
Phrase as a unit of syntax. Types of word combinations

The most important section of the science of language is syntax. The basic units of syntax are the phrase, sentence, text. They are the subject of his study. The lowest link in this hierarchy is the phrase. As a unit of syntax, it plays a very important role, because it is from these units that sentences and further texts are built.

Definition of concept

One or more words, combined in meaning or grammatically, constitute a phrase. These syntactic units are easily distinguished from sentences.

The composition can be found the main word and dependent. The first is the one from which the question is asked. The second - to which he is put. Let's take an example: the autumn wind. The wind (what?) Is autumn. Since the question is given by the word wind - it will be the main thing. Accordingly, the autumn - dependent.

Grammatical words are associated with the use of endings or prepositions. Also, the order of words and the semantic adjacency matter.

Not a phrase

It should be remembered that the phrase will not appear. First, the grammatical basis. This fact is easy to prove, because people communicate with each other, verbally and in writing, precisely with proposals. A word-combination is a kind of brick, from which more complex communicative units are built. In addition, there are sentences consisting of one word. A phrase is at least two lexemes.

Secondly, homogeneous members of the sentence will also not fall into the category of minimal syntactic units. Why? The relationship between them is not subordinate, which should be in the phrase, but the composition (it is impossible to raise the question).

Thirdly, the significant part of speech with the adjacent official can not be identified in the phrase. As a unit of syntax, it carries a semantic load. And the described variant is just a form of a word.

Fourth, do not confuse complex grammatical forms and syntax units. For example, future time, subjunctive or imperative mood, degree of comparison , etc.

Fifthly, in the process of language development, the grammatical and semantic connection within phraseological units has lost itself. Therefore, it is erroneous to say that this phrase. As the basic unit of syntax, it must necessarily consist of related words.

Kinds of the main word

Depending on what part of the speech is the main word, they sing out the nominal, verbal, adverbial phrase. As a unit of syntax, it is very diverse in its composition.

Let's give examples of each kind of syntactic units.

  1. Nominal. In them the main word is the nominal part of speech. A table made of wood (noun), useful for the eyes (adjective), three friends (numeral), something necessary (pronoun).
  2. Verb. Here the main word can be either directly the same name part of speech, and the participle, the gerund. Let's give examples: look away (verb), looking aside (participle), looking aside (gerund).
  3. Adverbial. Very good, to the right of the river, deep into the forest.

Communication approval

The phrase and sentence as the basic units of syntax are very similar in relation to their components. So, in the sentence there is a subordinate, a cohesive and an all-union relationship. Whereas in the phrase only subordinate. However, it is divided into several types. The first, which we will consider - coordination.

With this type of communication, the main word requires the formulation of a dependent in a similar genus, number and case. Let's analyze what parts of speech can be components in the process of coordination:

The main word

Dependent word

Noun or other substantive part of speech.

  1. Adjective (not in any degree of comparison): table (what?) Oak, sunset (what?) Beautiful. There is also a short form: evil on oneself (in this case words are consistent in gender and number).
  2. Ordinal numerals: the fifth floor, the seventh regiment. Only in the genus are the quantitative numbers consistent : five shelves to five regiments. Exception - both, both - for them is characteristic and category of the genus: both pupils, both pupils.
  3. A pronoun-adjective: letters (what?) This, to the house (what?) To that.
  4. Communion: a book (what?) Read, a person (what?) Thinking.
  5. Another noun-appendix: father-architect, soldier-liberator.

Communication management

The phrase and sentence as the units of syntax create our speech, so it is necessary to understand the essence of the processes taking place inside. Another link between words is control. With him, the main word, changing itself, does not require the formulation of the dependent in a certain form. The formal sign is not only an ending, as in the agreement, but also an excuse. Moreover, the latter is more common.

Let's analyze the variants of the main and dependent words in similar phrases.

The main word

Dependent word

  1. The verb: I write (what?) The book, I think (about what?) About the holiday. Parts of speech close to the verb (participle, gerund): writing (what?) The book, thinking (about what?) About the holiday.

Noun, pronoun-noun, or substantive part of speech.

  1. Noun: table (of what?) Of marble, reading (of what?) The journal
  2. Adjective: happy (from what?) From love, happy (than?) Successes
  3. The quantitative numeral, put in the form of the accusative or genitive case: three (what?) Of the flower; Five (what?) Steps

Connection contiguity

A phrase as a unit of syntax can have within itself not only a grammatical link, but also a semantic one. In other words, a dependent word can be added to the main word solely in meaning. Such a connection is called adjacency.

Since the addition of a dependent word occurs by its meaning, it is logical to assume that all unchanged parts of speech and form of words will be such words. We list them.

The main word

Dependent word

The verb: to do (how?) Quickly, began (what to do?) To speak

1. An adverb: ran (how?) Quickly; Groped (where?) In the dark.

Noun: mountain (what?) Above

2. De-participle: sitting (how?) Looking, telling (how?) Rejoicing.

Adverb: quite (how?) Far away

3. Infinitive: should (what to do?) To come.

Adjective: beautiful (how?) Externally and internally

4. Comparative degree of the name of the adjective: rivers (what?) Deeper, children (which) younger.

5. Adjective pronoun (them, its his). The portfolio (whose?) Is it, the apartment (whose?) Them.

6. An inconsistent application: the newspaper (which?) "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Whole and free

The characteristics described above are not limited to the phrase as a unit of syntax. Types of word combinations are also determined by the features of the structure. So, allocate simple and complex units. The first contain two significant words: somehow in the autumn, a wooden window, no good. The second, complex, imply from three significant words in its composition: the poetic language of Gogol, the window into the parent bedroom, my favorite books.

The vocabulary richness of the language implements the phrase as a unit of syntax. Kinds of word combinations on the connectedness of components - free and integral. The first include independent members of the proposal, for example, the subject and definition (the other side), the predicate and circumstance (lying on the bed), and others.

Whole word combinations are one, indivisible member of the sentence: all (what?) From small to large, worked (how?) Through the sleeves.

It is with the study of the word combination that the study of such a complex section of language as syntax begins. The basic units of syntax - the phrase, sentence, text - you need to know very well. Only in this case it is possible to speak about beautiful written and oral speech.

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