Self improvementMotivation

The internal stimulus is the supertask of education

What makes us move forward, develop, strive for more? Is it only a dream or a desire to survive? Is there something that motivates us more? In its initial meaning, the stimulus is a sharp object, a stick with a tip, which is driven by a bull. Only later did the word become used in a figurative sense. It began to denote a "strong incentive factor". It is he who is able to make us not only develop and strive for more. Stimulus is the main tool of motivation. In neurophysiology, this word has another meaning. According to the teachings of Pavlov and his followers, the stimulus is an effect on the nerve endings, which induces an indispensable response-reaction. It is worth saying that, as in the physiological meaning, the methods of response differ, depending on the organism, and psychologically. What will be for one stimulus, for another can become a retarding factor.

The idea of motivation is used by everyone who has to do with human resources, cadres, psychology. For the employer, striving to receive the maximum benefit from the employee, the incentive is all that encourages the employee to perform his duties in the best way. In this sense, it can be positive and negative. Positive - the desire for praise or the promised reward. Negative - the desire to avoid blame or punishment. For an employee, the incentive is, above all, a monetary reward. Only second place is self-realization, professional achievements, recognition, praise.

Due to the fact that the stimulus is a simple formula "action-reaction", use it as consciously (in the case when it becomes necessary to manipulate or control another person), and unconsciously. Even in family relationships, you can trace the same fairly simple chain. Stimulus is one of the main elements of the upbringing of children. If positive, reward motivation is used, and not fear of punishment and troubles, the child has a more optimistic, active position in life. Conversely, if there is no incentive, or if it is negative, serious personal problems can arise. Motivation, push to action can be both internal and external. For the harmonious development of the personality, it is necessary to form the ability to find stimuli in oneself or in the spiritual sphere. After all, education is not training, and a person must himself seek his place in life. However, it is very difficult to achieve such inner self-motivation.

How often do we substitute the true goal of development - self-actualization, creativity - with external attributes. To have something (home, car), to have power or position in society seems important. But it is in this case, if something breaks, if the goal eludes, the motivation of the person also collapses. The question arises: "How to live, if there is no incentive?". Everyone is looking for answers for himself because of his development and spirituality. External stimulus is easy to lose. The internal will support and spodvigat to action, motivate to a full life. For some, such a stimulus can be faith, for others - the creative principle, the need for self-expression. Formation of the ability to internal motivation and is the overriding goal of any educator.

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