
Modal verbs in German: nuances of use

It is enough to ponder the name of this version of the verb - "modal", in order to understand the features of their meaning. As is known from formal logic, there are two components of the utterance: dictum and mode, where dictum is the content, that is, the actual component of the message, and modus is the personal estimate. Thus, the modal verbs are intended to express the attitude to actions. These words "I want", "I can", "I wish".

All modal verbs in German can be divided into groups: I can, I must, I want. In each of them there are two verbs. Let's consider them in this order.

Modal verbs in German:   "I can"

Dürfen and können - both of these words are used to describe the possibility of doing something. However, there are nuances of their meanings.

Dürfen is used in two cases:

1. When to express a ban or permission. Translated as "allowed", "not allowed", "prohibited", "possible" (meaning "to have permission").

2. When it is necessary to say about the recommendations (eg, "these tablets are recommended in the morning").

Können has another semantic connotation: to be able, able, able to have the ability, the ability to accomplish something. For example: "I can move the closet" (I am not allowed to do this, but I have such an opportunity), "he can play tennis" (he was not allowed to play tennis here, and he knows how to handle the ball and racket).

Modal verbs in German: "I must"

The next pair of modal verbs: sollen - müssen. They are both close in meaning to the Russian "should".

Sollen is used in three cases:

1. Following the laws or commandments (you can not take other people's things).

2. Following the duty and morality (you must respect someone else's opinion).

3. Following someone's order, instructions (the father said that I must learn).

Müssen translates, as a rule, exactly the same - should. One use in other cases. This word is less rigid and emphasizes that the speaker must do something on his own inner motivation, or he does it under the pressure of external circumstances (in this case we often translate müssen as "forced", "must"). For example: "I have to study well" (I do it for my father, not because he asked me, but because I think it's necessary), "I have to go home" (I have to go home because it's raining) . In addition, there is a third case when we use müssen: if we are talking about a situation that, in our opinion, was inevitable (and should have been).

Modal verbs in German: "I want"

The two verbs wollen and möchten are designed to express wishes for events or actions. Let's consider features of their values.

Wollen is a firm intention, plans, there is no uncertainty, it is quite appropriate to translate not only "I want" or "I'm going to," but "plan."

Möchten means "to have a desire." As a rule, this verb is translated as "would like". By the way, it is a form of the well-known word mögen, which is used to express sympathy (I like, I like).

And also this verb can express a desire, an impulse to fulfill something. You can often see how it is translated "must" (you must arrive as soon as possible), but you should not confuse it with sollen or müssen, which can also mean it. Möchten is a soft, though convincing, request. More precise versions of the translation: "it is desirable that you do ...", "I would like very much that you ...", "you should do ...".

In this way:

  • Dürfen: I can swim (I was allowed a doctor);
  • Können: I can swim (I can do it);
  • Sollen: I have to sail (the whole team hopes for me);
  • Müssen: I have to swim (I want to work out before surrendering standards);
  • Wollen: I'm going to swim (I'll walk and learn);
  • Möchten: I would like to swim (someday, maybe when I have time, in any case, even if I do not go to the pool, I would like that).

How to study modal verbs?

German language, the exercises on which can easily be found in specialized literature, can really seem complicated. In this article, we have not touched on the forms that modal verbs can take, but they are inclined towards faces and numbers. Those students, whose assets already have at least an average English, passing this topic, can find a lot of acquaintances. And really, English is very similar to German. Conjugation of modal verbs is the only thing that will have a significant difference. German shows a greater variety of forms. As for the meanings of the modal verbs, their regions actually overlap. Moreover, even their sound can be close (can-kann). This is not surprising: English and German belong to one language group. Learning one after another will be much easier. As for those students who learn German from scratch, then the next strategy will be a win-win. First of all, it is necessary to master the meaning of each modal verb, to learn to understand in which situations you should use them. Then, when it is firmly established that wollen is to want-intend, and möchten is to want-to dream, etc., one can take up the study of the forms of modal verbs.

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