HealthDiseases and Conditions

Migraine: what is it and can you get rid of it?

Chronic headaches are a problem that many people face. That is why many are interested in questions about why a migraine arises, what is this and whether there are effective methods of treatment. After all, this disease affects mostly young people, and sometimes even children.

Migraine: what is it and why does it occur?

Migraines are attacks of severe headache, which are often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. In addition, tenderness, as a rule, is observed only on one side.

According to statistics, a similar pathology is most affected by women aged 25 to 35 years. Mechanisms for the appearance of such a state have not been sufficiently studied to date. Nevertheless, there is every reason to believe that the tendency to migraine is genetic and is transmitted mainly along the maternal line.

There are many factors that can provoke a headache. First of all, this group includes permanent stresses, increased anxiety and emotional overstrain. In addition, migraines often appear against the background of hormonal disorders and metabolic disruption.

On the other hand, the attack of pain can be caused by malnutrition, in particular the consumption of foods rich in tyramine (nuts, coffee, cocoa, chocolate) and alcoholic beverages. In addition, migraine head appears against a background of overheating or changing weather conditions. Risk factors include noise, strong smells, bright light.

Migraine: what is it and what are its symptoms?

Of course, the main sign of migraine is pain. But with a similar pathology, there are some significant differences. First, soreness occurs only in one half of the head (bilateral migraines are much less common). Secondly, the pain is strong, pulsating and is greatly enhanced by tilting the head, physical or emotional tension. The attack can last from four hours to four days.

Often the appearance of pain is preceded by some neurological symptoms. For example, some patients notice eye disorders, in particular glare, image distortion, etc. Sometimes there is also a brief numbness in the limbs.

It should be noted that bright light, strong odor and noise can significantly increase pain. That is why patients during an attack instinctively seek shelter in a dark quiet place, cover their head with a towel.

Migraine: what is it and how to get rid of it?

Unfortunately, modern medicine does not have the means to permanently rid itself of headaches. Nevertheless, with the help of drugs and some techniques, you can significantly alleviate the condition of the patient.

For relief of pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are considered effective. You need to take the medicine at the beginning of the attack - do not suffer the pain. If possible, it is better to stay at home, create a suitable place for relaxation. Some patients are helped by cold or warm compresses.

Prevention of migraines is reduced to eliminating contact with circumstances or conditions that provoke a bout of pain. For example, patients are recommended to adjust the diet and observe the correct mode of work and rest. If the cause is stress or strong emotions, then sedatives and antidepressants are used to prevent migraine. Sometimes the therapy includes taking the drug Flunarizine (calcium channel blocker), anticonvulsants, beta-blockers and other medications that the doctor chooses, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the nature of his attacks.

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