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The article will tell you about what fertile days are and how to use them skillfully

Every girl who reaches the reproductive age, sooner or later, wonders: "What are fertile days?". In medicine, this is the period before and after ovulation, during which the chances of conceiving a child increase dramatically. In other words, this phrase denotes the time interval when the egg is ready for fertilization. If you plan to have a baby, you should determine the optimal time for conception. But how can this be done?

How to calculate favorable days for conception

Determine the beginning of their fertile days for the girl will not be difficult. To do this, you just need to listen to yourself and pay attention to some of the signs. These include such symptoms as pain in the lower abdomen, changes in the quality and quantity of cervical fluid, fluctuations in body temperature. In addition, during the period of ovulation there is a change in the hormonal level.

Ovulatory syndrome

So, what are fertile days, we figured out. Now we will examine in more detail each characteristic symptom. The most common of these are the so-called ovulatory pains - by this phrase doctors-gynecologists denote the totality of the signs of ovulation. A woman can feel pain in the lower abdomen or even cramps. As a rule, discomfort occurs a couple of weeks before the onset of menstruation and lasts for a relatively short time - from a minute to a couple of hours. However, not all girls are so lucky: some of the fairer sex suffer from premenstrual pain for days and are forced to consult a doctor. Medicine has not yet found out what causes ovulatory syndrome, but the most common theory is that the uterine mucosa irritates the vagina during the release of the egg from the uterus. If the question of what fertile days is, is inextricably linked to you with ovulatory pain, we advise you to consult a qualified gynecologist and make sure that the cause of the pain is not an infection or a neglected disease.

Cervical fluid

If you need to determine at any cost the beginning of your ovulation, pay attention to the structure of the cervical fluid - it varies depending on the phase of the cycle. Look at the discharge remaining on the underwear or on toilet paper, or gently enter a clean finger into the vagina. In the first few days after menstruation, the discharge will be abundant, later their amount will decrease, and the consistency will change - they become thicker, more sticky. The less time remains for ovulation, the more liquid becomes cervical fluid. In addition, it acquires a yellowish hue. Immediately before ovulation, the cervical fluid becomes transparent and elastic - this indicates that it is at this time that a proper conception will occur. Of course, not all girls, due to the characteristics of their body, can notice changes in the nature of the cervical fluid. If you have recently undergone gynecological surgery, take hormonal medications, breastfeed or suffer from any infection, monitoring cervical fluid will not help you answer the question of what fertile days are.

Fluctuations in body temperature

In the vast majority of women during ovulation, the body temperature rises slightly. If you decide to use this method of determining fertile days, remember several important rules: measure the temperature immediately after waking up, do not use electric blankets. The most convenient way is to plot the temperature fluctuations.

Level of hormones

To determine the fluctuations of the hormonal level can be at home - for this you need to purchase a special set of tests in the pharmacy. Use them best in the middle of the menstrual cycle, so that you can properly prepare for ovulation.

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