Self improvementPsychology

How to find an incentive for losing weight - practical advice

Strangely enough, the desire to lose weight, come to the coveted "norm" from time to time flares up in every woman (slender from nature it does not go!). It flares up very sincerely, from the heart, and demands an immediate incarnation. And we begin feverishly to sort out newspaper clippings, carefully collected by our mothers / aunts / older sisters, and even by daughters, we stubbornly roam the Internet sites, looking for suitable recipes and tips, we turn to girlfriends for recommendations. Then solemnly I promise myself that starting tomorrow (as an option, starting on Monday) we start a new life, for some time we very, very, very, very much follow the adopted decision, and then ... And then more than half of the "ladies-kamikaze" lose "enthusiasm" The will to win is coming to naught, and all the kilograms are back to square one.

Psychologists believe that two factors are important for successful struggle against excess weight. The first is to determine the causes of its occurrence, and the second is to find an incentive to bring it to completion.

Why do we get fat

The reasons for the rapid growth of fat rollers in the problem areas of our body can be many, both objective and subjective. Violation of the endocrine system and improper metabolism, diabetes mellitus, sedentary lifestyle and much, much more can provoke the human body to gain weight in unlimited quantities. Often the consequence is obesity. This, so to speak, an objective factor. Help to understand the situation can doctors. Special examinations and tests will help to identify the truth and choose the best treatment. Therefore, in this situation, it is easier to find an incentive to lose weight.

The subjective factor lies in the peculiarities of our psychology. Food, especially delicious and favorite - one of the most accessible and common means to have fun. Often we eat food not because we are hungry, but from disinterested love for "devouring." And "tasty" we seize the setbacks on the personal front, problems at work, conflicts in the family. Or in the society fork-spoon-plates kill excess leisure time. And the refrigerator becomes for us the very "waistcoat", in which you can cry and get consolation. Seeing myself like a kadushka with a dough, doomedly waving his hand: what really there, it's still better than anything in life will not, there is nothing to fluster, though I will rejoice! And here you need to find an incentive not only to deal with pillows and rollers on the sides, stomach and buttocks, but also with your weaknesses and passions.

Incentives for weight loss

In the second situation, each of us is a doctor to ourselves, especially if our wallet does not have the right amount to visit a psychologist and special courses. We need to realize, to be imbued with the thought that without a reset of the troika-five, and so on, kilograms of life can not go on! To penetrate not only at the level of emotions, but specifically on the conscious. Only then the "stimulus-reaction" chain will close and the process will go. And we will have enough willpower not to fly under the pretext and without to the refrigerator, do not push in immensely "yummy", do not sit under the telescope or computer with a mountain of air rice or corn, biscuits and chocolates. And diets do not seem so monstrously harsh and burdensome.

So, how do we practically find an incentive? There are a lot of examples, from a personal photo "to", where you are a slim, airy person, aki elf, and "now", where you too, but only a dozen more. The difference is also evident on the face (the pun is straight!). And to your favorite gorgeous dress, in which you were stunning a year ago, and now again want to experience this delightful feeling. It is quite suitable for the coming vacation and a trip to the south with all the ensuing opportunities, especially if they are not ringed yet. Excellent incentive for losing weight - the possibility of a new novel or the desire to appear before your beloved in all its glory and the temptation of femininity, the prospects for work (the new boss clearly sympathizes with those with a waist like an aspen), do spitefully ill-wishers (let them die with envy, how pretty I am !) And stuff, stuff, stuff. The main thing is to understand that your enemy number 1 is not a sworn girlfriend, not a neighbor on the floor above, without flooding you, but weight, your own excess weight. It lowers your self-esteem. He forces the men to lower their eyes at the sight of you instead of flashing in them the lights of delight and desire. He was the reason for the unexpected "leftists" of the husband and your trips to the doctors. And what do we do with the enemy if he does not give up? Correctly, we destroy!

A few rules

And now some rules that should be learned:

  1. You can not lose weight, leading a sedentary lifestyle. If you do not have enough for a gym or fitness center (or those in your area are absent), then walking on foot, daily, for 5 km., Regardless of the weather - is sacred. Plus, regular charging is desirable, preferably with sports equipment.
  2. System requirements are needed in everything. The principle "I will do it tomorrow" will not pass and will not lead to any result.
  3. Without fanaticism! "Quiet Sap" you will soon achieve the desired, rather than rush to the embrasure. Gradually, methodically, step by step you will lose weight, not harming the body and not torturing yourself. After all, changing the habitual way of life for the body is a stress that he must get used to.
  4. Picking a diet, do not look for exotics, choose familiar products, to which the body is adapted. Sometimes it is enough to stop eating certain foods and foods, change the diet and how to prepare, as the scales begin to show the desired figures.
  5. Set realistic goals and realistic deadlines. And - be beautiful, slender, young!

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