HealthWomen Health

Bend of the uterus. Causes, consequences, solutions

Quite often, after visiting a gynecologist, women and young girls hear the diagnosis of "bending the uterus". The reasons for panic here, in general, no. But in some cases it is impossible to remain idle. That's why every woman should get acquainted with the general information about what is the bending of the uterus, what are the causes of this disease and its consequences, and also learn about the methods of treatment.

So, the bend of the uterus. The causes of this phenomenon can be different. But first it is necessary to understand what in general this definition means? Strictly speaking, the bend of the uterus is called a situation where the constant position of the uterus in the small pelvis differs from the normal one. A normal, in turn, is considered when the angle between the uterus itself and its neck is blunt (90 to 180 degrees). In this case, it is worth saying that the bend can be in the right or left side. A fairly common phenomenon is also the bending of the uterus, as they say, posteriorly. But all these names, of course, are "folk". In medicine, such designations as retroversion and retroflection have been adopted. Therefore, whichever of these words is indicated in the diagnosis, they mean essentially the same thing. Now you know the answer to the question "Bending the uterus. What is it?".

With the definition of the phenomenon, we sorted it out. Let us return now to what usually interests everyone who has encountered him. And answer the question: "Bend the uterus. The causes of this phenomenon. " In general, the reasons can be very different. But most often the bend is caused by heredity (that is, if there were cases of bending in the family, then there is a high probability that the woman will retroversion). Also, the weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and the lack of integrity of the uterine ligaments can cause the bending of the uterus. In addition, this condition can lead to various inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, tumors, endometriosis. There is also an opinion that the bend is caused by the fact that girls are beginning to be put in early (before reaching the age of six months), but this has not been proved by anyone (although it has not been refuted). But the fact that the regular lifting of weights (over 20 kilograms) can lead to the bending of the uterus is quite plausible. The answer to the question: "Bend of the uterus. Causes of this phenomenon ", received.

Naturally, we must also answer the question of what the consequences of bending the uterus. In most cases, this painful course of menstruation, spotting a few days before the onset of menstrual bleeding, back pain (in the lumbar region), abundant discharge from the vagina, discomfort during sexual intercourse. But there are also situations where the bend of the uterus does not manifest itself and the woman does not even guess about it. And how are the uterine bends and conception related? This question is also important for a huge number of women! There is no definitive answer. Bend as such is rarely the cause of infertility, if the woman herself does not have concomitant diseases of the pelvic organs, and the man is all right with the activity of spermatozoa. Practice shows that an impressive number of women with rather pronounced bends without any problems become pregnant and give birth to children. Yes, physiological births with a bend of the uterus are quite possible! But here the final decision is for a gynecologist!

And is the uterine bend treated? Yes! And quite successfully. Usually, treatment consists in eliminating the cause of the disease (referred to above). If the bend is a hereditary phenomenon, then an appropriate massage is prescribed, as well as exercise therapy and apparatus training of the vaginal muscles (VUM building).

Summary. Now you know what the uterine bend is. The causes, consequences and ways to eliminate this condition are also known to you. And who is forewarned, he, as folk wisdom says, is armed! So panic, after hearing this diagnosis, all who read the article just will not succumb! And this is the most important thing on the way to solving the problem.

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