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Signs and symptoms of pancreatitis in men and women. Methods of treatment of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which plays an important role in digestion. Statistics indicate that every eighth man and one in four women face this diagnosis. In the risk group are the elderly and overweight. Symptoms of pancreatitis in men usually manifest more often in chronic form, and in the weak half of mankind the acute type of the disease develops more often. The publication is devoted to the features of the disease and the methods of therapy.

What is pancreatitis

Symptoms and treatment of the disease are described below. The composition of the digestive juice that secrete the iron includes enzymes and bicarbonate. They pass through a small tube called the duct of the pancreas and connect it to the small intestine. Enzymes help in the breakdown of proteins and fats into molecules that can be absorbed by the blood. Bicarbonate neutralizes the acidity of the solution of gastric acid. Produced digestive hormones glucagon and insulin, entering the bloodstream, control the level of sugar in the blood. To the enzymes of the pancreas joins bile - a fluid that comes from the liver into the gallbladder and also helps in the digestion of food. Further, it is considered in what forms the disease of pancreatitis, symptoms of the disease manifests itself.

Usually enzymes do not become active until they enter the small intestine. But with inflammation of the pancreas, they begin to attack and damage the tissues that produce them. Digestive juices are trapped and begin to digest the gland itself. So there is pancreatitis, it can be acute or chronic. Any of these forms can lead to complications, for example, the development of infections, bleeding and irreversible tissue damage. Acute pancreatitis, symptoms and treatment of this form of the disease are described below.

Acute and chronic pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis begins soon after the injury of the gland. Attacks are mostly accompanied by unsharp pain, but 20% of them are very serious. They last a short time, after which the organ returns to its normal state. The attack of pancreatitis, the symptoms, the treatment of which is described below, can be complicated. Then you need immediate hospitalization.

Chronic pancreatitis, the symptoms and treatment of which differ in different people, begins as acute, with attacks, and if the iron is badly affected and can not return to the original state of the tissues, then the illness goes on into a chronic form over time. Inflammation in this case does not go away, and the most frequent reason is excessive consumption of alcohol for several years, hereditary diseases, cystic fibrosis, autoimmune problems.


Acute pancreatitis, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in this article, usually begins with gradually increasing or sharp pain in the upper abdomen. It can be easy and intensify after eating. It also happens that painful feelings do not leave a person for several days, the patient looks and feels bad and needs immediate medical attention.

What symptoms can occur in pancreatitis:

  • Vomiting and nausea;
  • Swollen painful abdomen;
  • rapid pulse;
  • fever.

Such symptoms of pancreatitis in women are more common. Therefore, if there were sharp pains in the upper abdominal region, vomiting and dry mouth, hiccups, then this is likely to indicate that the inflammatory process begins in the pancreas. Severe acute pancreatitis causes dehydration and low blood pressure, the heart, lungs or kidneys can fail. Such symptoms of pancreatitis in men and women are often the same. Bleeding in the pancreas leads to shock and often fatal.

Especially dangerous is the exacerbation of pancreatitis, its symptoms can lead to unfortunate consequences. The chronic form has many similarities with the acute type of symptoms, but apart from them can include diarrhea, oily stools and weight loss.


Signs of pancreatitis, its symptoms are discussed above, but how is the disease diagnosed? After a conversation and a thorough examination, the doctor prescribes blood tests that help in diagnosing the disease. In acute pancreatitis, the blood contains three times more than the norm of amylase and lipase. Changes in its composition may also concern compounds such as glucose, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and bicarbonate. After the attack subsides, and the person's condition improves, the blood composition usually returns to normal.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis is often difficult due to the deep location of the pancreas, so other studies are needed that include:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, in which the waves are sent to the side of the gland through a portable device, moving on the stomach. They are reflected from the organs and create a picture on the monitor screen. If there are stones in the gallbladder that can cause pancreatitis, then the sound waves will also reflect from them, showing on the screen their location;
  • Computed tomography, this method produces three-dimensional images of organs, with the help of it you can well consider the degree of pancreatic damage;
  • Endoscopic ultrasound is also called cholangiopancreatography and can detect the nature of lesions of the gland and possible stones in the gallbladder. During the procedure, first using an aerosol, the throat is anaesthetized, and then an endoscope is inserted into the intestine through the esophagus and stomach, a thin tube with a lamp;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging produces sections of images of organs after the introduction of a vein in the vein of a colorant, allowing you to see the state of the affected area.

Chronic pancreatitis, especially the symptoms of pancreatitis in men, developed over a long period of time due to alcohol intake, is diagnosed in much the same way as acute, and it is often confused with this form of ailment. In differential diagnosis, a significant help can be provided by studying the history of family illnesses, eating habits and the fact that alcohol is consumed by the patient. Symptoms of the disease can develop very rapidly, this is a reactive pancreatitis.

Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the pancreas depend on the causes of the disease.

But pancreatitis is not only found in adults. If pancreatitis develops in children, the symptoms may be the result of malnutrition, congenital anomalies in the digestive system, trauma, food poisoning, or taking antibiotics.


The formation of gallstones and alcohol abuse are the two main causes of pancreatitis and account for 80-95% of all cases of the disease. In men, the most frequently diagnosed alcoholic disease is pancreatitis. Most often the alcoholic form of the disease develops in people who regularly take alcoholic drinks for 5-7 years. Often a person applies for medical help even when the ailment has taken a chronic course with periodically arising exacerbations, similar to symptoms in acute pancreatitis.

Stones in the gallbladder can block the pancreatic duct, preventing the normal movement of the secret and contributing to its accumulation in the organ itself. Symptoms of pancreatitis in women for this reason can develop after 50 years.

The remaining 10-15% of cases may be due to various factors:

  • Taking medicines;
  • Exposure to certain chemicals;
  • Injuries and injuries;
  • Hereditary diseases;
  • Infection;
  • Abnormalities of the intestine and pancreas;
  • High level of lipid in the blood.

In acute pancreatitis, 15% of the causes remain unknown, as well as in 40% of cases of a chronic form of the disease. About what is acute pancreatitis, the symptoms and treatment of ailment, read on.


If the symptoms are light, then stop the development of the disease can be, stopping drinking, switching to a liquid diet with dishes such as soups, broth and mashed potatoes. Avoid painkillers that can adversely affect the liver, for example, drugs "Acetaminophen", "Tylenol". Treatment is always aimed at alleviating the symptoms and preventing further aggravation. Serious complications may require a blood transfusion or surgical intervention.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis

For this form of the disease, hospitalization and administration of antibiotics is necessary. The patient can not eat for several days to give the intestines a rest. The choice of therapy depends on the severity of the attack. If there are no complications, the treatment focuses on weakening the symptoms and restoring the functions of the pancreas. For patients experiencing swallowing problems, intravenous administration of drugs and fluids is used.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes medications for pain and nausea, antibiotics in the presence of infection. Some people require a nasogastric tube, in which a thin flexible tube is inserted into the stomach and intestines to remove excess juices and provide feeding. If the attack lasts a long time, solutions of nutrients are introduced by means of a dropper. With adequate treatment, acute pancreatitis is overcome within a few days.

During and after an exacerbation it is forbidden to drink alcoholic, fatty products and to smoke. After discharge, tests are carried out in order to assess the condition of the body. Symptoms of pancreatitis, acute symptoms are discussed earlier.


Endoscopic retrograde pancreatocholangiography is used in both acute and chronic pancreatitis. In this case, a specialized technique is used to examine the pancreas, gallbladder and ducts, as well as to treat complications - gallstones, constriction or blockage of the duct and fluid accumulation. With this device you can:

  • Sphincterotomy, in which a small incision is made using an endoscope in the duct to ensure fluid outflow;
  • Removal of stones in the gallbladder;
  • Installation of a stent to expand the lumen of the duct;
  • Balloon dilatation.

People who undergo treatment with ERCPH have little risk of developing complications such as infections, intestinal perforation, internal bleeding. Similar problems are more common in patients with acute and recurrent pancreatitis. It is important, after the procedure, to pay attention to such symptoms as abdominal pain, difficulty in swallowing, chills, chest and throat discomfort, and immediately inform them of the treating doctor.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

With this form of the disease, therapy focuses on alleviating painful sensations and preventing further exacerbation, as well as maximizing the body's ability to take and digest food. In case of severe exacerbation and the presence of complications, hospitalization may be required. The food should contain a low amount of fat and a high level of carbohydrates, there is less recommended, and more frequent meals help prevent the development of serious consequences for the pancreas. If food processing is a problem, then enzyme preparations for oral administration are appointed, which help digest food. People with a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis are strongly encouraged to stop drinking alcohol. If the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and the regulation of blood glucose levels is disturbed, injections of this substance may be required.

Natural treatment of pancreatitis and food additives

There are a large number of herbs and various supplements that can soothe the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis. Natural treatment has a certain advantage, which is that the risk of developing side effects is practically reduced to zero. Without therapy, appointed by the attending physician, of course, not to do, but to enhance the effectiveness of treatment and accelerate recovery can be with the help of some natural herbal remedies. Let's list the main ones.

Dandelion extract, which stimulates the production of bile. The plant can also be taken in the form of tea, for this it is necessary to use yellow flowers before the fruit ripens.

Extract of milk thistle, which helps detoxify the liver, or in other words, purify it of toxins. Silica, present in the plant, helps to repair tissues damaged by inflammation. For the recipe you can take a teaspoon of milk thistle seeds, pour them with boiling water and insist for 2-3 hours, or take the product in the form of alcohol tincture.

Soy helps to regulate the level of sugar in the blood. You can use beans in raw form, soy milk. Turmeric contains a compound that has the property of reducing the intensity of inflammation in the pancreas. You can add this seasoning to dishes or take supplements based on this product. However, people suffering from hypoglycemia, use this tool in large quantities is not recommended.

The root of gentian is considered a very effective natural remedy for the treatment of pancreatitis, since it contains glycosides and alkaloids in its composition. These components help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. To accept a plant it is necessary in the form of tea, simply having boiled two table spoons of the crushed roots in liter of water. The taste of this infusion will be slightly bitter, so you can add orange or lemon juice to it. It is important that taking this medication is not recommended for pregnant women and people who suffer from high blood pressure and stomach diseases.

Chamomile has a calming effect and brings a tangible relief from inflammation of the pancreas. The most important components of the plant in this respect are coumarins, plant acids, glycosides and salicylate derivatives. Drink chamomile tea and use the plant essential oil as an aromatherapy.

Olive and garlic, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Olive oil helps to destroy free radicals in the body, which only increase the symptoms of pancreatitis in men and women. Add oil to salads and use it for cooking other dishes.

Also useful for pancreatitis are vitamins that need to be taken together, and lecithin, which promotes the absorption of fats. The attending physician can also prescribe lactobacilli, for example, "Acidophylline", which restores the normal microflora in the intestine. For many, the use of additives based on these compounds helps to quickly get rid of the painful symptoms of the disease. However, do not take them alone, it is better to consult the doctor about this. This is necessary in order to exclude the negative interaction with prescription drugs.

The attending physician can recommend multivitamins containing antioxidants, such as vitamin A, E, C and B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, especially calcium, magnesium, selenium and zinc. In addition, to optimize the functioning of the immune system and reduce inflammation, help Omega-3 fatty acids, which are in large quantities found in linseed oil and fish oil. Each of these products is manufactured in a convenient form of capsules, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

Features of nutrition in pancreatitis

Prevent attacks of pancreatitis, the symptoms of the disease can be through adherence to a special diet and the rejection of certain foods. Here are some rules concerning the diet of a sick person.

Choose products with a low fat content, this will avoid further exacerbations and seizures. The daily fat intake should not exceed 30-35 grams. Refuse from fried foods and fast food because they contain a lot of harmful trans fatty acids and fatty acids. To such food it is possible to carry donuts, french fries, cookies and crackers, cakes and cakes. It is recommended not to use margarine and butter, but oils: olive, linseed, sunflower, corn.

Eat lean protein, it also helps control inflammation. Choose sources of protein such as fish, poultry, beans, soy products, but it is desirable to refuse red meat. Bypass the side of fatty dairy products - cheese, ice cream, milk, sour cream. Eggs, especially yolks, are also not recommended, but you can make an omelet from protein. It is useful to cook for a couple, for example, for dinner you can boil broccoli and a slice of chicken breast, from drinks to choose a glass of tomato juice or fat-free yogurt. For lunch, you can cook all kinds of broths, both vegetable and lean meat, salads from fresh vegetables, seasoned with olive oil. From bakery products choose bread with whole-grain additives, cereal loaves, try to remove from the diet white bread, baked pastry such as pies, rolls and cheesecakes.

Include complex carbohydrates in the diet. Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants, for example, cherries, cherries, tomatoes, bell peppers, blueberries and cranberries. Eat more green and leafy vegetables - cabbage, spinach, lettuce, as they contain a large amount of iron and vitamin B useful in pancreatitis. A good source of complex, or slow, carbohydrates are whole-grain foods: oatmeal, millet, pearl barley, brown rice. Limit the use of refined and processed foods, as well as foods high in starch: macaroni, white bread, sugar, biscuits, white rice and crackers.

Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, as they strongly stimulate the functioning of the pancreas, increasing the workload on it and leading to fatigue and even inflammation. It is necessary to abandon the products that cause gas formation, and also check your menu for possible allergens, for example, preservatives, gluten, chemical food additives. It is not recommended to abuse salty foods and smoked foods, as well as various snacks such as crackers, chips and dried fish.

Pancreatitis in cats

Symptoms, treatment of the disease are somewhat similar to those in humans. The vet chooses the appropriate drugs, methods and doses. Cats may also experience an exacerbation of pancreatitis, symptoms - loss of appetite and weight loss, lethargy, indifference to others, diarrhea and dehydration. Vomiting and abdominal pain for most cats are not typical for such a disease, these symptoms can be observed only in 25% of these pets.

In some cases, feline pancreatitis can get out of control and lead to the development of serious complications, such as respiratory failure, painful inflammation of subcutaneous fat, pathology of other organs. If your pet has pancreatitis, symptoms and treatment, food should only be determined by a specialist. Unfortunately, pancreatitis in cats is a very common disease, so try to pay attention to the behavior and condition of your pet, so that if necessary, you can provide him with timely veterinary care.

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