HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pharyngitis and laryngitis: differences, symptoms and methods of treatment

Everyone knows the common cold and flu. Often people try to eliminate perspiration and sore throat, to cough up. But such self-medication can lead to unpleasant complications and overflow of the acute form of the disease into a chronic one. To ensure that the therapy has been selected correctly, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. Today's article will help you understand what has pharyngitis and laryngitis differences. You will learn more about these diseases and you will be able to get acquainted with the methods of their correction.

Pharyngitis and laryngitis: differences

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the lymphoid tissue of the okolothril ring. Often this pathology does not arise on its own, but is a consequence of the infectious process: influenza, acute respiratory disease, whooping cough, scarlet fever, or something else. The disease can have a mixed form, then it's about nasopharyngitis. Together with the shell of the pharynx, the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses become inflamed.

With laryngitis, an inflammatory process also occurs. Difference in its localization. It does not leak into the larynx, but affects the vocal cords. Pathology can be switched to the trachea, then specialists talk about laryngotracheitis. So, pharyngitis and laryngitis occur in different areas of the disease. The differences are the first and the main ones in this.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Causes of the appearance of diseases can become cold, viral, bacterial or fungal infections. Pharyngitis, as a rule, does not appear itself. You already know about this. Laryngitis, on the contrary, can be an independent disease. The cause of pharyngitis is an untreated rhinitis, in which mucus drips down the back wall of the larynx. An abnormality can arise on the background of the disease or after it (with whooping cough, scarlet fever). Causing inflammation can even caries. The cause of laryngitis is the inhalation of dirty air, dust, domestic fumes. There is a disease due to the defeat of viruses or bacteria. It is possible to establish what exactly caused the malaise, only through laboratory studies.

In diseases of pharyngitis and laryngitis, differences are also in the symptomatology. Both inflammations are accompanied by a cut and a sore throat. With laryngitis there is hoarseness of the voice, in some cases a person can not say a word. Pharyngitis is often accompanied by high fever. Cough with laryngitis is more like barking, if the inflammation has passed to the trachea, then sputum is excreted. Pharyngitis is characterized by a dry, unproductive cough that occurs due to irritation of the lymphoid tissue. There may also be a runny nose, which usually does not happen with inflammation of the vocal cords. Depending on what the laryngitis or pharyngitis has symptoms, and the treatment is chosen appropriate.

Medication Therapy

Treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis requires the use of antipyretics in those cases when the body temperature rises to a mark of 38.5 degrees. Up to this point, the use of antipyretics is unreasonable. But you can with a clear conscience take painkillers and antipyretic compounds with a severe headache, often it occurs with pharyngitis. Antibiotics are indicated only with confirmation of bacterial infection. With pharyngitis, preference is given to penicillin-type drugs, for example, "Augmentinu." As the statistics show, macrolides are appointed during laryngitis, for example "Sumamed".

You already know what symptoms the pharyngitis has . And treatment should be selected according to them. With a dry cough, such funds as "Sinekod", "Kodelak", "Herbion" are appointed. They block spasm and improve well-being. Cough with laryngitis is usually moist, with difficulty in sputum discharge. In this situation, it is advisable to use expectorant medications: "ACTS", "Lazolvan", "Mukaltin". To treat the larynx, you can use anesthetizing antiseptics and emollients: Tantum Verde, Lugol, Doctor Mom, Strepsils.

Treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis with folk remedies

Often patients resort to self-medication, using grandmother's recipes. It is permissible to gargle with the broths of chamomile, sage, calendula. They will have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. At that and other disease it is possible to do inhalations. During laryngitis, it is contraindicated to breathe hot air. So you just aggravate your current state. Absolutely confident with this and other diseases, you can do the following manipulations:

  • Warm your legs (you need mustard and warm water);
  • Drink fruit drinks and herbal infusions (consider the likelihood of allergies);
  • Soften the throat with warm milk and honey (not suitable for young children and those with intolerance to cow protein or honey);
  • Warm your throat with a woolen scarf.

Remember that the use of folk methods does not relieve you of the use of medications prescribed by your doctor.

Diet and diet

During treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions. The patient needs more rest: give up work and household chores. Your body needs strength to recover. Laryngitis provides for the peace of the vocal cords. This means that you can not talk. Many patients mistakenly believe that a whisper will help them. But such a burden only exacerbates the course of the illness and delays recovery.

Laryngitis and pharyngitis provide for the rejection of salty, peppery foods, as well as the use of spices. Eat only unheated food, exclude the cold. If there is no appetite, do not eat at all. But you can not give up drinking. Even if swallowing with pharyngitis causes you severe discomfort, you need to drink. Give preference to warm teas, decoctions and plain water.

Medical opinion

Doctors warn: self-medication of pharyngitis and laryngitis can translate the disease into a chronic form. While the pathology is acute, there is a chance to get rid of it in a short time. All medicines for pharyngitis and laryngitis for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician. Independently, you can give your child only antipyretics in case of need. Remember that some medicines are contraindicated to babies. For example, troches for resorption and laryngeal irrigation are not assigned to children until 3-6 years of age.


Pharyngitis and laryngitis are isolated diseases that rarely occur together. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a specialist: a therapist, a pediatrician or an otorhinolaryngologist. Modern and correct therapy will help you avoid complications and quickly regain strength. Be healthy!

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