Health, Diseases and Conditions
Roseola is ... Description, features, symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Roseola is a viral disease that occurs mostly in young children. Pseudorabrasion, a three-day fever, a sudden exanthema, or a sixth disease - all synonymous with roseola. The causative agent of the infection is the herpesvirus of the 6th type (HHV-6B).
This disease is mainly characteristic of children under two years old. And for adults this is a very rare phenomenon. There is not much information about this infection, it is at the research stage. Scientists have established that every person on earth suffers from this disease. However, its flow occurs in all different ways. Many people are interested in the question: Roseola is what? The answer is in this article.
It is accompanied by a rash, so before it was taken for the usual reaction of the child's body to medications. Let's take a look at what roseola is. What symptoms are accompanied. Every parent is obliged to know what it is like to know how to help a child when faced with this illness.
Roseola - what is it?
Roseola is a childhood illness. Its main feature is that diagnostics cause difficulties. Get the disease can be airborne or by contact with the sick. Two weeks is its incubation period, in which it can manifest itself.
Infectious disease appears with the help of the herpes virus. With her, a fever can occur in the patient, a rash appears on the skin, as well as other symptoms. In the risk group are children aged from six months to three years. However, there have been recorded cases when roseola also affected adult patients. Many of those who underwent this disease, suffered from chronic fatigue.
It is also called "a three-day fever". Diagnosis causes difficulties, since fever may be hiding behind another disease. For example, according to the symptoms, it is similar to rubella, an allergy or a common cold. Without special tests and diagnostic measures, it can not be detected. So the roseola is childish. Symptoms will be discussed in more detail below.
Fever rises quite easily in young children and almost never leaves consequences. For children who have not reached the age of three, the disease does not require the use of special medications. For others, the use of antiviral medicines is mandatory in order to overcome the disease. It is worth to be afraid of cramps, which it can provoke. Since this, in turn, can lead to disturbances in the work of the central nervous system.
As already mentioned, roseola is an infectious disease. The duration of the incubation period is about one week on average, in rare cases - two weeks. Children who are less than three years old are most at risk. The acute form of the disease causes considerable discomfort to the child. In this case, there is a certain symptomatology.
- Body temperature rises to 39 degrees and does not recede for 3 days.
- Cramps appear.
- Lymph nodes significantly increase.
So the baby's organism resists the infection that develops inside it. There is also swelling of the mucous in the nasopharynx. That's why many people consider her a common cold.
A week later the child is going through. The following symptoms are very rare:
- a migraine;
- diarrhea;
- a common cold;
- a sore throat;
- puffiness of the eyelids.
In the case of roseola, the symptoms and treatment depend on the age of the patient. Young children carry it much easier. In children, the disease is accompanied by a rash that does not go away until four days. Babies over the age of seven are not well tolerated.
The following changes are noted in the adult case:
- there is drowsiness;
- there is a syndrome of constant fatigue;
- The liver can be enlarged.
Body temperature with infection
Roseola - a disease that is very important to determine the first symptoms. And it is primarily a high fever, it is held by the patient for 3 days. On average, it reaches 39 degrees and does not get lost with the help of special medications.
Parents most often these symptoms are written off to the fact that the children are chopped or they get rubella. The main difference is that this infection has a body temperature of not more than 38 degrees. But to distinguish the roseola from the cutting teeth is very difficult. This can be done only after a few days, when there is a concomitant symptomatology.
What are other symptoms of roseola?
- He badly eats;
- he has no desire to do anything;
- there are severe headaches.
In order for the child to relieve the condition, the patient can give "Paracetamol" in the form of a suspension, it will help to slightly reduce pain. It is not recommended to give him the previously popular "Aspirin", since it has a negative effect on the work of the digestive tract and destroys the cells of the brain.
The main sign of the disease is expressed in the covering of the skin with a rash. It has a small shape and a slightly pinkish color. In small amounts poured on the face and neck, and the main rash is manifested on the stomach and back. Acne does not interfere with life, so they do not need to be treated. At the same time they pass and do not harm the skin.
Form of rash:
- spots of pink or red;
- size - from 2 to 5 millimeters;
- their edges are uneven;
- since they are located very close to each other, it seems that this is one spot.
Here's how the roseola in children. Symptoms and treatment are often interrelated.
The incubation period lasts up to a maximum of 14 days, while the child can observe the following changes:
- fast fatigue and tearfulness;
- the child can begin to be capricious for no reason;
- eyelids have strongly swelled;
His mouth was all red;
- the child refuses to eat;
- the body temperature rose sharply.
You can not diagnose the disease at home. To detect it, you need to take tests and undergo a complete examination. The blood test will show a deviation from the norm, the level of white blood cells will decrease by 4 g / l, and the lymphocytes will increase by 40 g / l. Also, the health worker must take an analysis for the presence of antibodies and determine if there is an infection agent.
What is the treatment for the diagnosis of roseola?
Here the main thing is to remember that with this infection it is impossible to lower the temperature, so do not give the child many drugs to lower it. Temperature after a few days itself comes back to normal. Doctors mistakenly can diagnose "rubella". The difference is that with rubella spots are spread over the body everywhere, and with roseola mostly on the stomach and back. Also these diseases are distinguished by such signs:
- acne does not itch and does not cause discomfort;
- can disappear within a few hours;
- there is no peeling.
If a child has a disease, it is necessary to create the right conditions under which it will recede for several days:
1. Compliance with bed rest.
2. Ensuring complete peace.
3. The room in which the patient is located should be constantly ventilated.
After the baby gets sick with this infection, he develops immunity to her and later he can not get sick.
In adults, the rash looks like a solid spot. Reminds of allergy to food or medicines. An adult patient can not do without special treatment. A baby can have only a few spots, which parents often do not pay attention to. How does roseola appear in adults? Symptoms are practically absent, there is no temperature change, and the rash does not appear. Only there is a general malaise in the body.
Possible consequences
If the patient complies with bed rest, there is no consequence. Otherwise, roseola may lead to the development of sepsis. Also, the disease can provoke a disruption of the central nervous system, due to the fact that cramps are possible. This may be in children who have not reached the age of two years.
With self-treatment, parents start giving the child a lot of all kinds of drugs, not realizing that they have side effects and can adversely affect their health.
Helpful Tips
So, what can not do to parents:
- To bring down the temperature;
- Lubricate pimples with various creams;
- Force to eat;
- To refuse from a hard quarantine at home.
- chicken bouillon;
- puree from vegetables;
- porridge;
- tinctures made on berries, herbs and fruits.
The child in this state can be a lot of capricious and do not observe the regime of the day. Parents should be lenient towards this. In no case should you force a child to work, over-feed him. His body is weakened, so doing it will be very hard for him. In addition, this can lead to complications.
You should see a doctor so that he confirms or refutes the diagnosis. An adult patient needs special treatment, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.
We considered such a disease as roseola in children. Treatment is also described.
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