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Biography and creativity of the Bloc

The famous poet-symbolist of the silver age, struck everyone with his irrepressible faith in the future of Russia and people. Loving and suffering to embrace the immensity, a man with a wide soul and tragic life. Life and creativity of the Block deserve attention by its completeness and touchingness.

Biography of the poet

Block Alexander Alexandrovia, year of birth 1880, November 28. Place of birth is St. Petersburg. His parents: his father - A.L. Block, he worked as a lawyer at the University in Warsaw, his mother - AA. Beketova, the daughter of the famous scientist-botanist.

The boy's parents divorced before his birth, so he could not grow up in a full family. However, the maternal grandfather A.N. Beketov, in whose family Alexander grew up, surrounded the child with due care and attention. Gave him a good education and start in life. Sam A.N. Beketov was rector of the University in St. Petersburg. The highly moral and cultural atmosphere of the environment left its imprint on the formation of the worldviews and the upbringing of the Bloc.

From the very childhood, he inherited a love for the classics of Russian literature. Pushkin, Apukhtin, Zhukovsky, Fet, Grigoriev are the names in whose works the little Blok grew up and became attached to the world of literature and poetry.

Learning the poet

The first stage of getting education for the Bloc was a gymnasium in St. Petersburg. After graduating in 1898, he entered the St. Petersburg University for a department of lawyers. He graduated from law school in 1901 and changed his direction to the historical and philological.

It is at the university that he finally decides to delve into the world of literature. Also this desire is supported by a beautiful and picturesque nature, among which is the estate of his grandfather. Growing up in such an environment, Alexander forever absorbed the sensitivity and subtlety of the worldview, and reflected it in his poems. Since that time Blok's creativity begins.

With his mother, Blok maintains a very warm relationship, his love and respect for her are boundless. Until the death of his mother, he constantly sent her his works.


About his appearance wrote MA. Voloshin. He called the face of Alexander Blok clear and cold, very calm, compared with a marble Greek mask. Pointed to the correctness and severity of the features of the face, on the thinly outlined forehead, the bend of the mouth. Put in dignity beautiful curly hair of the poet.

Andrei Bely very much describes the appearance of Blok, also emphasizing the healthy complexion, beautiful and dense hair, effective and stately figure, strong and attractive. He also emphasizes the naivety and immediacy in Blok's view, his unusual and bright eyes. Often, his appearance in his youth was compared with the image of Apollo. In his mature years - with Dante.

Family life

By virtue of her passionate nature, striving for the ideal, for the beautiful, Blok was in constant search of a beautiful woman who would be able to become for him a reflection of all the power and thought of love. For which he could write his works, which would be his muse.

And in 1898 he found this. His only wife in his whole life and the first strong love is the daughter of chemist Mendeleyev, Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva (Blok).

Their marriage took place in 1903. Family life evolved ambiguously and difficult. Mendeleev was waiting for a great love, as in novels. Blok offered moderation and tranquility of life. The result was his wife's infatuation with his friend and like-minded person, Andrei Bely, a symbolist poet who played an important role in Blok's work.

Lifelong work

Life and creativity of the Bloc developed in such a way that, in addition to literature, he took part in quite everyday affairs. For example:

  • Was an active participant in dramatic productions in the theater and even saw himself as an actor, however, the literary field attracted him more;

  • Two years in a row (1905-1906), the poet is an immediate witness and participant in revolutionary rallies and demonstrations;

  • Leads his column of literature review in the newspaper "Golden Fleece";

  • From 1916-1917 years. He gives his duty to the Motherland, passing service near Pinsk (engineering and construction squad);

  • Is a member of the management of the Bolshoi Drama Theater;

  • On arrival from the army he gets a job at the Investigation Commission of an extraordinary character for the affairs of the tsarist ministers. She works there as an editor of the verbatim report until 1921.

Blok's early work

His first verse small Sasha wrote back in five years. Even then, tales of talent that needed to be developed were read in it. What Block did and did.

Love and Russia are two favorite themes of creativity. Block wrote a lot about both. However, at the initial stage of development and realization of his talent, he was most attracted by love. The image of the beautiful lady, who he was looking for everywhere, captured his whole being. And the earthly embodiment of his ideas he found in Lubov Mendeleeva.

The theme of love in Blok's work is revealed so completely, clearly and beautifully that it is difficult to challenge it. Therefore it is not surprising that his first child - a collection of poems - is called "Poems about the Beautiful Lady," and he dedicated his wife. A great influence in writing this collection of poems on Blok was provided by Solovyov's poetry, a disciple and follower of which he is considered.

In all poems there is a feeling of Eternal femininity, beauty, naturalness. However, all expressions and phrases used in writing are of an allegorical, unreal character. The block is carried away in a creative impulse into "other worlds".

Gradually, the theme of love in Blok's work gives way to more real and pressing problems surrounding the poet.

The beginning of disappointment

Revolutionary events, discord in family relations, with a crash failing dreams of a clean and bright future for Russia make Blok's creativity undergo profound changes. The next collection is called "Unexpected Joy" (1906).

More and more he ridicules Symbolists, to which he no longer classifies himself, is increasingly cynical about his hopes for the best ahead. He is a participant in revolutionary events, which is entirely on the side of the Bolsheviks, considering their cause to be right.

In this period (1906) his trilogy of dramas comes out. First, "Puppet Show", after some time, "The King in the Square," and ends with the trio "Stranger". Blok experiences a bitter disappointment from the imperfection of the world, from his deceived hopes. In the same period, he is fond of actress NN. Volokhovoy. But he does not get reciprocity, which adds to his poems bitterness, irony and skepticism.

Andrei Bely and other earlier adherents of poetry do not accept changes in the Bloc and criticize his current work. Block Alexander remains adamant. He is disappointed and deeply saddened.

"The trilogy of incarnation"

In 1909, Blok's father dies, with whom he does not have time to say goodbye. This leaves an even greater imprint on his state of mind, and he decides to combine his most vivid in his opinion works in one poetic trilogy, which gives the title "The Trilogy of Incarnation."

So Blok's work in 1911-1912 was marked by the appearance of three collections of poems, which bear poetic names:

  1. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady";

  2. "Unexpected joy";

  3. "Snowy night."

A year later he released a cycle of love poems "Carmen", wrote the poem "Nightingale Garden", dedicated to his new hobby - singer LA. Delmas.

Homeland in the Creativity of Blok

Since 1908, the poet has positioned himself no longer as a lyricist, but as the glorifier of his Motherland. During this period he wrote such poems as:

  • "Autumn wave";

  • "Autumn love";

  • "Russia";

  • "On the Kulikov field."

All these works are imbued with love for the Motherland, for their country. The poet simultaneously shows the two sides of life in Russia: poverty and hunger, piousness, but at the same time savagery, unbridled and free.

The theme of Russia in Blok's work, the theme of the homeland is one of the most fundamental in all of his poetic life. For him, the Motherland is something alive, breathing and feeling. Therefore, the events of the October Revolution are too heavy, too heavy for him.

The theme of Russia in the work of Blok

After the revolutionary tendencies capture his whole spirit, the poet almost completely loses his lyrics and love in his works. Now the whole meaning of his works is directed at Russia, his homeland.

Blok personifies his country in verse with a woman, he makes it almost tangible, real, as if humanizing. The homeland in Blok's creative work takes on such a large scale that he never writes more about love.

Believing in the Bolsheviks and their truth, he experiences a cruel, almost murderous disappointment for him, when he sees the results of the revolution. Hunger, poverty, destruction, mass extermination of the intelligentsia - all this forms in the mind of the Bloc an acute hostile attitude to the Symbolists, to the lyrics and makes from now on create works only with a satirical, venomous sneer at faith in the future.

However, his love for Russia is so great that he continues to believe in the strength of his country. In the fact that she will rise, shake herself off and be able to show her power and glory. Creativity Blok, Mayakovsky, Yesenin in this is similar.

In 1918, Blok wrote the poem "Twelve", the most scandalous and loud of all his works, which caused a lot of rumors and talks about it. But the poet of the critic leaves indifferent, the incipient depression begins to absorb his whole being.

The poem "The Twelve"

The author began to write his work "Twelve" in early January. On the first day of work, he did not even take a break. In his notes it says: "Inside it trembles." Then the writing of the poem was suspended, and the poet managed to finish it only on January 28th.

After the publication of this work, Blok's creative work changed dramatically. Briefly describe this can be as follows: the poet lost himself, there was a creative crisis, stagnation.

The main idea of the poem was recognized by everyone in different ways. Someone saw in it the support of the revolution, a mockery of the symbolic views. Someone, on the contrary, is a satirical deviation and mockery of the revolutionary order. However, while Blok himself wrote the poem, he meant both. It is contradictory, like his mood at that time.

After the publication of the Twelve, all the weak ties with the Symbolists were already broken. Almost all close friends turned away from Blok: Merezhkovsky, Vyach, Prishvin, Sologub, Pyast, Akhmatova and others.

In Balmont by that time he was disappointed himself. Thus, the Block remains practically one.

Post-Revolutionary Creativity

Only three works were written by the author after the revolution:

  1. "Scythians";

  2. "Motherland";

  3. "Retribution", which he never finished writing.

The revolution has passed, and the bitterness of the disappointment of Bolshevik politics has grown and intensified. Such a cut between what was promised and what was done as a result of the revolution became unbearable for Blok. You can describe Blok's work briefly in this period: nothing is written.

As they will subsequently write about the death of the poet, "the Bolsheviks killed him." And indeed it is. Blok failed to overcome in himself and accept such a discrepancy between the word and deed of the new government. He could not forgive himself the support of the Bolsheviks, his blindness and short-sightedness.

Blok is experiencing a strong dissonance within himself, completely withdrawing into his inner experiences and torments. The consequence is a disease. From April 1921 to early August, the disease does not let go of the poet, tormenting him more and more. Only occasionally coming out of semi-oblivion, he tries to comfort his wife, Lubov Mendeleev (Blok). August 7 Block died.

Where did the poet live and work?

Today, the biography and creativity of the Bloc captivate and inspire many. And the place where he lived and composed his poems and poems, turned into a museum. From the photographs we can judge the situation in which the poet worked.

The appearance of the estate, in which the poet spent his time, you can see in the photo on the left.

The room in which the poet spent the last bitter and difficult moments of life (photo below).

Today, the poet's work is loved and studied, admired, recognized for its depth and integrity, unusual and bright. Russia in the work of Blok is studied in school classes, on this topic they write essays. This gives the full right to call the author a great poet. In the past, a symbolist, then a revolutionary and at sunset, just an unhappy man in life and power, an unhappy man with a bitter, difficult fate.

In St. Petersburg there is a monument that perpetuates the author's name in history and gives due respect to his undeniable talent.

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