HealthSupplements and vitamins

Revidox: reviews. Revidox (capsules): negative reviews

The vast majority of those who monitor their health and want to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible, take vitamins and various dietary supplements (dietary supplements). One of them will be discussed in our article. We will tell about the preparation "Revidox": reviews about it, characteristics and other information will also be discussed in detail. Separately, we will find out why many buyers put this rating with a minus sign.

The preparation "Revidox": composition and pharmacological properties

"Revidox" - capsules for oral administration. They are designed for general rejuvenation of the body and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. They are a source of antioxidants and a number of other useful substances. The composition of the drug includes whole grape extract, pomegranate extract, flavonoids, ellagic acid, bioactive resveratrol and other substances of natural origin. Since this drug is non-drug, it is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, and the price for packing starts from 1200 and comes to 2000 rubles. In a pack - 30 capsules, the course (packing) is calculated exactly for a month of application.

For the prevention of any diseases and conditions, the manufacturer recommends the use of BA "Revidox"

This remedy has a general strengthening effect and is not intended for the treatment of any diseases. So, the preparation "Revidox", the instruction on which application is available in each pack, it is necessary to drink one capsule per day. The manufacturer promises the following effect after a regular and long (up to 6 months) use of this dietary supplements:

  • Improving the general condition of the skin, increasing its level and elasticity;
  • Smoothing of fine wrinkles;
  • Retardation of cellular aging of the skin;
  • Protection of the heart and blood vessels from possible diseases;
  • Improvement of metabolism, gradual normalization of weight;
  • Also the drug has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

This is what the "Revidox" dietary supplements have. The instructions for use also emphasize that the drug has a so-called "cumulative effect," that is, the longer you drink it, the better the results from its use.

What is the mechanism of action of the "Revidox"?

The manufacturer cites the following data based on in vitro and in vivo studies: in the first months of use, Revidox actively neutralizes free radicals, thereby prolonging the life of the cells in the body. It increases the protection of the skin from UV radiation, and also activates the so-called "longevity gene" - sirtuin. With further use, the drug lowers cholesterol, helps the heart and vessels work better, strengthens them, improves blood microcirculation in tissues. At the same stage, BA "Revidox" activates the metabolism and stimulates the production of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity and helps smooth out fine wrinkles. According to the data received from the manufacturer, the product increases the hydration of the skin by 79.5%, and its elasticity increases to 43.6%. Up to 39.1% the depth and visibility of wrinkles decreases, the appearance of pigmented spots decreases by 34.5%, and the complexion improves by as much as 88%. But as we have already noted above, the drug has one significant drawback - a high price, so it is interesting to know whether there are funds with a similar effect.

Biologically active additive "Revidox": analogues

In fact, the effect of this drug is based on the fact that its composition includes substances that are powerful antioxidants. In this case, they are obtained from an extract of pomegranate and grapes. As a cheaper analogue of Revidox, you can use a combination of dietary supplements "Red Wine Extract" from the company "Parapharm", "Pomegranate Extract" or "Granatin Q10" and selenium in tablets. It is possible to calculate, how much will the rate of reception in 1 month of analogues of the means "Revidox" cost:

  • BAD "Red wine extract" - the price is from 180 to 200 rubles per package;
  • The preparation "Pomegranate Extract" from the company "Super Herb" produced in Israel - $ 19 (660 rubles) per pack;
  • Additive "Selenium asset" - 65-75 rubles per package.

Total is about 900 rubles - so much are drugs, the action of which is similar to the considered means "Revidox". Also as analogs are the Neocell dietary supplements in combination with the addition of "Selenium active" or "Source Naturals" also together with selenium. If the above dietary supplements you can not find in the pharmacy, they can be ordered in online stores at a very affordable price - up to 700 rubles per package, calculated for a month of daily intake.

Positive feedback about the drug "Revidox"

That's what those who have really helped to improve the skin and improve health:

  • After several weeks of taking the drug, the complexion really improves;
  • Nails during the course of application become strong, grow faster;
  • The skin becomes more elastic, elastic (this characteristic is given mainly to young women under the age of 40);
  • It is convenient in the application - in the day you need to drink only one capsule of dietary supplements "Revidox".

Reviews about him, mainly, are positive from those who drank the drug for at least a few months. Basically, everyone writes that the "wow effect" should not be expected from him, but at the same time the skin against the background of taking the dietary supplements really becomes fresh, elastic, looks younger.

Capsules "Revidox": negative reviews

Of course, in addition to the supporters of this drug, there are those who note and the negative aspects of its use, such as:

  • The vast majority complains about the price of dietary supplements - the packaging costs from 1200 rubles, but on average, in pharmacies - from 1500 to 2000 rubles (depending on the region), and to get the proper effect of taking the money, you need to drink several courses in a row - up to 6 Months;
  • From visible deep wrinkles, he does not save;
  • Also against the background of taking the "Revidox" means there is no promise of a reduction in body weight promised by the manufacturer;
  • Many suspect that the drug has no effect other than "placebo" - that is, you firmly believe that it will help you to become more beautiful and younger, so it seems to you that this is how it is;
  • When applying a course lasting 1 month, the action of the product (rejuvenation, moisturizing the skin from the inside and so on), most buyers do not observe at all.

And such characteristics received BA "Revidox": negative feedback about it can be expressed in two words - "price" and "useless", although the last statement is very controversial, let's see why this happens.

Why does one dietary supplement "Revidox" help, but for others it is a waste of money

The article mentioned that the "Revidox" remedy is a biologically active additive that is not a medicinal product. The drug is unlikely to relieve you of significant health problems or appearance. Against the background of taking the drug "Revidox" or its analogues, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, drink enough water, do not smoke and do not abuse alcohol, go in for sports and sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Judge for yourself, if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and at the same time take dietary supplements "Revidox" in the hope of improving the complexion, it is natural that the drug does not work. You yourself reduce the effect of the additive to "no." The same applies to drinking alcohol, malnutrition or chronic lack of sleep. No additive will remove the bags under the eyes, if you sleep 4-5 hours a day and are in a state of chronic stress at work; Nothing will help you lose weight if you exceed the recommended daily calorie intake several times. Therefore, the drug "Revidox" reviews are quite contradictory, because much depends on the person and on the lifestyle that he leads at the time of taking this dietary supplement.

Buy means or not: conclusions and conclusion

Of course, living in a modern metropolis and working in a constant time trouble, a person simply needs to take vitamin supplements or drugs that help maintain health. The use of "Revidox" if, and will not have a visible effect (in the worst case), it will still help to strengthen the body and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Especially if you apply it regularly to courses several times a year. Of course, to buy it or its analogs - it's up to you, because BA "Revidox" is quite expensive, especially in the regions, and the recommended duration of admission is up to six months.

We hope that after reading this article, you decide whether to buy Revidox - reviews about it draw a rather ambiguous picture of the application, but none of them is sharply negative, the drug did not develop an allergy, did not show itself and other side effects . The biggest thing you risk, buying the "Revidox", is the lack of visible action and your own money.

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