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Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria": history, meaning. Where is the icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria"

The Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" is one of the iconographic types. If you believe the legend, the icon was written in ancient times by the Evangelist Luke. In Russia "Odigitria" appeared only in the XI century. Only in the XII century it became known as Smolensk, when it was placed in the Smolensk temple of the Assumption of the Virgin.

What are the icons prayed for?

Prayer of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God for many centuries is revered by many Christians and helps to accomplish incredible miracles. Smolensk "Hodegetria" is considered the patroness of travelers, they ask her to protect them on their way from unpleasant situations, various diseases, unforeseen troubles. She is also prayed by all the suffering, asking for protection and keeping her house from ill-wishers and enemies. Throughout history, Christians have asked for help from the Smolensk Mother of God in times of severe mass epidemics.

Icon Type

The name of the icon is the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria". Otherwise, it is called the "Guidebook". This is not the only concrete icon, this is the name of one of the types of scripture of the Virgin compositions.

Iconography is divided into several types of scripture:

  • Eleusa - Tenderness.
  • Oranta - Praying.
  • Odigitriya - the Guide.
  • Panahranta is the Most Pure.
  • Agiosoritissa (without the baby).

In other words, all icons of the Virgin are divided into groups, each of which has its own characteristic features of writing images. To identify the icon, you just need to determine how in the space on it the faces of the Infant-Christ and the Mother of God are depicted.

What is characteristic of the icon "Hodegetria"? Here the image of the Child is a bit distant from the image of the Mother. Christ either sits in her arms, or stands side by side. The right hand of the Child-Christ holds up in a blessing gesture. With his other hand he holds a book or a scroll that symbolizes the Law of God. One of the versions why the icon is called the "Guide": indicates to believers that the true path is the way to Christ. The Virgin hand points to the Infant as "Truth, the Way to Life", to which all believers who want to be saved should strive.

Description of the ancient icon

According to church legends, the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God Was written under the earthly life of the Virgin Mary. The holy evangelist Luke was created a masterpiece. The work was commissioned by Theophilus, the ancient Antioch ruler. From Antioch the icon was taken to Jerusalem, and only then the Empress Eudoxia presented her to Emperor Pulcheria's sister in Constantinople. Here the icon was kept for a long time in the Vlaherna church.

The board, which was used to write the icon, has changed greatly under the yoke of time. Now it is difficult to determine from which tree it is made. It is very heavy by weight. The Mother of God is depicted to the waist. With her left hand she supports the Infant Jesus, the right one resting on her breast. A sweatshirt in his left hand holds a book scroll, and the right one makes a blessing gesture. Clothing of the Virgin Mary is dark-coffee color, Jesus - dark green with gilding.

To whom does the Virgin help?

Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" will help to save peace and tranquility on land and in every home. The prayer offered to the Holy Virgin protects people in military service who protect the peace of the Motherland. They pray to her and during outbreaks of various diseases. Protects the "Hodegetria" and all who are on the road, protects from accidents, helps to find the right path.

Hearing earthly prayers, the mistress helps us reach out to God, her Son, begs us to forgive our sins, to save us from the wrath of the righteous. Strong assistant, the protector of Hodegetria, but to whom does she help?

Only God-fearing, God-loving, praying helps the Mother of God, protects from terrible misfortunes and evil. Having no fear of the Lord, the corruptible will not come to the aid of the Mother of God. Nothing in this surprising. By their iniquities, sinful actions, people crucify the Truth of Christ. But which mother will help her son's enemies? The Mother of God is grieving for the repentant sinners, for those who come to God with repentance, ask for help with tears and prayers. The Virgin helps such sinners, all who want to take the right path, correct their mistakes, start a righteous life. It cares for the penitents, for those who, like the prodigal son, return to the faith of Christ, confess and ask forgiveness and deliverance from the burden of sin. Those who do not repent of their sins do not care about the soul, the Virgin Mary does not care.

Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. The history of appearance in Russia

At the beginning of the second millennium, the Byzantine emperor Constantine IX (1042-1054) gave his beautiful daughter Anna to the Russian prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. On a long journey he blessed her with the "Hodegetria" - a miraculous icon. She escorted the princess from Constantinople to Chernigov principality. According to one of the versions and was therefore the icon is called "Hodegetria", that is, the Guide.

The son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich Vladimir Monomakh has always been considered a visionary, wise and diplomatic statesman of his time. He became famous as a peacemaker on his native land. He did not hope only for earthly forces and turned with prayers for help to the Most-Holy Theotokos, asked for help to direct his government in the right direction. With great reverence he transferred the miraculous "Hodigitria" to Smolensk from the city of Chernigov. There they placed her in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was founded in 1101. Since that time, and received the "Hodegetria" name - Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. With God's help, Vladimir Monomakh managed to humble the disobedient princes and become a great ruler in Russia, where peace and peace were established.

Miracles from the icon. Feat of Mercury

Many miracles were completely from the icon of the Odigitria, but the most remarkable for Smolensk is its salvation from the invasion of the Tatars. In 1239 it was the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God that saved the city from the invasion of the enemy. Residents understood that they would not be able to repel the formidable attack of the Tatars and with warm prayers, petitions for peace appealed to the Theotokos. The Great Intercessor heard their pleas. The Tatars stopped near the city walls.

In those times in Smolensk the squad was served by a pious Slav named Mercury. He was chosen as the Mother of God to save the city. On the night of November 24, in that Temple, where the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God was kept, I was seated with a vision. The Mother of God appeared to him and told him to transfer Mercury so that he could go bravely to the enemy camp and destroy their main giant.

Hearing these words from the sexton, Mercury immediately hurried to the Temple. He fell with prayer before the Holy Icon and heard the Voice. The Virgin asked and instructed Mercury to protect the Smolensk house from the enemy. The hero was warned that it was on this night that the Horde giant decided to attack the city and destroy it. The Mother of God begged the Son and her God to protect and did not betray to the enemy native lands. By the power of Christ, Mercury was to defeat the giant, but with victory together he was awaited by the martyr's crown, which he will accept from his Christ.

Joyful tears emerged from Mercury's eyes, passionately praying, summoning the power of the Lord to help, he went to the camp of the enemy and crushed their giant. Only on his unknown strength the Tatars hoped before the battle. Enemies surrounded Mercury, with incredible power he fought with them, seeing before him the face of the Holy One. After a tiring battle, the hero lay down to rest. The saved Tartar, having seen the sleeping Mercury, cut off his head.

The Lord did not allow the body of the martyr to be left to the enemy for dishonor, he gave him the last strength. Mercury, as if alive himself, entered the city and brought his severed head. With great honors his body was buried in the cathedral church. Mercury is also ranked among the Saints. In memory of his feat, performed with the help of the Virgin in the name of saving the city, every year on this day (November 24) perform a thanksgiving service and all-night vigil before the image of the "Hodegetria". In the Smolensk Epiphany Cathedral to this day are stored shoes and iron shishak, which were on Mercury in that fateful night.

Arrival of the icon to Moscow

The Tatar-Mongolian yoke was not yet completely defeated, and the new enemy already pressed Russia from the west. On the western border, Smolensk has become one of the most important objects. Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" and in those dashing days became the patroness and defender of the city.

For a short period of time in the XIV century, Smolensk went under the rule of the Lithuanian princes, "Odigitria" was found in the heterodox.

But even here the fishery of God was saved. The daughter of one of the Lithuanian princes Vytautas Sophia married Vasily Dmitrievich (1398-1425), Grand Duke of Moscow. She brought with her to the White-stone holy image. So it turned out in 1398 the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" in Moscow. It was installed in the Annunciation Cathedral, to the right of the Royal Gates.

Moscow residents immediately felt the grace emanating from the ancient "Hodigitria". More than half a century, they worshiped her and honored the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. But by the will of God it was destined to return to the Mother of God in her house in Smolensk - in the temple of the Assumption, in order to protect the Orthodox, oppressed by Lithuanian princes and missionaries.

Return to Smolensk

In 1456 the icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk returned home. Value for its people, it was colossal. All residents were waiting for her return as a miracle. And a delegation headed for Moscow headed by Bishop Misail. Tearfully they asked the Grand Duke to let the Mother of God of Smolensk go home. The prince with the boyars held the council, and then decided to fulfill the request. Before the "Hodegetria" went to Smolensk, the exact list was removed from it.

Many then gathered in the church of the Annunciation. A moleben and a liturgy were first performed. The entire princely family gathered at the icon: the prince, the princess and their children - Boris, Ioan and Yuri, little Andrey were brought in their arms. With reverence, they all kissed the icon. After that, with tears in his eyes, the prince and the metropolitan took out the shrine from the kyot, handed it over to Bishop Misail. Smolensk was also given other icons, once brought from there, although the bishop did not ask about it. The Metropolitan alone asked to leave an icon for the princely family - the Mother of God with the eternal Infant. She was blessed with the whole princely family. With joy the prince took the icon and kissed her.

After that, the procession conducted the Smolensk icon to the monastery of Savva the Sanctified, which is located on the Maiden Field. Here the final moleben was performed, after which the icon went to Smolensk.

At the behest of the prince, the icon given to him was placed in the church of the Annunciation in the place where the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" stood for many years. Every day a moleben was performed here. A list made from the Smolensk icon, the Grand Duke left in his family.

The exact list of the Smolensk icon was made in 1602. In 1666, he and the "Odigitriya" himself were sent to Moscow for renewal. The list was installed on the Smolensk fortress wall (in the tower) right above the Dnieper gates. In 1727 a wooden church was established here. In 1802 a stone church was built. The icon for many years protected the city from the most terrible troubles and misfortunes.

War with Napoleon in 1812

When the hordes of Napoleon attacked the Russian land in order to protect the shrine from desecration, Smolensk's Bishop Irenaeus, the ancient Greek image of the Odigitria, was sent to Moscow, where it was kept in the Assumption Cathedral.

After the Russian troops left Smolensk, the miracle-working list of the Odigitria, executed in 1602, was taken by them with them from the city.

On the eve of the Battle of Borodino Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God helped the soldiers to gain confidence in their victory, to be inspired by the feat. "Hodigitria" carried through the camp of the Russian army, the soldiers, gazing at her, prayed for her and gained faith and spiritual strength.

On the day when the Battle of Borodino took place, the Smolensk Icon was surrounded by Ivorskaya and Vladimirskaya around Belgorod, the Kremlin walls and the China Town, then they were sent to the Lefortovo Palace, where the wounded were located. Before leaving Moscow, the icon was sent to storage in Yaroslavl. After the war on November 5, 1812, she was returned to Smolensk. In memory of the liberation of enemies this day was celebrated every year.

XX century

A little over a hundred years passed, and foreign invaders invaded Russia again. The Great Patriotic War claimed the lives of millions of Soviet people. On the path of the enemy stood Smolensk. Despite the fact that anti-religious propaganda was conducted in the country, thousands of believers, loyal to patriotic duty, asked for help from the defender of her "Hodigitria". Invisibly helped people Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria." Where is Now an ancient image, it is unknown, after the occupation the Greek "Hodegetria" has sunk. On the place where it was located, to this day is the list of the Mother of God, made in the XVII century. He protects the city for many years from troubles, wars, destruction, blesses believers for righteous deeds.

Once again in Moscow

In early February 2015, there was the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitriya" in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. After the restoration, which lasted almost three years, the believers could see the image of the "Hodegetria" without a heavy silver salary. The salary in weight in 25 kg has been executed in 1954 on donations of Smolyan. In the post-war hard years, donations to save the icon could be called an invaluable help of the people, so in memory of this the salary will be preserved and exhibited in the Assumption Cathedral separately.

I stayed in Moscow until 10 February. On February 15, after a long absence, she was met again in Smolensk; she renewed her former place in order to protect her hometown again.

Here is an ancient, interesting story that the Icon of the Smolensk Mother of God knows. The photo is confirmed by many varieties of the Hodigitria, they all store in themselves a sacred mystery, help believers to acquire spiritual strength and believe in the Truth of the Son of God.

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