
Liniment of tsikloferona: how to cure herpes in five days?

The liniment of cycloferon is a drug that helps the body to eliminate a viral infection, eliminate inflammatory manifestations and accelerate recovery processes. The drug is available as a liquid ointment. 5 liniment tsikloferona contains 50 mg of active ingredient and is available in vials.

When topical application of the drug manifests its anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, which consists in stimulating immunity at the cell level, which leads to the active destruction of the causative agents of any infection (viral, fungal, bacterial) by immune cells.

Liniment tsikloferona - ointment, which is prescribed for the comprehensive treatment of urological and various gynecological infections. The greatest effect is produced by therapy, consisting in simultaneous systemic exposure to the body of cycloferon in the form of tablets, injections and local treatment with liniment.

The drug allows you to get rid of urologic and gynecological processes caused by the virus of herpes, papilloma and cytomegalovirus. It is also prescribed for fungal, chlamydial and bacterial infections of the urogenital system.

Treatment of female diseases

The main indication for the use of cycloferon is genital herpes. In this case, the prescription of the medicine is made together with drugs that have a systemic effect on the body. Local treatment for genital herpes should be started immediately after the manifestation of symptoms of the disease. The liniment of cycloferon should be applied once a day with a thin layer on the mucous membrane or skin area at the sites of rashes, the course of treatment is five days.

Also, a procedure is prescribed in the form of instillations (installations) in the vagina or urethra. With a dose of 5 ml, the procedure is performed within two weeks. In bacterial, trichomonadal, fungal vaginitis and other sexual infections, liniment of cycloferon in the vagina of 10 ml is made, the procedure is repeated for 14 days. If at the same time there are lesions of the urethra, it is also administered cycliciron liniment. With the development of chronic forms of infection, local therapy is combined with the intake of antifungal and antibacterial drugs in the form of suppositories and tablets.

Treatment of male diseases

For manifestations of genital herpes in men, ointment is applied a small layer on the affected areas once a day until the rash disappears completely (five days). The drug is injected into the urethra for 2 weeks for 5 ml. The procedures are carried out in a complex.

With urethritis of fungal and bacterial origin, the drug is injected into the urethra 10 ml each. Manipulation of this type should be done by a specialist-urologist. When the front sections of the urethra are affected, the liniment of the cycloferon is injected through the syringe, after which the urethra holes are clamped for how many minutes. Half an hour after the procedure, the patient must urinate. In diseases of the rear part of the urethra, the drug is injected through the catheter every other day through 10 ml (7 procedures).

Treatment of skin diseases

When there is a simple herpes on the lips, the aging bubble should be lubricated with liniment as early as possible. All manifestations of herpes should disappear after five days of using the ointment. The appointment of tsikloferona produce and with other skin diseases. Due to the stimulation of local immunity liniment helps with teenage acne, it is applied once a day (treatment course 14 days). Liniment tsikloferona can help with fungal diseases of nails and feet, and in addition, with psoriasis, when skin immunity also suffers.

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