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Specialist in contextual advertising - a profession of the new generation

We live in an era when a significant part of our activity takes place in virtual space. Every year, the role of the Internet expands, both in personal, social, life, and in business. No company, striving to develop and attract customers, can not avoid the need to declare themselves in the Internet community. Advertising on the Internet has long been the norm as one of the main tools of PR company. In recent years, there has appeared a new, but already proved effective advertising, called contextual. A specialist in contextual advertising - a profession that is becoming more and more popular and attractive.

Contextual advertising is a necessary luxury in the life of a company

What is important to consider when creating an advertising campaign? Besides, in fact, the qualitative differences, the advantages of the advertised product, one of the most important factors that need to be considered is the interest of potential consumers or customers. This is what contextual advertising is aimed at. Specialists in this field study the needs and problems of Internet users on the basis of their requests in search engines, and then show them the advertising that is among their interests. The move is very effective and at the same time useful, including for the most potential client.

The process of creating an advertising campaign: from the idea to the analysis of the result

How to create and host contextual advertising? The specialist first examines the activities of the company and the advertised product, then selects keywords and phrases that will later be used to write the advertising text. Together with the representative of the client company, a specialist in contextual advertising determines the bids for displaying or switching over an advertising link, and also studies other nuances, as a result of which the cost of an advertising campaign is formed.

When all issues are settled, and advertising is ready, it becomes available to interested users. Typically, the ad text can be seen in the first lines of search queries or to the right of them. Such an advertisement is called a search engine. There is also a thematic advertisement, which is displayed on the web-resources of the relevant subject.

This specialist on contextual advertising does not finish his work. He regularly monitors the rates of advertisements, analyzes the effectiveness of advertising and, if necessary, makes changes, that is, he is optimizing the advertising campaign. It is important to monitor the clickability of created ads, which largely depends on the correct, correct selection of keywords. In some cases, you have to rewrite the advertising text, use other keywords.

Where do the "gurus" of contextual advertising come from?

The specialist in contextual advertising is a fairly new profession for Russia, the subtleties of which are not taught in universities. However, the need for highly qualified specialists is growing every year, and therefore the need for their training is increasing. Many specialists study in practice, taking the experience of their older colleagues, as well as reading specialized literature.

Not so long ago, the Yandex Corporation opened a school for contextual advertising, which was an important step in the "cultivation" of young specialists in this field, their acquisition of useful and quality knowledge to work in the context advertising market.

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