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What exercises will help make the gaps between the legs of the girls?

The gaps between the legs of women - a slight distance from one leg to the other, when the limbs close together. Many women consider this anatomical feature attractive. Create a gap between the legs, a photo of which is presented in our article, in several ways. The result is achievable with the help of a diet. Also, the lumens between the legs can be done with the help of physical exercises. Both methods will be discussed later in the article.

Anatomical features

Before you burden yourself with the obsession about creating a gap between your hips, you should take into account that some girls are never destined to achieve such changes. Blame for all the specific anatomical features of the structure of the skeleton. In some women, females are themselves too close to each other. Therefore, no exercise, no diet in this case will not bring any results. You just need to take this fact for granted.


How to make a gap between your legs? One of the most effective options here is compliance with the diet. When creating a diet, girls need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Do not over-limit yourself in food. During the day, you should eat foods, the total calorie content of which is not more than 1600 kcal.
  2. A significant portion of the menu should be occupied by fruits. Be sure to eat berries, greens. Seafood and cereal are allowed. The above products are non-caloric. However, they eliminate the feeling of hunger, and also saturate the tissues with vitamins and trace elements.
  3. To remove the bulk fat from the inner thighs, it is worth eating small amounts. It is recommended to sit down at the table every few hours.
  4. Foods high in carbohydrates (fruits and berries, cereals, vegetables) should be consumed before lunch. In the second half of the day, preference should be given to protein foods (lean meat, seafood).

How to make a daily diet?

Make the clearance between the legs with a diet can, by making the right diet program. You need to act like this. For breakfast, oatmeal is perfect, where you can add pieces of fresh fruit, berries. You can drink this dish with unsweetened coffee or tea.

As a dinner, a good option is a vegetable salad. An alternative is a low-fat soup based on seafood. You can replace all this with a boiled egg.

Supper is also preferably a vegetable salad. It is allowed to add 70-100 grams of cooked fillet to it. If the hunger is too much excruciating before going to bed, you can eat a few spoons of cottage cheese with a low fat content.

Exercises for the lumen between the legs

You can achieve the goal by alternating workouts that burn fat stores, and strength exercises. The first category includes running, swimming, aerobics, and others. As for strength exercises, the main emphasis should be on squats, leg raises, side attacks, steps on the platform. About the most effective workouts that will make the gaps between the legs, let's talk further.


As a basis for strengthening the muscles in the hips should be guided by the performance of conventional sit-ups. To speed up the results, you can grab a weight, pancakes from a bar or dumbbells. With increasing weight, things will go much more productively. The main thing here is to focus on endurance.

When doing sit-ups, the legs should be on the width of the shoulders. Steps need to be deployed with toes slightly to the side. Hands can be placed in any convenient, arbitrary position. When inhaling, you should sit down so that the hips are in a position parallel to the floor. It is recommended to stand for a few seconds in this position. To return to the original position you need to slowly, on exhalation.

A bike

How to achieve a gap between your legs? This will help exercise, known as a bicycle. This training involves the front and outer, as well as the inner surface of the muscles of the thighs. It is not difficult to perform an exercise. The main thing is to show will and endurance.

Make skylights between the legs using exercise bike can be as follows. It is necessary to lie down comfortably on the back, placing the upper limbs at the seams. The legs should be bent in a suspended state at a right angle. On inhalation, circular movements of limbs are performed, similar to the movement of pedals on a bicycle. You can rotate not only forward, but also back. After completing the workout, you need to lower your legs to the floor and try to relax as much as possible for a few minutes.

Side attacks

Exercise allows you to activate the unactivated unfolding and driving muscles. In the absence of a noticeable effect for a long time in the future, you can weight training with extra weight in the form of dumbbells, other sports equipment.

The initial position during the execution of side attacks is widely spaced legs. The back is held in a straight position. The face is unfolded in the frontal direction, and the gaze is fixed in front of him. On inhalation, a gentle lunge in the right or left side should be made until the angle of 90 ° between the shin and thigh is reached. Exhaling, you should return to the starting position, and then perform a similar operation with the other leg.

Pull-up of the femoral zone

To perform an exercise that will strengthen and hold the muscles of the inner thighs, it is necessary to lie down on one side. For convenience, a hand bent at the elbow can be placed under the head. After taking the starting position, you should raise your legs and combine your feet. Knees need to be spread apart. Then the hips are attracted to the chest. Then the legs straighten back.

Cardio Workout

Only diet and exercises that strengthen muscles will not allow creating attractive gaps between the hips. At least several times a week you need to devote time to running, swimming or intense aerobics. It is this kind of training that makes it possible to burn excess fatty deposits. Running, climbing the stairs, walking with high intensity, visiting the pool, dancing, cycling - all this will get rid of excess kilos in the problem area.


As you can see, in order to lose weight in the hip area, you should not aim only at the use of any one method. The approach to the task must be comprehensive. It is not recommended to focus only on diet and exercise. It is important to conduct training that stimulates the active work of the heart. Whatever it was, you should try not to deviate from the developed training plan, and the result will not be long in coming.

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