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Fish ruff, or poisonous prickly "stone"

The ruff fish inhabiting the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in the Kerch Strait, has several names: small scorpion, sea ruff, scorpida, Black Sea scorpion-ruff, Scorpaena porcus (Latin name). It belongs to a group of scorpion-shaped, a family of scorpion. It lives in the bottom layer at depths of about 40 m.

Appearance has a very specific ruff fish. The marine inhabitant is disproportionate, on the flattened head it is necessary the third part from the general length. On the body are many different in length and poisonous thorns (thorns). Eyes are huge, convex, high. Mouth large with small teeth. Color depends on the color of the seabed and can range from red-brown tones to dark gray. Throughout the body, there are dark spots that promote better disguise. That's it, ruff-fish. The photo shows all her quirkiness.

The scorpion grows slowly, in the adult state it rarely is longer than 30 cm with a weight of 1 kg. As she grows, she has to change her "skin", like snakes. The better it feeds, the more frequent the molting takes place. The first impression from the fish seen at the bottom is a stone covered with algae. Occasionally a fish ruff swims into rivers with a calm current. It turns out that she is able to live in fresh water.

The fish feed on different crustaceans and small fishes. And she does not have to chase after anyone. She, remaining in place, waits for the production itself to swim in her mouth, or makes a sharp throw when finding the object of its fishing in the reach zone. This fish is inactive and ungainly.

Reproduction occurs in May-August. Spawning occurs in portions. Individual parts with eggs in the mucous membrane float to the surface of the sea. Immediately before the release of fry, the mucus dissolves. Hatching fry for a while at the surface, and then descend into the bottom layer, which they live.

The fish ruff is poisonous. To the majority of thorns located on the back, the belly and near the anus, the canals of the gland that produces the poison are suitable. When you touch them, the skin moves away, exposing the "needle" through which a poisonous liquid is injected. Especially dangerous are such injuries in early spring, when fish have an elevated level of hormones. There are also lethal outcomes from a large amount of poison that has got into the human body.

The fish do not use spiny fish during hunting, they need it only for protection. In case of danger scorpion directs its spikes towards the enemy and does not try to swim at all. A fish withdrawn from the water, in addition to protruding spines, can also produce sounds similar to a growl. It as though warns that it is not necessary to touch it.

If the injection on her spine could not be avoided, then the wound should be squeezed out as much blood as possible and poison will be removed. Next, the affected area should be held under a stream of hot water, and then consult a doctor.

Despite the poisonousness of the thorns, the fish ruff is edible. Moreover, it is considered a delicacy. The meat is white, juicy, and if you bake it in foil, then just "lick your fingers." There is an opinion that it is especially useful to men, as it enhances potency.

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