this 3-4 days a week.

The program of training on the bar and bars in the first lesson is aimed at pumping the triceps and muscles of the chest. After a little warm-up, go to the uneven bars and take the starting position. To do this, grab them with your hands, hang, tear your legs off the ground, bend your elbows slightly. Inhale straighten your arms to lift the body even higher above the ground. Then bend the elbows again, lowering the body down. In this case, the feet should not touch the ground.

Do this exercise as many times as your physical preparation allows . In total, there are 4 approaches. The first two approaches do not give as much as possible; If you are able to do 10 of these exercises, do 7-8. The last two approaches are basic. In them, try to do 12 repetitions.

Rest no more than two minutes and go to the bar. Hanging on it, in max, raise the jointed legs together, slightly bending your knees. In this case, you will use triceps and abdominal muscles. Do the exercise in the same way: the first two approaches - 70-80% of the maximum possible, the last two approaches - 120%.

In order for the effectiveness of training to be greater, in conclusion, do push-ups from the bench in the same way in 4 approaches.

Second day

The training program on the bar on the next lesson is changing. In a day, go to this projectile, hang on the crossbar with your hands, making a wide grip. Do pull-ups in the first two approaches, not spreading as much as possible, in the other two - giving out 120%.

After 1-2 minutes of rest, continue classes. Now you need to fix the hands on the crossbar with a back grip, that is, the fingers are directed to themselves. Do pull-ups. Do 3-4 approaches with the same number of repetitions as in the previous exercise.

After a short respite, go to the uneven bars. Take the starting position. Leaning your hands on the crossbar, lift your body. Holding it in this position, swing your legs forward, lifting them so that they become parallel to the ground. Do this as you exhale, lower your legs - inhale.

The third day

The training program on the bar will help to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles. This is the third lesson. Hanging in your arms on the crossbar, lift the legs bent at the knees alternately - then to the left, then to the right side. When you bend your knees to the right, the feet go in the opposite direction.

To this day give the abdominal muscles a good load, perform the exercise on the bench, pumping the press. The technology is the same: 4 approaches, the first two with fewer repetitions, the last two with the largest.

General recommendations

After a day of rest, again do the first complex exercises, after another 1-2 days - the second. After taking a break for another day, reproduce the program of the third training day.

This is the pattern of training on the bar and bars to work out the muscles of the hands, chest, back and press.

If you find it difficult to do exercises on this technology, you can start with simpler ones, and then use the training program presented above.

Basics for beginners

Training on the bar for beginners in the first minutes of classes provide for a small workout, after which they begin the main exercises. After doing several breathing exercises, warm up the body, preparing it for a more serious load.

Approach the bar, try to pull at least 1 time. Rest for a few seconds and repeat your record. So do this for 15-20 minutes. Even if you are able to do just one pull-up for one approach, you will be able to make a total of 20. In the morning, you will have muscle aches, it's good. So, you did everything right, and the muscles got enough load.

When the pain has passed, after about 2-3 days, continue to perform the exercises on the bar.

In the same way, do pull-ups. Perhaps, for one approach, you will already be able to do more than one, and two or three. If it does not work out, do not despair. Having rested 1-2 days after the second training, on the third try to perform a little more repetition in one approach.

Variety in pull-up for beginners

Do exercises on the bar with a good range of motion, without jerking. On this popular simulator, you can carry out pull-ups of various kinds. The following are suitable for experienced athletes.

1. Fix your body so that the body and upper thighs are above the crossbar. The hands are straight, the horizontal part of the horizontal bar is firmly clamped by the palms. Bending your arms in the elbows, lower the body slightly, pulling the chest to the crossbar, then return to the starting position.

2. Grasping the crossbar with your hands, lift both legs simultaneously so that you touch the toes of the horizontal part of the horizontal bar.

You can perform other types of pull-ups. The main thing is to deal with the mood, to monitor your well-being. It is better to conduct training daily or every other day, rest between approaches - no more than 20-30 seconds. Then in 1-2 months you will see the first results, and in a year you will not recognize your body, on which beautiful relief muscles will be clearly seen.

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