
"Pantogam asset": instructions for use, feedback

What is a Pantogam Active medication? The instructions for use, the composition and form of this medication will be discussed below.

Basic information (form, composition)

The drug "Pantogam asset", the instruction for use of which is stored in a cardboard box, goes on sale in the form of gelatinous hard capsules of yellow color, size 1. Their contents are white powder (may have a yellowish tinge).

The active element of this drug is L-, D- gopantenic acid. It also includes such auxiliary substances as magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.

As for the capsules themselves, they consist of glycerol, nipagin, nipase, sodium lauryl sulfate, purified water, titanium dioxide, gelatin, yellow iron oxide.

In what packaging can I buy Pantogam Asset? Instructions for use say that this drug is on sale in polymer cans or contour cells, packed in cardboard boxes.


How does Pantogum Active 300 work? The instruction for use asserts that the effectiveness of this agent is related to the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid in its composition. After taking the drug, this component acts on GABA-receptors (channel complex).

The medicament in question is a mixture (racemic) of an equal amount of R-type acid of the gopanthenic, as well as its S-isomer. Presence in the drug of the latter significantly improves the transport and interaction of the drug with GABA-receptors.

The medication Pantogam Active, the instruction for use of which is discussed below, has a more pronounced nootropic and anticonvulsant effect than that of the first-generation Hepatenic acid.

Use of the drug in question increases the resistance of the brain to oxygen starvation, as well as the effect of toxic elements on it. In addition, this drug stimulates neuronal anabolic processes, combines a moderate sedative effect and mild stimulating effect.

It should also be noted that Pantogam Active has light anti-anxiety and anti-asthenic properties. Its reception reduces motor excitability, activates intellectual activity, regulates human behavior and increases its efficiency. Also, the medication in question slows the pathologically increased vesicle reflex and reduces detrusor tone.


How long does the Pantogum Active drug take? Instruction for use says that the absorption of this agent occurs fairly quickly.

The drug penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier, and is also not metabolized, is excreted along with urine and feces unchanged.


What indications is the medicine Pantogam Active? Instructions for use (the analogs of the drug under consideration are listed below) asserts that this medication is most effective when:

  • Cerebrovascular insufficiency (due to atherosclerotic pathology of cerebral vessels);
  • Epilepsy (especially when combined with anticonvulsants);
  • Cognitive impairment, caused by neurotic disorders, as well as organic brain damage (including due to trauma to the skull and neuroinfections);
  • Reduced physical and intellectual activity, psycho-emotional overload (to improve concentration and memory);
  • Extrapyramidal hyperkinesis (with Parkinson's disease, myoclonus-epilepsy, Huntington's chorea, hepatolenticular degeneration, etc.);
  • Treatment of extrapyramidal syndrome, which was caused by the intake of neuroleptics;
  • Schizophrenia (used in complex therapy);
  • Neurogenic disorders of urination (with pollakiuria, enuresis, imperative urinary retention, imperative urge to urinate).

Prohibitions for admission

When should not you use Pantogam Active? Instructions for use indicate the following contraindications:

  • Lactation period.
  • Hypersensitivity to the ingredients of capsules.
  • First trimester of pregnancy;
  • Acute or severe kidney pathology;
  • Minor age (due to lack of clinical studies).

Medication "Pantogam Active": instruction

Application (reviews about the drug will be considered further) this drug is subject only after consultation with the doctor.

Capsules are for internal administration. Usually they are used 20 minutes after the meal, twice or thrice a day (morning and afternoon).

The standard dosage regimen of this drug is 0.3-0.8 g per day. The maximum dose of medication per day is 2.3 g.

The course of therapy with this drug can last from 1 to 4 months. Sometimes the medication continues to be taken for half a year or a year.

After 3-6 months, let's repeat the course of treatment.

Side effects

Sometimes, against the background of taking the drug in question, patients are allergic in the form of conjunctivitis, rashes on the skin and rhinitis. If these symptoms appear, you should decrease the dose recommended by your doctor or stop the therapy completely.

Also, the use of this medication often causes such short-term and passing signs, as a noise in the head, drowsiness and sleep disturbance.

Interaction, overdose

What signs of overdose can cause the drug Pantogam Active? Instructions for use (tablets with this name are not available) informs that if the dosage is significantly exceeded, the patient may experience symptoms of side effects. In this case, the victim needs to wash the stomach, as well as carrying out symptomatic treatment and taking enterosorbents.

According to the instructions, the drug Pantogam Active is able to interact with certain medications. It enhances the action of anti-seizure drugs, and also potentiates the effects of medications that are used for local anesthesia (in particular, Procaine). Also, when a joint admission with barbiturates "Pantogam asset" prolongs their effect.

One can not help saying that the drug under consideration prevents the occurrence of side effects of "carbamazepine", neuroleptics and "Phenobarbital."

The combination of glycine and etidronic acid enhances the therapeutic effect of Pantogam Active.

Special Information

What should the patient be warned before appointing him "Pantogam asset"? Experts argue that taking this remedy for a long time with the parallel use of other drugs that stimulate the CNS and have a nootropic effect is highly discouraged.

Analogues and reviews about the drug

The following medicines have similar therapeutic properties: "Thiocetam", "Vinpocetine", "Cavinton", "Glycine", "Lucetam", "Pyracetam", "Nootropil", "Fezam" and others.

According to consumers' reviews, this drug effectively manifests itself in neurotic disorders, schizophrenia and epilepsy (only in complex treatment), as well as cerebrovascular insufficiency and cognitive impairment due to brain injuries.

It should also be noted that good results after the use of this medication are noted for psychoemotional overloads, reduced efficiency and mental activity, as well as impaired urination due to neurological diseases.

The disadvantages of the drug in question include a large number of prohibitions to use and the inability to use in children (for the latter there is another form).

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