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The population of South Africa. Ethnic composition and indigenous population of South Africa

South Africa is the most southern and most developed country in the African continent. The population of South Africa is represented by the largest number of whites and Asians on the mainland. Many nationalities live on its territory, representatives of some of them are constantly fighting for the right to be called indigenous residents.

The population of the Republic of South Africa: structure and size

The population of South Africa is 52 million. On the diversity of ethnic and racial composition, the country is one of the first on the continent. According to the ethno-racial feature of the inhabitants can be divided into black, white, color and Asians. The number of whites decreases every year. The reason for this is emigration to other countries, as well as a significant increase in black.

The black population of South Africa is almost 80%. In the majority it is the people of Bantu. These include the Zulus, Soto, Tsonga, Kosa, Tswana, Shangaan, Swazi, etc. The population of the country is also inhabited by the colored population. Mostly these are mulattos - descendants of mixed European and African marriages. In the southeast, the Asians, the vast majority of whom are Indians, are located. The colored population includes Cape Malayans and Bushmen with Hottentots.

In connection with the huge national diversity, 11 official languages have been adopted in the republic. Ethnic Europeans speak Afrikaans. For some Europeans in the country, English is native, at the same time it fulfills the function of interethnic language. The remaining state languages belong to the Bantu group.

Indigenous people in South Africa

The question of who is rightfully the territory of the Republic of South Africa has always been acute. The black and white population has long fought for the title of indigenous. In fact, the Europeans who arrived in the XVII century, and the Bantu tribes are colonizers for these lands. The true population of South Africa is Bushmen and Hottentots.

Tribes of these peoples settled throughout South Africa, including South Africa. They belong to the Kapoid race - a subclass of a large Negroid race. Both people are similar in appearance, for example, lighter than Negroes, skin with a reddish tint, thin lips, small growth, Mongoloid features. Their language refers to the Khoisan group, differs from all world languages by clicking consonants.

Despite the external similarity, the tribes that make up the indigenous population of South Africa differ. Hottentots are cattle breeders, they have a more developed material culture. This is a militant people. Often they had to fight for the colonists to fight for the right to exist. Bushmen, on the contrary, are peaceful and calm. The colonialists massively exterminated this people, pushing it closer to the Kalahari desert. As a result, the Bushmen developed excellent hunting skills.

Hottentots and Bushmen are few. The first live in reservations, some live and work in cities and villages. Their number in South Africa is almost 2 thousand people. Bushmen on the territory of the country about 1 thousand. They live in small groups in a desert area and are threatened with extinction.

White population

Currently, the number of whites in the country is about 5 million. Only 1% of them are immigrants. The rest of the white population of South Africa is represented by the descendants of the colonialists. A significant group (60%) are Afrikaners, about 39% are Anglo-Africans.

The first Europeans who arrived in 1652 in the Republic of South Africa were the Dutch. They were followed by the Germans, the French, Flemish, Irish and other peoples. Their descendants are united in a nation called Afrikaners. The native language for them is Afrikaans, formed on the basis of the Dutch dialects. Separately among Afrikaners, the subculture of Boers is distinguished.

The population of South Africa is also composed of Anglo-Africans, they use English as their native language. Their ancestors arrived on the territory of the state in the XIX century, directed by the British government. Mostly it was the English, the Scots and the Irish.


The population of South Africa was constantly in a state of confrontation. Enmity occurred not only between the Bantu and white peoples, but also between groups of European settlers. At the beginning of the 20th century, the white population took the dominant position. Over time, the main goal was to distinguish the white inhabitants of the country from the blacks.

In 1948, the Afrikaners ideologically unite with the Anglo-Africans, embarking on a policy of racial segregation, or apartheid. The black population was completely deprived of civil rights. He was denied quality education, medical care and normal work. Under the ban was to appear in the white neighborhoods, go in the transport and even stand next to the white people.

The world community and individual groups of people and organizations have been trying to stop apartheid for more than 20 years. It was finally possible to achieve this only in 1994.

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