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Nummular eczema: causes and treatment

Nummular eczema is one of the forms of such a common disease as eczema. It is characterized by the appearance of small round spots on the body. Simultaneously with them there is a strong, unbearable itch. But before you delve into this question, you need to figure out what exactly is this eczema, and what else is it?

What is eczema?

Eczema is an acute, non-contagious dermatological pathology, which manifests itself in a variety of skin rashes and sensations in the form and color, burning sensation and itching. This disease was known for two centuries before our era. It can be assumed that Hippocrates and Avicenna faced similar symptoms in their patients. At that time, almost any rashes on the skin were called eczema. века Уиллен, Бейтмен и Рейс с интервалами в десять лет обратили свое внимание на эту болезнь и вывели присущие ей закономерности. Only in the middle of the XIX century, Willen, Bateman and Reis, at intervals of ten years, turned their attention to this disease and inferred its inherent patterns.

Nummular eczema is a recurrent acute dermatitis, which is manifested by small round rashes that do not have a definite localization. It can manifest as single, barely noticeable elements, and can thickly cover the entire body. Men are more often ill.


There are several species of specimens that have the most characteristic clinical picture on the background of common signs for this disease.

  1. Idiopathic eczema. In the acute period of the disease, the skin swells and small bubbles appear on it, which quickly burst and expose the sores, called serous wells. The wound surface does not bleed, but the evolving clear liquid dries to form yellowish crusts. Under them, erosions are healed, and the disease ends before the next relapse.
  2. Microbial eczema. Based on the name, it is associated with the attachment of bacterial flora in places of permanent damage to the skin and mucous membranes. In addition to the main signs inherent in idiopathic eczema, this form is inherent in the layers from the layers of hardened pus. The process of the appearance of elements of the rash and their development is accompanied by itching and scratching. Nummular eczema is a variety of this form.
  3. Mycotic eczema. The disease occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to the introduction of fungal spores into the body. The body produces antibodies to foreign proteins and thereby tries to eliminate the fungus, but the places where the micelles formed also suffer from the aggressive effects of the immune system.
  4. Seborrheic eczema. Appears, which is logical, in patients already suffering from other dermatological pathologies. Rashes appear on areas of the skin that have many sebaceous glands (for example, the scalp, ears, nasolabial folds, etc.). The spots merge with each other, forming a likeness of garlands.
  5. Professional eczema appears in people who are constantly in contact with active chemicals.
  6. Tylotic (horny) eczema is observed exclusively on the palms and soles. It manifests itself in the form of calluses and diaper rash.
  7. Children's eczema is associated with the allergic disposition of the child due to weighed heredity (the presence of allergies in close relatives). It is one of the most common forms of this disease.

The causes of the appearance of nummular eczema

Let's study in more detail, because of what neumular eczema nevertheless appears. The causes that provoke the appearance of specific symptoms of the disease can be very different. These are artificial flavors in food products, and medicines, and active chemicals. But not only exogenous factors can contribute to the appearance of eczema. Other medical pathologies can also act as trigger factors. These include:

- diabetes;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- hyperhidrosis or exsicosis;
- metabolic disorders;
- hormonal pathologies;
- stress;
- violation of peripheral circulation.

Pathophysiologists agree that the most obvious cause of eczema is a disruption of the normal functioning of the skin, a decrease in its immune and regenerative properties.


Nummular dermatitis (disk-like eczema) manifests itself in the form of round spots and large spots that have clear boundaries and protrude above the surface of the surrounding unaltered skin. Their diameter does not exceed three centimeters. Color can range from pale pink to red and even violet-blue.

The appearance of rashes is accompanied by severe itching, which can bring severe discomfort to the patient, disrupting his habitual daily routine. In rare cases, the swelling of the exudate is added to the elements of the rash - transparent drops of liquid are noticed on the surface of the spots. After the acute phase, chronization begins. The surface of the rash becomes dry, the skin is peeling and cracking, crusts appear.

Eruptions usually appear on the limbs, but may well occur on other parts of the body. Favorite spots have no spots. In severe cases, in addition to local changes, there is a slight increase in temperature, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness. After the disappearance of the rash, the skin on the affected areas remains for a long time thin, covered with cracks.

Complications of the disease

Nummular eczema, like other diseases that occur against the background of a decrease in local or general immunity, has complications in the form of attachment of a secondary bacterial infection. This is due to the fact that a person combs the affected areas of the skin, and dirty nails introduces microbial agents.

Clinically, this process manifests itself by a sudden increase in temperature, chills, headache, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. In the places of rashes appear bubbles filled with cloudy contents, as a rule, it is pus. If such a vial is punctured or torn, an erosive surface will remain in its place, from which an unpleasant odor will emanate.

The second major complication of this kind of eczema may be its generalization or the so-called erythroderma. Inflammation encompasses large areas of the skin, red spots and swelling appear. Doctors must warn patients about the danger of the above symptoms and recommend them to immediately go to the hospital.


What does the doctor need to diagnose "nummular eczema"? Photo of the affected area of the skin, made with a dermatoscope. This apparatus helps to obtain a sufficiently strong increase in order to see the smallest details of the epidermis. In addition to this procedure, it is necessary to collect a complete history of the patient's life and health. This will help to find out the cause of the disease.

In rare cases, if outwardly the elements of rashes resemble psoriasis, scabies or fungal infection, it is recommended to conduct microbiological examinations of smears-prints from affected areas. The result, as a rule, becomes known within a week.

Treatment of official medicine

An integrated approach to the relief of such a disease as nummular eczema is needed. Treatment can take a long time and you need to have patience. It is necessary to start with the fact that eczema is a manifestation of another, hidden pathology, therefore it is necessary to treat it first of all. Success in achieving remission depends on the desire and mood of the patient, so it is extremely important to achieve mutual understanding and trust between the doctor and the patient.

The main method of treatment is the use of steroid ointments. They reduce inflammation, itching and redness. It is important to follow the recommendations of the specialist clearly, since the drugs have serious side effects. In addition, the doctor can prescribe a mild sedative, antihistamine, as well as drugs that improve the speed of blood flow in the microcirculatory bed.

Diskovnaya eczema (nummular dermatitis): treatment with folk remedies

If the traditional medicine of the patient for some reason does not suit, then he is free to appeal to her artisanal equivalent. Traditional medicine can offer compresses from mother-and-stepmother, ointments with egg and vinegar or badger fat, blubber from the flesh of black grapes.

It is worth remembering that these funds act individually and what helps one can aggravate the course of the disease in another. Therefore, all such prescriptions should be treated with caution, and with the slightest signs of worsening or the appearance of additional rashes it is necessary not delaying to go to the hospital.

Prognosis and prevention

Coin-like nummular eczema has a very doubtful prognosis. The chance of a full recovery is almost zero. The disease often recurs with the cessation of treatment.

For the prevention of this pathology, you can advise in a timely manner and completely treat bacterial, fungal infections. Limit skin contact with active chemicals at work and at home, as well as engage in tempering the body.

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