
Pustyrupodnik Luteus: planting and care

Puzyreplodnik is another representative of deciduous shrubs belonging to the Rosy family. From the Latin Physocarpus comes from two different words: physo i carpos, which means a bladder and a fruit. The genus of these plants includes 14 representatives, whose range is determined by East Asia and North America. As the culture of vesicle is cultivated for decorative purposes, which does not lose throughout the growing season. Differs vesicle from unpretentiousness, resistance to air pollution, and even under unfavorable growth conditions it shows rapid growth rates.

Used for disembarkation in the composition of landscape compositions and singly. Effectively looks like a hedgerow.

Bladder: botanical help

A dense spherical crown is formed by the sprawling drooping branches of the vesicle. The bark of adult bushes exfoliates in broad strips. The Luteus pustyrus, whose height can reach 3 meters, is a heat-loving plant that perfectly feels in a temperate climate. The leaves are formed from three to five blades, outwardly reminiscent of the leaves of the Kalina.

White simple flowers with many stamens form an inflorescence of a hemispherical shape with a diameter of 5-8 cm. The flowering period begins in June. The fruits of the vesicle are not less attractive.

Planting plants

Cultural varieties of vesicles are represented by only two species suitable for floriculture - these are varieties with leaves of different shades.

Periods of planting of bladder

Planting material can be purchased at the mall or nursery of domestic plants. For planting seedlings with a closed root system are suitable, such material is suitable for planting at any time, except winter.

Saplings with an open root system are suitable for planting on the open ground in the spring-autumn period. Although gardeners still prefer the autumn planting.

The bladder does well in open sunny areas. It is better to plant it away from the shade of large trees. Although green-leaved vesicle is good in the penumbra.

With the choice of the soil, there should be no problems: vesicle - a plant is not fastidious. The only thing to take care of is the low concentration of lime in the ground and an excellent drainage system. Gardeners note that specimens of Luteus vesicles growing on fertile soils develop more actively, look more lush and have a vivid appearance.

Peculiarities of planting of bladder

For the planting of plants prepare such holes, so that they easily fit the root system and an additional fertile layer consisting of a mixture of earth, sand, peat, turf. The root neck of the plant should be slightly above the ground surface.

The holes are excavated two weeks before the expected date of planting, so that the fertile layer placed in them could settle a little. The seedling is placed in the hole, without removing the soil from the roots, so as not to irritate the plant. When planting fertilizer is not made, since the young plant is not yet able to absorb such a volume of substances, especially since the landing site was fertilized beforehand.

Putting the seedling, the pits are covered with the mixture described above, and must be watered. When the soil is drafted, land is added. When growing Luteus vesicles, planting and caring for the plant is reduced to a standard system, well-known gardeners. These are the basic rules, adhering to which, you will grow strong and healthy plant bushes in your yard. Therefore, after planting the bubble-bearing seedlings, care must be taken to ensure that the soil around the trunk contains a sufficient moisture level. To maintain it, the site is mulched using peat or humus.

Rules of care of a plant

One of the most important rules for caring for the plant is timely watering, as the vesicle does not tolerate drought. Moistening the soil, make sure that the leaves and blossoms remain dry, otherwise the plant can get sunburn. Watering is carried out early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun practically hid behind the horizon.

The frequency of irrigation is determined based on the volume of the bush. It is common in the summer to water the vesicle Luteus twice a week, allocating up to 40 liters of water per adult plant.

Watch for the condition of the leaves of the bushes, as the vesicle is affected by both lack of moisture and its excess. After irrigation, it is desirable to mulch the site, otherwise we'll have to loosen the soil and remove the weeds.

Fertilizing plants

Fertilizers are applied twice a year, in spring and in autumn. In the spring, feed a solution of Mullein in a volume of 0.5 liters; Solution with the addition of 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and urea per 10 liters of water, while calculating 15 liters to irrigate one adult plant.

In autumn, the soil loosened around the trunk is poured with a solution of nitroammophoska in the proportion of 2 tbsp. L. For 10 liters of water.

Pruning of bushes

Contain a vesicle in the garden, prepare for a systematic formative and sanitary pruning of bushes.

Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring, while removing the affected branches, frozen shoots, and those that grow inside the bush.

In the autumn season, cut the bushes is necessary to prepare the plant for winter. It is not excluded the option of holding shaping trimming in the fall, although it is prudent to follow the rules and conduct the procedure in a timely manner. If you want the vinasseous Luteus vesicle, the description of the planting and care which you have already studied, has grown in volume, cut off its apex, leaving about half a meter of the plant from the ground level. If the plants in the form of a fountain like you more, then remove all thin shoots at the base and slightly shorten the upper, strongest branches.

When performing rejuvenating trimming on the stump, all sections are treated with a garden gum. Pruning is carried out in the sixth year of the life of the bush.

The rules of vesicle transplantation

The vesicle is transplanted when the previous landing site is not suitable for growing the plant, or you decided to include it in the landscape composition.

The adult vesicle cannabis Luteus (photo is in the article) is transplanted in the spring before the budding buds are awakened or in the autumn, when the plant fades.

When transplanting, the ground is not shaken off from the roots, but is transplanted with a lump of "native" soil. Before moving the bush to a new site, pruning is carried out, removing excess branches, as well as diseased shoots; Healthy - shorten, leaving 20-30 cm from the trunk. This is done in order to reduce the burden on the root system of the vesicle and ensure a comfortable growth of the plant in a new place.

The transplant is carried out in the same way as the primary landing, corrected for the fact that you still transplant not the seedling, but the adult, formed plant.

Having determined the vesicle to a new place, pour it with a solution of "Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin", treat the crown with "Ecogel-antistress" or "Epin".

As you can see, transplantation and care of the plant is possible even for a beginning gardener.

Diseases and pests

To the pathogenic formations, the Luteus vesicle, the description of which you have studied, is stable, pests are almost not affected. Due to malnutrition, chlorosis can develop in vesicles, which is manifested in the yellowing of young leaves and drying up of apical young branches. In the case of invasion of the bush, iron is introduced into the rash of the vesicle by spraying the crown or watering it under the root using an Antichlorosis solution or iron chelate.

By carefully caring for the plant and providing comprehensive treatment, the bush's health can be fully restored.

Features of reproduction

At home, vegetative reproduction of Luteus vesicles can be carried out in one of three ways:

  • With the help of layers;
  • Highlighting cuttings;
  • By dividing the bush.

If there is a desire, it is possible to sow the seeds of the plant in autumn / spring, previously subjected to stratification. Gardeners note that such samples do not grow as bright as the parent plants. Care for them is necessary much more carefully than for the newly formed seedling.

Using the vegetative method for plant propagation, it is possible to achieve the desired result more quickly, in addition, it is more convenient and reliable.

Procedure of propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are carried out before the bush gives color. Young green shoots of about 13-22 cm long with internodes (2-3) are prepared for planting. To do this, the leaves are removed from the lower part of the branch, in the upper part - they are shortened by half. Planting material is soaked in "Kornevin" or any other solution that stimulates root formation. Disembarkation of the vesicles of Kalinolist (Luteus) is carried out on a training bed with a mixture of sand and peat, watered and covered with a plastic film to create an artificial greenhouse. To care for cuttings is simple: it is enough to water and air a "steam room" regularly. Wintering cuttings in a sheltered bed, and in spring they are transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Reproduction by layers

This is the easiest way to get a new independent plant. In spring, choose one of the strongest and healthy shoots outward. From the selected escape of Luteus vesicles, all foliage, except for a few upper leaves, is removed and placed in a groove in the ground depth of 10-13 cm, pinned with wooden staples and covered with earth. Throughout the vegetation period, do not forget about irrigation, removal of weeds and loosening of the soil around the sample. In autumn, the entrenched residue is removed from the mother bush and harvested for the winter period.

Division of the bush

The buccal cane Luteus reproduces well by dividing the bush. The procedure is carried out as standard in spring or autumn. If you are an experienced gardener, then you can divide the bush in the summer. Carrying out the division, it is important to do the procedure quickly, until the roots of the extracted plant have dried up.

Puzyerplodnik in landscape design

In autumn, the vesicle is especially beautiful. It is at this time that the foliage begins to brighten with bright colors. The use of Luteus vesicles (photo confirms this) in landscape design is explained not only by the attractive appearance of the plant, but also by the properties of lack of rigidity, stability and frost resistance, which makes the plant a popular option for supplementing landscape compositions.

How does a vesicle hibernate?

If you expect too cold a winter and, despite the properties of resistance to frost, afraid that the plant will suffer, pull the bush twine and cover it with a cone of roofing material. Sometimes for additional protection the bush is wrapped with lutrasil. Preparing for winter, the soil around the stem of the vesicle is mulched with peat (up to 10 cm).

As you can see, the cultivation of such an attractive and at the same time unique plant, like a vesicle, is based on the basic rules for caring for garden crops, but how many pleasant emotions can give contemplation of Luteus bubbleburn in a hedge, in its flower garden, lawn, flower bed or alpine Hill. In any composition, such a plant looks unsurpassed.

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