
Roof rafters: forms, types, materials

Roofing in any house is the face of the owner, protection from bad weather, safety of its inhabitants. Roof rafters are the carrier, the main part of the structure and the main element. From their construction depends on the appearance of the house. First, you need to understand what types of coverage exist. Roofs are flat and pitched. The latter are divided into three versions of structures, depending on the number of slopes and engineering solutions:

  • One-stage;
  • Gable;
  • Multi-skate.

In the installation of the roof can be identified: hip, hip, half-wool, mansard and other roofs. Rafter systems can be layered and hanging. As a rule, in practice a combination of several types of rafter structures is used.

Construction of the roof of the house always begins with the design. It is necessary to calculate the force of external factors. To take into account the additional possibilities of the functional use of the roof, taking as its basis the main task - the protection and safety of the house. Correctly planned roof can help in increasing the residential or economic area of the building. Here you can arrange a room for rest and guests, use the space for storage of household equipment and workpieces. In the calculations, the following should be considered:

- the strength and speed of wind in the region of the house under construction;

- the number of annual precipitation, typical for the area;

- characteristics of the material (weight, strength, etc.), from which the roof will be made.

Rafters for a single-pitched roof have the simplest design. They are used for household buildings, summer kitchens, as well as in cases where the house has walls of different heights or located in a mountainous area. The roof covering is turned to the windward side. The rafter system is used for nylon. These are two inclined beams in relation to each other, in the upper part connected by a ridge, and the lower parts rest on two longitudinal bars, which are called "Mauerlat". The angle of inclination is determined individually with the calculation of the necessary parameters and the existing conditions.

For low-rise construction, mainly for summer cottages, two-story types are used - they are the most economical and reliable. Rafters for roofs are applied both layered and hanging. To install the first option it is necessary to have internal longitudinal walls and poles. In the case of their absence, only the outer walls of the house and the suspended roof system are used for the bracing of the structure, which provides for the presence of puffs - horizontal beams, which are the support for the rafter pillars, their reinforcement and uniform distribution of the load. This provides the necessary stability and fixation of the middle of the structure. Depending on the weight of the roofing material and possible rainfall, the roof rafters consist of racks, struts, stops, crossbars. The whole system is called a "truss". Its most reliable form is a triangle. Material for manufacturing - a tree of coniferous species with preliminary treatment by fire-prevention and antiseptic means. It is worth noting that if you do not have experience in the construction of this type of structure, roof rafters should be made by professional roofers.

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