
Herpes on the lip

Unfortunately, this phenomenon is familiar to almost every person living on Earth. In addition to physical discomfort, which inevitably occur with herpes (itching, a feeling of tightness and dry lips), the virus delivers many psychological problems. Well, for example, you can appear on a date with a huge itchy bladder on the lips? And how to appear in society at all, because you have to catch the views of others around your problem zone and talk with people who can (and you, and they realize it) become the next victim of herpes? In a word, discomfort on all fronts.

According to scientific research, herpes on the lip is the most common variant of the herpetic attack. It was proved that once penetrated into the human body , the herpes virus remains there, so it is not necessary to hope for complete and final surrender of the enemy. The only sensible actions are treatment and prevention, consisting in refusal from smoking, restriction of alcohol consumption, coffee, hardening, rational nutrition - in a word, in the conduct of a healthy lifestyle.

What causes the virus to awaken and start active activities? Herpes on the lip occurs with a weakening of the immune system, so it is necessary to constantly strengthen the immune system, do not overcool in the winter and do not walk under the scorching sun in the summer, take vitamins, smile more often and have a good rest. Provoke herpetic activity may pregnancy, a change in the hormonal sphere, inflammation, ultraviolet and, of course, the ubiquitous stress. Obviously, we can not forever block the herpes virus, and we need to be ready for his attack.

Herpes on the lip is caused by a simple type 1 virus (HSV-1). He is able to move around the skin (on the nose, eyelid, etc.), expanding the zone of "fighting".

Dispatched when in contact with a human carrier of the virus (for example, when kissing); In contact with the infected surface (the virus can survive for some time outside the human carrier in a humid environment, at 37-degree temperature, so you can easily catch the virus when using one makeup, when drinking from a mug); By self-infection.

Herpes on the lip undergoes a certain cycle of development. At the first stage there is a pricking, burning on the lips, the area of the future sore is constantly itching. The time interval is from a few hours to one day.

At the second stage, there is swelling and redness of the lips, itching is worse. Symptoms usually appear on the same day as the symptoms of the previous stage. The time interval is one / two days.

The third stage is characterized by the formation of vesicles, which, when combined with each other, form a large painful bladder filled with lymph. This happens on the second day, and the virus constantly reminds itself of painful sensations.

The next stage is characterized by the formation of ulcers and pustules from the vesicles, later taking the form of a gray sore, around which a bright red rim is visible. A fluid containing viruses is released from the sore, so this period is the most dangerous in terms of infection.

Approximately to the fourth day (in the interval 4-9 days) the sore begins to dry up, a crust forms on it. Painful sensations gradually subside, which can not be said about the itching. Some parts of the crust can fall off, and an open, painful place begins to bleed. Gradually the sore becomes smaller.

In the next stage, which lasts about two days (from 9 to 11), the wound is tightened and heals (the herpes are eliminated). The virus no longer presents a danger.

Herpes gives its victim a lot of trouble, and if you take into account the fact that until the recovery (the moment when the virus starts to doze again) takes almost two weeks, then the issue of treatment comes to the fore.

How to treat herpes on the lip? Most people rely on traditional medicine and use antiviral drugs (tablets, ointments, creams). Well-proven creams ("Penciclovir", "Gerpeblok", "Zovirax"). The cream is applied to the affected area several times a day with four-hour breaks. On sale there is a huge list of anti-herpes creams, and you can pick up both expensive and cheap option. In addition, you need to consult a doctor and start taking vitamins.

As for adherents of traditional medicine, they are focused on the use of medicinal herbs and plants. It can not be said that these are inefficient methods, by no means. But folk methods of treatment have one drawback: if the ointment should be simply smeared on the affected area, and the pill to drink, the medicinal methods of traditional medicine require more time for cooking, and the course of treatment usually lasts longer. In short, lazy people are easier to turn to traditional medicine.

Herbalists treat herpes on lips with infusions of St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm, thyme. You can also use black or chamomile tea: dip a cotton swab in cooled tea and apply to the affected area several times a day. Effective in the treatment of herpes on the lips of lemon juice from Kalanchoe, celandine juice. Juice several times a day is smeared with a virused area.

At the stage of formation of bubbles ice is effective. The piece of ice wrapped in gauze should be applied to the lips and held as long as possible (it is important not to overdo it so that there is no hypothermia).

Another way to combat herpes, offered by folk medicine, is zinc solution. In the boiled (cold) water, dissolve the zinc sulfate (4 g) and hold the solution on the affected portion for half an hour.

You can use lemon balm: Melissa leaves (10 g) pour alcohol and insist for several days. Apply a cotton swab dipped in this solution to your lips.

Traditional medicine is considered an effective means of herpes simple egg shell. A piece of shell just sticks to the affected area.

You can also use aromatherapy. Mix 10 drops of thyme oil (or tea tree oil) with 2 teaspoons of lavender tincture and 4 tablespoons of water. Apply this mixture to the affected area three times a day.

Mix 3 teaspoons of lotion (or calendula oil) with eucalyptus, geranium and bergamot oil (4 drops each). Place the mixture in a dark glass bottle and store in a dark place. Apply to affected areas several times a day. After application, avoid direct sunlight on the patient area for at least half an hour.

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