
Medium-ripened potatoes "Aurora": a description of the variety. Cultivation in the territory of Russia

In the course of breeding, many varieties of this healthy vegetable appeared, which were more or less common, depending on their properties. The potato "Aurora" deserves special attention. The description of the variety first of all contains information about its excellent taste qualities.

The ground part of the plant

Not a very important characteristic, since the root crop itself is of interest. However, without it, the potato "Aurora" description of the variety is not complete. The plant is a tall bush. If the weather is not too hot, and the soil is rich in minerals, it can be very high.

Requires regular hilling, as high stems will fall and deform. Therefore, it is called semi-straight. The leaves are light green, intermittent, odd-pinnate. Edge of leaf slightly wavy. In the period of flowering produces a large corolla of red-violet.

It should be noted, describing potatoes "Aurora", reviews of gardeners and agricultural workers about him are always very good.


The main advantage and ultimate goal is the cultivation of this culture. If you are thinking about planting on a garden plot, then pay attention to the potato "Aurora". The description of the variety always especially highlights large and smooth fruits, which have excellent taste characteristics.

The high mass of each individual tuber makes it convenient and profitable both in cultivation and in processing. Thus, the weight of the average tuber is about 128 grams. The starch content is quite high, about 17%, which affects the nutritional properties.

Tubers oval-shaped white with red spots and small, sparse eyes. The rind is smooth, the cream is creamy. Excellent commercial appearance makes it one of the most popular varieties on the market of the country. Up to 95% of the harvest is perfectly preserved until the new season, which indicates good shelf life.


Almost everywhere in Russia there is a variety of potatoes "Aurora". Reviews say good resistance to any weather conditions. First of all, the variety is intended for the North or North-West region. It grows well in the Central part of Russia. Large areas for cultivation of this variety are identified in the Far East, where it is grown from the Sea of Japan and to Chukotka.

This variety can be called universal, because it has excellent drought-resistant qualities. Even in the hottest summer you will be provided with a harvest. This unpretentiousness is very much appreciated by gardeners. Since the variety is medium-ripening (the vegetation period is 90-110 days), in the southern regions it is possible to harvest two crops per year.

Resistance to diseases

A very important point, as it is directly related to the amount of vegetables that you can prepare for the winter. Of all the varieties, the potato "Aurora" (described above) is the most resistant to the causative agent of the cancer of this culture, as well as to the golden, cyst-forming nematode. Moderately susceptible again against the background of other varieties to the causative agent of late blight of foliage and tubers. By purchasing seeds from proven farms, you will ensure a trouble-free summer and a good harvest.


The maximum amount of potatoes is 416 quintals per hectare, which is an excellent indicator. Unfavorable weather conditions can somewhat reduce this figure, with an average yield of 214-390 c / ha considered. Each bush pawns from 20 to 40 fruits.

Taste qualities

This grade is appreciated for its excellent taste. During cooking, it becomes crumbly, which is well suited for preparing thick soups and borscht, high-quality puree and casseroles.

Where can potato seeds be purchased without risk?

The patent holder for the variety "Aurora" is CJSC Vsevolzhskaya selective station. Here you can safely purchase quality seeds, as well as a guide to their proper cultivation. Experts will advise you on the rules and regulations for planting, fertilizing and mineral substances.

A lot of online stores offer seeds with home delivery. But, buying in absentia potatoes "Aurora" (the photo provided on the site can not be considered a proof of quality), you can not get what you expected.

Qualitative seed material may seem expensive, then it is better to cultivate it. To do this, purchase a few tubers of potatoes and leave them in the light for germination. The ideal time is spring, bright sun will speed up the process. Short, thick sprouts - this is exactly what you need. Long, twisted, and sometimes broken white shoots, which often get potatoes from the vault by spring, are not suitable for planting.

So, the germinated tubers are laid in a box and sprinkled with moist peat. Shoots must be cut from the tuber and planted in a prepared bed. The mother tubers themselves return back to the peat, where they will give a new batch of seedlings. Just a couple of potatoes will give you dozens of bushes, and they, in turn, will provide seeds for the summer for a full planting of the site for the next year.

What fertilizers can I use?

Excellent harvesting makes one of the most desired for gardeners potatoes "Aurora". The variety description usually does not include the complex of minerals that should be used, so a few words about them. This "WMD" is used as a radical top dressing, and "Aquarine" is a water-soluble complex of minerals that will help increase yield.

Thus, we can say that the "Aurora" is a real achievement of selection, the most advanced and yielding variety.

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