
Musculature popliteal: functions, causes of injuries, help

выполняют важнейшую функцию. Muscles of the lower extremities perform the most important function. They carry the burden of the whole body. Each element of the musculature performs a certain task. обеспечивают сгибание, поднятие, опускание ног, движение стоп, пальцев. Muscles of the lower extremities provide flexion, raising, lowering of the legs, movement of the feet, fingers. All elements are closely interrelated. Violation of the activities of one of them leads to a malfunction in the functioning of others. . The muscles of the lower leg of the deep posterior group are of special importance in the system. They provide the flexion of the feet, feet and fingers. . One of the most important elements of this department is the popliteal muscle . Consider it.


обеспечивает сгибание и разгибание ноги. Musculent popliteal provides flexion and extension of the leg. In addition, it performs a protective function. It protects the femur from displacement during the transfer of body weight to one limb and when kneeling. In some cases, it begins to pull. In this case, during the extension of the leg, soreness appears. With partial or complete dysfunction of the muscle, mobility of the knee joint is substantially limited. As a rule, such a state is temporary. However, if the traumatic factor will act continuously in the absence of proper treatment, mobility may be lost for a long time.

Causes of damage

травмируется из-за чрезмерной нагрузки на сустав или при постановке его в положение, не свойственное для человеческой анатомии. The muscle of the popliteal is injured because of an excessive load on the joint or when it is placed in a position not characteristic of human anatomy. This element of the system is protected by other tissues. Therefore, only a serious injury can disrupt its functioning. The causes of injuries can be:

  1. Wearing shoes with high heels. In such cases, the pressure on the tendon of the popliteal muscle is additional.
  2. Abrupt start from the static position. The stop and the transfer of the center of gravity in such cases are due to muscle overstrain. The risk group includes skiers, football players, athletes, skaters. более-менее адаптирована под такие нагрузки. It is worth saying that in trained people, the popliteal muscle is more or less adapted for such loads. Therefore, injuries, as a rule, arise in beginners.
  3. Rough cross-country traffic, the need to overcome obstacles, a sharp transition from step to step and similar factors can create conditions for damage.

может беспокоить и после перенесенных хирургических вмешательств в сустав или патологий, отражающихся на его структуре. Musculence popliteal can disturb and after the transferred surgical interventions in a joint or pathologies, reflecting on its structure. In addition, in practice, and detected congenital disorders. In such cases, there is an underdevelopment of muscle tissue, permanent contracture (limited movement) of the joint of varying severity.

Help with injuries

As the main symptoms of muscle damage are pulling pain, discomfort in the knee area. Particularly pronounced sensations during movement, with extension and bending of the leg. Stretching therapy is based on natural regeneration. Damages of a minor nature are eliminated themselves. If there are disruptions in ligaments and tissues, additional effects are necessary. To accelerate the recovery process, you must provide a damaged leg rest or a sparing regimen. It is allowed to use NSAIDs to reduce pain and inflammation, if any.


After a long period of inactivity, muscle atrophy can occur. In this regard, when sparing, massage is prescribed. It helps to improve blood supply, warms up the muscle and does not load it. To perform it you need to sit on a chair. The leg should be bent at the knee and massage the popliteal area with an average effort. Movements must be cautious. Avoid unnecessary pressing. In this area there are many fragile elements, therefore it is extremely undesirable to apply any improvised means. Massage should be done with your fingers.


In case of extensive injuries accompanied by bruising and ruptures, the doctor should be contacted immediately. As a rule, the patient estimates the severity of the damage based on his own feelings and the appearance of the injured area. In most cases, this approach is fully justified. However, if the damaged area looks normal, severe soreness is absent, but at the same time the ability to fully bend / unbend the leg for a long time is absent, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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