Self improvementPsychology

The cognitive sphere is what? Development of the cognitive sphere

Psychologists define the cognitive sphere as a set of mental processes designed to perform the function of rational cognition. This term was introduced in the 60s of last century. Then, on the wave of large-scale development of cybernetics and ubiquitous enthusiasm for this science, the comparison of a person with a complex biocomputer became popular. With varying success, attempts were made to model human psychological processes.

The cognitive sphere is that which was amenable to modeling. Sphere, with which this method did not work, was called affective.

The concept and essence of the cognitive sphere

Today in psychological practice, under the phrase "cognitive sphere of personality", specialists understand several psychological processes proceeding in accordance with a logical and meaningful sequence, the purpose of which is the processing of information.

That is, this area can be discussed only when data processing is characterized by logic and rationality.

Traditionally, this sphere is associated with memory, attention, perception, understanding, thinking, decision-making, actions and influences (however, only when it concerns cognitive processes, not entertainment or attraction). With a certain simplification, it can be argued that the cognitive sphere is a combination of competence and knowledge, skills and abilities.

In more detail about the rational and emotional mechanisms of perception

The cognitive sphere is a kind of synonym for rational perception, which manifests itself as a critical, analytical assessment.

The direct opposite of the rational type of cognition is intuition, that is, a pure, lively impression. Any term becomes more understandable when the definition is supported by illustrations: in spite of the fact that the ice cream is delicious and you really want to buy it, a person does not eat these sweets in the street in winter, as he can get sick. This conclusion is the consequence of rational reflection.

When a rational understanding mechanism is activated, it uses concepts and logic. While emotional, bodily and emotional ways of understanding involve empathy, empathy and feeling.

Therefore, to render rational influence, use different methods of beliefs and explanations (turn to reason and logic). Irrational methods are used for suggestion, emotional infection, anchoring and other techniques.

Interaction and interdependence of the two spheres

Considering that each person has integrity, its main spheres (emotional, cognitive) fulfill their specific functions, complementing each other.

In everyday life, most people get used to dealing with feelings and habits, they trust automatisms. However, if necessary, rational thinking is activated with its logic and concepts.

Scientists are still studying the development of the cognitive, emotional sphere and the features of their functioning. As for rational methods of cognition, in their classification and description science has advanced quite far.

Affective processes are extremely difficult to model because of their unpredictability. They include emotions associated with a sensual attitude to life, interaction with the world, with oneself and society. True, there are a number of mental processes, the emergence of which is regulated by specific laws. Then they talk about studying the cognitive component of these emotions.

Cognitive sphere of man: structure and meaning

Thanks to the availability and proper functioning of this sphere, people have the opportunity to perceive, process and memorize information. In other words, the cognitive sphere is a mechanism that allows one to learn and apply the acquired knowledge.

It includes the following components:

  • Memory.
  • Imagination.
  • Attention.

Next, a detailed description of the indicated abilities, their types and functions will be given.

Memory Characterization and Definition

Memory refers to a person's ability to preserve and accumulate information about the world around him. If this mechanism did not exist, people would constantly have to perceive all events and phenomena as if they were happening for the first time. Memory allows you to reduce energy consumption of the brain to assess permanent or recurring factors, and also adapt to circumstances with minimal stress.

Thus, memory is responsible for what a person saves, memorizes and then, if necessary, reproduces his individual experience.

Types of memory

Depending on which parts of the brain and the organs of the human body are involved in the process of remembering, distinguish:

  1. Motor memory - automatic movements. She is responsible for developing useful skills that are used often enough. The purpose of this mechanism is to increase efficiency and accelerate motor processes. People use motor memory to drive cars, write words, play musical instruments and even walk.
  2. The emotional form of memory is the remembering of emotional states accompanying certain situations. This mechanism is intended to complement other types of memory. Preservation of emotions and reactions allows a person to strive for one event and avoid others.
  3. An image memory in which data on visual, auditory, taste, olfactory and other images are stored. This type of memory is considered professional, since the intensity of its development depends on the activity of a person.
  4. Verbal and logical, the object of which are thoughts. It is due to the presence of words.
  5. Arbitrary and involuntary memory. Their difference is that during the storage of information a person can understand why he needs this information, or to memorize them in a random order.
  6. Short-term, operational and long-term memory. The first provides the preservation of information literally in a fraction of seconds, the second provides access to intermediate results in the course of solving current problems, and the latter represents the accumulation of data for the future.

The listed types of memory, as features of the cognitive sphere, function in close relationship with each other.

Imagination is a truly human ability

One of the most important differences in the activities of man and animal is that people design (represent) the final result of their actions before anything is done. This is due to such an ability as imagination. It gives people the opportunity to create an image of an object that is not in the real world, to hold it, and even more, manipulate it.

The development of the cognitive sphere in general and of the imagination in particular is important for generating solutions in the absence of complete information. Possessing the ability to design theoretical models, people can not only represent the end result of the actions, but also "see" the intermediate products.

Types of imagination and their characteristics

The main parameters that describe the imagination are activity and effectiveness.

Often it acts as an integral element of creative activity, that is, participates in the transformation of the surrounding reality. This is an active imagination.

In contrast, it is allocated a passive form, which is characterized by unrealistic or unrealizable projects. To the passive imagination people who seek to distract from reality resort. They can create images and outline programs of behavior that can never be realized.

Unintentional imagination is activated at the moment of weakening control over consciousness (dreams, hallucinations).

Attention and its varieties

The characterization of the cognitive sphere would be incomplete without describing such a phenomenon as attention. It accompanies almost all types of human activity: it provides a clear and effective perception, memory or thinking.

The main task of attention is that it selects and limits the acting stimuli. It also provides concentration and concentration of mental activity. In other words, it helps the subject to focus on the object.

There are several types of attention :

  1. Involuntary. It is the simplest and most natural, since it appears without effort on the part of a person.
  2. Arbitrary. It requires the manifestation of the will to concentrate on the chosen goal, and also to suppress the disturbing thoughts and motives.
  3. Post-operative. Its peculiarity is that it is a consequence of voluntary attention, but it is maintained consciously.

As a rule, the post-individual type is caused by a deep and steady interest in what is happening and what will be received as a result.

Like the various types of memory, the types of attention are usually tightly connected, they can pass and flow into each other.

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