
Aloe - home care

A very widespread indoor plant that is famous for its incredibly effective medicinal properties - aloe, care of it is not particularly complicated. The name of this amazing plant comes from the distant Arabian "alloeh", which means "bitter plant".

Sometimes the genus of aloe is for some reason considered to be linear, but most scientists tend to believe that this plant belongs to the family of asphodel species. After all, this genus in itself unites about 300 species of plants of a large family of succulents, which are most common on the island of Madagascar, on the Arabian Peninsula, as well as in the African steppes and savannas.

Aloe vera flowers are interesting in that they amaze their imagination with their species diversity. Most of them are perennials (not for nothing, the flower has a second name - the century), but there are also tree-like forms, shrubbery and even lianas. There are both very miniature and giant aloe species. The flowering of these plants is a rather rare phenomenon. The leaves are bessheretchkovye, thick, elongated shape and juicy. The edges of the leaves are sprinkled with soft spines.

Even if you take care of aloe in accordance with all the rules, in the room conditions, however, this plant blossom will be extremely rare. In the pot, aloe can live from 3 to 20 years, depending on the type and degree of literacy of care for it.

Aloe: care

Care for aloe begins with a responsible choice of location for its placement. Succulents are photophilous plants, because their location should have the optimum amount of sunlight. Plants feel great on the western and eastern sills. If the plant is on the southern side, then in the hottest days it makes sense to lightly shade the plant, which will protect it from the effects of sunlight.

Aloe is unpretentious to the temperature when grown. For him, there is almost no need to create a special microclimate. In winter, the flower without hibernation will overwinter both under normal room conditions, and in a quiet rest at 10-15 ° C.

What is the responsibility of growing aloe? Care is primarily in watering. It is enough to water it 2 p / a week from the very beginning of spring and until about the middle of October. It is important to ensure that the earth lump has time to completely dry out between irrigation sessions. In winter, the plant can be watered only 1-2 p / a month, it is advisable to use soft water. If in the room where there is aloe, the air is overdried, then reduce the watering is not necessary. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor that the water does not stagnate in the pan.

Aloe easily tolerates dry air with normal watering, but the plant in no way can tolerate stuffiness. Fresh air is vital for him, because the room where the flower lives is necessary to be ventilated regularly.

You can supplement the nursing of the plant. In the period of its active growth (April-September), aloe fertilize not more than 1 p / month. Do this with the help of cacti, succulents or a light solution of some mineral fertilizer. In winter, the plant does not need any fertilizing.

Aloe can in fact rarely be affected by diseases and pests, but it is still worthwhile to monitor the plant thoroughly. In the centuries-old visitors can be unexpected guests - some scutes. To help against pests there is a special gruel: soap + garlic + water. Periodically, this gruel should be wiped leaves of the plant. And the scabbard of such "refreshments" can not stand.

For aloe treatment is not a difficult task, but the benefits of the plant are many, given that it often comes to the person for help with many health problems. To get a strong plant, it is enough only to follow the common simple rules for growing, breeding and replanting succulents.

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