EducationThe science

Structure of the psyche from the standpoint of socionics

Traditional psychology did not manage to build a "beautiful" working model of the psyche. However, the answer to the question of what the structure of the human psyche can be given by the young science of socionics. Why should you listen to the opinion of science, which only exchanged a few dozen years? Because it is based on the development of the science of informatics, and the psyche is unconditionally informational in nature.

So, what does the human psyche include? All mental processes occur either in consciousness or in the unconscious part of the psyche. And this is not a mysterious subconscious, but simply processes that have an "automatic" character. If a person had to be aware of everything that happens to him, he simply could not stand the constant flow of information that should be given conscious attention. Thus, a number of processes are output to the automatic level in order to relieve the sphere of consciousness, such is the structure of the psyche.

The whole amount of information received from the world can be divided into 8 components - aspects. Aspects are defined empirically, and this knowledge goes back to the development of Jung, who, as is known, described psychological types. The ingenious idea that the matter is not in types, but in ways of perceiving different types of information, has come to researchers not so long ago. So, 8 types of information, with them work special mechanisms - mental functions. And the structure of the psyche, it turns out, is closely related to the functioning of functions.

Information processors - functions - can have different "power". 4 types of information are processed at a very good level, and 4 - on a weak level. Why do we need weak functions in the structure of the psyche? Let's analyze an example.

For example, some people, by virtue of the type of psyche, do poorly in building relationships. They know this from early childhood and often experience, although they can not fix it. In socionics, among aspects there is indeed such an aspect - "relations". And these people are engaged in a "weak" function. The person on the aspects of weak functions feels insecure, and therefore someone else's opinion on the ability to communicate and build relationships can greatly affect the person of the given psychotype. He turns out to be dependent on society and specific people who will be able to assess his ability to communicate. Yes, it becomes manageable. Is it bad? No, it's good, because manageability is necessary for the normal functioning of society as a whole. That is, blocks of weak functions make us manageable. But the decisions taken are implemented by the executive blocks of the psyche - "strong" functions.

As you remember, some of the information is not realized by the psyche. In socionics it is believed that this sphere is controlled by the super block Vital. It consists of blocks ID and SUPERID (not to be confused with psychoanalytic terms). The latter is also called the superblock of pleasure. For example, some people strongly activate other people's emotions, others enjoy the clear business instructions, others adore strong-willed expressions in others. Types of psyche sixteen and there are 16 ways to activate the activities of the psyche. After SUPERID received an informational impact, the work includes the ID. And this happens unconsciously.

If a person faces a new task that he can not solve based on old algorithms, a block of consciousness or Mental comes to the rescue. It includes the SUPEREGO block (the block of control of the society over the person) and the EGO (the block of creativity). The first one controls "everything was like people's", and the second creates a creative unique product. For example, some people are able to create brilliant theories, others - beautiful designer clothes, and others - new technologies of work.

Thus, the structure of the psyche is determined by the need to make decisions and execute them, and it is simple enough that it can be described in natural languages.

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