HealthDiseases and Conditions

Placental polyp

Placental polyp is a pathology resulting from incomplete removal of the placental tissue from the uterus. It is considered by doctors as a precancerous disease, although it is a benign tumor. For the development of the disease, it is enough for one small piece, on which fibrin and blood begin to layer. Vorsinki secondary change (calcification, necrosis). The contractility of the uterus will be reduced, which means that natural self-cleaning will be disrupted. That is why, in the period after abortions and childbirth, sometimes prolonged discharge of blood (blood) from the genital tract is observed. Placental polyp almost always becomes the culprit of further development of infection - endometritis. After a while, the uterine mucosa may begin to recover, and the discharge may stop. Even the normalization of the menstrual cycle is possible. However, you should not flatter yourself. The remaining placental polyp will not disappear anywhere. In it will grow new vessels. In other words, it will start to expand. The uterus, trying to remove the placental polyp, will shrink. And this means that new bleeding will begin, sometimes very abundant. A large loss of blood can result in tragedy.

Placental polyp. Symptoms and Clinic

The delayed pieces of the placenta already in the second week after childbirth can cause bleeding. Although usually it happens a little later (in the fourth or fifth week after the birth or operation). Bleeding can be severe and require immediate hospitalization.

If the placental polyp began to develop after a miscarriage, then it may take longer to heal. Then the allocation is poor and even for a few days can stop. And then bleeding opens again, but with more force (usually in the third or fourth week).

Polyp can be palpated through the cervical canal. Painful cramping sensations are possible. With mechanical action (even if it is a light touch), the polyp starts to heal.

The presence of polyps can speak pain during intercourse and the appearance of discharge with blood after them.


Today gynecology polyps treats quite successfully. When opening a bleeding, not considered as menstrual, a woman should be immediately sent to a hospital. After a detailed examination, when confirming the presence of placental polyps, a decision is made on the need for an operation to remove them.

The treatment here is only active - surgical. If the polyp is in the cervical canal, it is removed by the forceps. After this, a thorough scraping of the walls of the uterus. The same measures are taken with heavy bleeding. When bleeding moderate and if the diagnosis is presumable, the medication is prescribed medication. And only with ineffectiveness of this treatment, scraping is performed. However, with advanced placental polyps, there may be a septic infection, then during surgery, there is a danger of generalization of the infection. In this case, you must first fight with the infection, and only then remove the polyp. To remove a polyp it is necessary korntsangom, from a curettage it is better to abstain (in order to avoid development of a sepsis).

After removal of the polyp to exclude the presence of chorioepithelioma, histological examinations of scrapings are performed. Hormone therapy is indicated.

The operation can be performed under both local and general anesthesia.

Prevention of disease

To prevent the disease, visit the gynecologist at least once every six months. Remember that the cause of placental polyps most often become abortions. Use contraceptives. This will significantly reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy, and hence unwanted abortions.

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