
Passiflora edible: features of cultivation and photos

Passionflower belongs to the family of Passionflowers and has more than 500 species, one of which Passionflower is edible - a long evergreen vine with very beautiful original flowers, which in Russia received the nickname "Cavalier Star" because of its external similarity with the Order.

The history of the opening of the flower

The homeland of most species of passionflower is the tropical and less explored forests of South America, as well as some species of flowers found in Asia and Madagascar. Europe became acquainted with this plant only after the conquest of the New World.

The flower of passionflower has a complex and original structure - at the top of the petals is a "crown" consisting of long scales, behind which are large stamens. Still higher is the pestle and 3 stigmas (see the photo of the passiflora edible). Because of this appearance, the missionaries who came to America and the Catholic Church considered the flower as the thorny crown of Christ and forbade its study. The first description of passionflower was made only in the twentieth century.

Biological Description

This perennial plant can grow up to 3-4 m in length, it gives very long shoots, clinging with the antennae for the supports. Leaves are large, consisting of 3-5 parts. Passionflower fruit is a juicy multi-seeded berry, the total of edible species in Passiflora is up to 60, many of them even grown as fruit plants.

The most famous and popular edible varieties of passionflowers:

  • Passion fruit.
  • The Granadilla.
  • Maestro.
  • Galaxy and others.

Maintenance and care of the plant

Passiflora edible (or passion fruit) refers to fast-growing lianas, which can be planted both in the open ground and in the home. The main condition for successful growth is sufficient lighting, so it is impossible to grow it in the shade or under the thick crown of a tree.

Optimal temperature for growth: + 18 ... + 24 ° C, with higher leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, the number of buds decreases, the death of a plant is possible. In winter, during the rest period, it is kept at + 12 ... + 18 ° C.

Soil for passiflora is used light, well-permeable air, for which it adds sand or peat.

The flower requires frequent watering during the period of growth and flowering (from spring to autumn), the soil should always be slightly moist, in the summer time watered every other day.
During the rest period in winter, watering is done once a week or even less often. Passiflora is demanding for air humidity, in summer it should be sprayed frequently, and it is impossible that the sun's rays through the drops burn the leaves.

Top dressing plants are done twice a month, using complex mineral mixtures. You can use a liquid fertilizer for flowers, but diluted in half.

Passionflow does not tolerate drafts, but likes frequent airing. When planting, account should be taken of the presence of backwater, along which the liana will grow upward. The plant must often be pruned, especially shoots after blossoming, which are cut completely. In spring, pruning is done for 1/3 of the length, because flowers will be placed only on fresh shoots.

Propagation of passionflowers by cuttings propagation

Passiflora edible can be propagated in several ways, the easiest of which - with the help of propagation. The apical cuttings, which have buds, are cut in summer in length to 10 cm, and then rooted in the soil in a warm room (+ 20 ... + 25 ° C). To prepare the soil mixture during planting take 3 pieces of leaf land, 2 - humus, 2 - turf, 1 - sand.

Immediately before planting, it is processed with a rootstock, then the pot with cuttings is covered with a film, within 1 month the cuttings take root. You can put the cuttings in water, adding a piece of charcoal, for 1.5-2 months. Roots should appear, but water can not be changed.

During the vegetative season, it is also possible to reproduce with a mustache.

Propagation of passionflower with seeds

Reproduction by means of seeds is a longer process than when cuttings are cuttings. In addition, seeds are often poorly bred due to long storage (sometimes several months). In this way, you must follow certain rules:

  • The cultivation of passionflower edible from seeds begins in February;
  • Soil mixture before planting must be disinfected: roast in the oven for 10 minutes. At 200 ° C;
  • Seeds are sown in the soil to a depth of 1 cm. Then the container is covered with film or glass, the room should have a temperature of +22 ... + 24 ° C. When the first leaves appear, they make a picking in individual pots with a diameter of more than 7 cm;
  • The seeds of passiflora edible have a hard shell, so to soften it, make scarification - lightly rub them with sandpaper from both sides;
  • Then stand the seeds a day in milk or in a solution of citrus juice (lemon or orange);
  • Only then they are planted in a container or peat cups;
  • Every day the container needs to be ventilated, for which the film is removed for 5 minutes;
  • The soil is moistened as it dries up by spraying;
  • As soon as the shoots appear, the film is removed, and the container needs to be rearranged to a place with good lighting.

Planting and flowering passionflowers

The plant is a perennial plant, it is transplanted once a year in the spring. When planting a small plant in the first year it should be covered for 2 weeks with a glass jar. In the first year of passionflower, the foundation of the future creeper is formed, increasing the main shoots, usually up to 1.5 m long. At the same time, it needs a support to gain a foothold.

In autumn, when the temperature drops below + 15 ° C, the plant must be transferred to a room where it is possible to maintain a temperature of +13 ... + 16 ° C. If the room is hot, then the liana starts to grow bald and loses the leaves.

In the second year in the spring, it is necessary to trim lengthy last year's shoots to a third of the length, considering that flowers will be formed on fresh shoots. Passionflower blooms almost the entire summer season from June to October, but each flower lives only 1 day.

It is difficult to grow fruits in the room. To obtain them, it is necessary to have a minimum of 2 plants of the same species, since they are cross-pollinated. Due to the mismatch of flowering on these plants, pollination may not happen. Fruits in various plant species usually mature within 2-3.5 months.

Consider the different varieties of edible passiflor.

Types of passionflower

Passion fruit Passion Floral Passion or Granadilla (Passiflora edulis) is the most common species, its motherland is Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina. In culture it grows up to 5-8 m, has matt trilobate leaves. There are two varieties of it: with yellow fruits and purple. The flowers are very large (6-8 cm) light purple, and the fruits have a round shape up to 6 cm in size. Of these, drinks and sweets are prepared, added to tea.

Passionflower is banana or delicate (Passiflora mollissima) - in nature it grows in Bolivia, Venezuela and Colombia. Pink flowers are up to 12 cm in size, the fruits produce a pleasant aroma. Of all kinds, banana passiflora is the coldest, fruitful in the first year.

Passiflora edible Galaxy - perennial climbing plant, lianas grow to 4.5 m long, flowers up to 12 cm in size white-pink. Fruits are brownish-red, have a pleasant aroma.

The largest in size fruit and length of the stem - Passiflora quadrangular (Passiflora quadrangularis) - grows to 15 m in length, the flowers are also large, diameters up to 15 cm, the fruits are large oval in shape to 30 cm, have a thick rind, and inside - a sweet juicy pulp . In conditions of the middle band, such a plant can be grown only in greenhouse conditions.

Passiflora edible Maestro is one of the most popular and widespread varieties in Russia, which is successfully used by gardeners for growing indoors and outdoors.

Passion fruit is apple-shaped (Passiflora maliformis) or Chulyupa-liana with a tree-like stem up to 10 m long. Its fruits are up to 5 cm in size, they contain a sweet aromatic flesh of gray or pale orange color with black seeds. Pulp is used in making beverages. Plantings of this species are grown in Brazil and Ecuador to obtain edible fruits.

Diseases and pests of passionflower

Passiflora edible can suffer from an attack of spider mites, aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies. To protect the plant, you can use "Fitoverma" or "Aktary" to destroy the worms, using drugs containing cypermethrin ("Arrivo", "Inta-vir").

Infectious diseases that can threaten the plant - root rot, phytophthora, ring and brown spots, scab, fusariosis, very rarely - yellow mosaic virus. Cure a diseased plant can be very rare, so it is destroyed along with the pot.

Therapeutic properties of passionflowers

Some types of passionflowers have important therapeutic value. Even the ancient Incas used passionflower as a soothing tea. The main curative effect of passionflowers is sedative, improving the quality and duration of sleep without any negative consequences. The plant is used to treat diseases of the nervous system, helps with insomnia, depression, epilepsy, etc.

Also, medicines prepared from this plant have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects, contribute to memory improvement, increase of efficiency and potency. Another unique effect of passionflower - compensation for the effects of amphetamine - has been used with great success to cure addiction and alcoholism.

The most valuable from the medical point of view - Passiflora incarnata (Passiflora incarnata) or apricot, grows into a very long creeper up to 10 m. The flowers are brightly violet, and the fruits have a lemon hue about the size of a plum, the taste is sweet and sour. From the ground parts of her make a medicine "Passion Flower Extract", which has a calming effect, is prescribed for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Fruits have a very interesting smell, similar to the fragrance of lilac.

Using passion fruit in food

In our country, the fruits of edible passionflower (passion fruit and other species) can be found only in additives to yogurt, ice cream or juice. Very rarely a piece of fruit can be found in mixtures of tropical teas.

The flesh of this fruit is very tasty and sweet, at home it is consumed and in raw form, mixing with sugar and water, and for making jams, jellies and sherbet. Often pieces of this fruit are added to curd desserts and cakes.

Sweet juice and jam can be used for cooking meat and fish dishes, it is best to taste the fruit combined with nuts, apples, cinnamon and pear.

However, care should be taken because in some varieties (for example, Azure Passiflora), a small percentage of cyanide is contained, in some others - weaker toxic substances that are harmful to human health.

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