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On the face of the common cold: features, possible causes and characteristics of treatment

If there is a cold on the face, then much becomes inaccessible. It hurts to smile, you can not kiss, and wait until it passes by itself, for too long. Where does this unpleasant skin manifestation come from, and how can you get rid of it? Unfortunately, it is not a cosmetic issue at all.

What does the cold look like, and what is it?

It is worth one time to sit in a draft, a little overcooled or get under the rain, as on the lip, under the nose or even in the nostril appear painful blisters filled with a clear liquid. The touch becomes painful, there is a pronounced edema, and these unpleasant sensations last for a long time. On the face, the cold first looks like a small pimple, more often - a few bubbles nearby. But soon they turn into a painful sore.

Colds are called external manifestations of herpes, and in most cases it is only about symptomatic treatment. The herpes virus is present in most people's organisms, but if the immune system is normal, then external manifestations can and do not wait. That is why herpetic ulcers are called colds - the body weakened by hypothermia is no longer able to contain the virus constantly present in it, and one can already see characteristic bubbles on the lip.

How to cure a cold on the face

If a cold has already appeared, then you need to worry about not getting any more. The problem is a bothersome debilitating pain, which is not so strong as to exhaust, but at the same time the hands are stretching to rub painful blisters. They are easily traumatized, the infection gets into the wound, and an even more painful edema can quickly form. Because of this, a small sore can quickly increase, "crawl" to neighboring tissues.

A pronounced cold on the face needs intensive symptomatic treatment. Combined therapies work well - you need to prevent infection in the wound, if possible reduce the pain and help the body cope with the raging virus. For this, both folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations are used. In herpetic conjunctivitis, antiviral eye drops are prescribed.

The most effective folk remedies

If the face of the common cold is already noticeable, then lotions from warm tea, black or green, are great. You can take a tea bag or moisten with a piece of cotton wool. It is necessary to check that the tea was warm, without sugar. Tannins and tannins, which are contained in tea, reduce pain and relieve itching, soothe the skin and slightly dry the vesicles. Tea tree oil helps, the infusion of chamomile.

An unappetizing but very effective remedy is earwax. Fresh sulfur is applied to the itchy area before the appearance of severe sores. Surprisingly, after such procedure the cold can not appear at all. In the ear extracts contain sulfur and silicon, it is these substances that prevent the manifestation of herpes.

Honey and propolis, which are often recommended as a panacea, can be used only if there is no allergy to beekeeping products. It is not necessary to smear a cold with toothpaste, it can provoke an allergic reaction and seriously aggravate the situation. Although toothpaste can bring temporary relief, it is such an unpredictable means that it is better to give preference to traditional methods of treatment.

Modern medicine

Pharmaceutical companies offer several types of antiviral ointments designed specifically to eliminate external manifestations of herpes. Creams "Acyclovir" and "Zovirax", other preparations of the same type are best used in the initial stage of skin rashes caused by the herpes virus.

If the person is ill with a cold, it is necessary to take into account the localization of sensations. The characteristic "tickling" along the lip of the lips or on the mucous membrane of the nostrils with a high degree of probability indicates precisely herpes. In case of any doubts and unusual place of pain symptoms, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and treatment correction.

Cold on the face of the child

The main problem with the treatment of children is that babies scratch sores, make an infection, and the problem is aggravated at times. While the child can not clearly tell where exactly and how it hurts, it is possible to recognize and diagnose the disease only after a cold has appeared on his face. In this case, parents simply do not have time to apply preventive measures and involve early treatment.

To remove the sores as quickly as possible, it is necessary, if possible, to prevent scratching of the herpes or at least to prevent infection. To do this, you need to use pharmaceuticals that not only eliminate skin manifestations, but also remove the obsessive itch, because of which the child and scratching his face.

Other catarrhal manifestations

It's not always the case in herpes. If the person swells around with a cold, and the pain is not localized along the edge of the mucous membranes, but on the cheek, temple and clearly "gives" into the eye, then, perhaps, there is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. This is a serious disease that can acquire a distinct chronic character, occurs as a result of various negative effects, from injuries and infection to hypothermia, aggravated by the herpes virus.

Overcooling often leads to aggravation of all kinds of inflammatory processes, usually people say that it has blown, and this explains everything literally: conjunctivitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, acne. The cause is not a cold in itself, it's just an additional provoking factor, revealing an already existing problem.

Where else is a cold?

Happy are people who are at the mercy of the delusion that the cold can "jump" exclusively on the lip or under the nose. Much more unpleasant is genital herpes, which is caused by a second type of virus. Mucous membranes of the genital organs and adjacent tissues are also susceptible to viral damage, as well as facial tissues. Genital herpes can be transmitted with unprotected sex, so it is necessary to understand the responsibility before the partner or partner.

Herpetic eruptions can appear on any part of the body, it is just the mucous membranes that first respond to the increase in the concentration of the virus in the body, and if you do not pay attention to it and do not take care of the general condition of the immune system, the condition will deteriorate.

Preventive measures

Infect herpes in any way: both sexually and by simple household contacts. It is therefore difficult to find a person who is not a carrier of the virus. But being a carrier does not mean getting sick, and if the immunity is strong enough, you can not wait for the symptoms of the disease. To avoid unpleasant skin rashes, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, to abandon bad habits.

Self-medication can become more dangerous than the absence of any treatment. Do you have a cold on your face - how to treat it? This question is asked by thousands of people and instead of visiting a doctor, they start taking antiviral drugs uncontrollably. This can positively affect, and the likelihood of skin manifestations is minimized. But the virus at the same time acquires resistance to medicines and in case of an exacerbation it becomes not only more difficult to choose therapy, immunity can seriously be shaken.

If herpes appears on the lips more than four to five times a year, painful vesicles and sores appear on the genitals or just on the surface of the skin, then it is necessary to undergo a full physical examination to exclude diseases with similar symptoms, and also to register with an immunologist. Complex treatment will level the amount of virus in the body, to achieve a serious improvement.

In other cases, it will be sufficient to use antiviral ointments with the appearance of initial symptoms: characteristic itching and burning at the place where groups of vesicles soon appear. Advance use of ointments from herpes prevents skin rashes.

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