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Clean water: how to clean the water? Methods of cleaning

It is no longer a secret to anybody that humanity has managed to puzzle around everything that it has managed to reach. Environmentalists have been sounding an alarm for a decade and are eager to save what is left on the planet. Clearly, the water reserves of the Earth also really suffered from our irrepressible activity; And if in a global sense they are guarded and protected by international and local organizations, we often have to take care of the quality of water "for internal use" on our own.

The easiest way out

Water from the aqueduct has long been unsafe. If even to water the flowers it has to defend and freeze, what to say about people and pets! Plants are at least equipped with natural ways of protection from unnecessary "additives", and then they are not enough. In mammals, such a natural filter does not exist. So the full problem is how to clean tap water.

The simplest and most effective (but quite expensive!) Method is water filtration. There are a lot of filters designed: you can choose one that takes less space, or one that has more "performance", or one that removes the maximum amount of extra "fillers". However, they all have both a certain set of undeniable advantages and disadvantages, which sometimes outweigh the advantages. In direct proportion to how the filter cleans water, there is also its cost. Having studied all the variety of devices offered, you come to the sad conclusion: the best is the most expensive. But the most reliable. And if you need clean water - choose a nanofilter. It disinfects, cleans the liquid from your tap, removes all extraneous, but does not make the water dead, preserving everything it needs. The only drawback is the price. But one time you can invest!

Life without a filter: the frost will help

However, filters are different, and their reliability can not be checked. You can only trust what is written in the attached instructions. And the manufacturer is not always honest. Therefore, not all are satisfied with filtered water. How to clean water by other methods? One can recall the long-tried ways, which have so far justified themselves. One of the most simple and reliable is freezing. True, some experimenters violate the rules of this simple method and get the output that was before. In fact, tap water is poured into a suitable container not to the top and put on frost. When the water is frozen to half the volume, the crust breaks through, and what remains is liquid, mercilessly merges. Ice melts - and you have high-quality drinking water. And be sure - it is really clean, because it is primarily pure water that freezes, and all unnecessary remains in the "cream".

Necessary clarifications

Yet freezing is not the most reliable way that produces quality water. How to purify water in this way is known to many, but most forget that it is thus deprived of salts, which also go along with an unnecessary drain. Therefore, the purified liquid, or it is necessary to add salt, or to dissolve the required amount of salt after its application.

Ancient way

Everyone has long known how silver purifies water. Indeed, disinfection with this metal is very effective. However, new information slightly depreciated this method. It is clear that in extreme conditions, when you do not want to sit in the bushes because of a suspicious river for half a day (and even duck from the bacteria in it), silver will definitely save you. However, at home, this water is not very suitable. How to purify water with silver is not a question; However, it refers to heavy metals, can accumulate in the body. There is even an "argyrosis" disease, and this is a poisoning with silver. Moreover: to kill bacteria, silver in water must be so much that it becomes dangerous to humans; And in homeopathic concentrations it only stops their multiplication. This, of course, is already a plus, but clearly not enough to get clean and harmless water. Although the silver spoon, which has already been dropped into clean water, will retain it for a very long time and will not cause harm to health.

Boiling also helps, but ... relatively

This is another well-known method of how to purify water. It is desirable to use it vulgarly before using it, as lovers of indoor plants do. For a day all harmful (we will specify: only flying!) Components from it will vanish away. The main thing is not to close, let alone screw up the vessel. The next day, the water of the hour is boiled - and we have the desired result!

However, if chlorination was carried out, the presumed drinking water at boiling will only be enriched with chloroform. And heavy metals in the form of salts anywhere from it will not disappear.

Additional homemade detoxification

In principle, if you combine sedimentation, freezing and boiling, you will get almost pure drinking water. How to clean the water finally? The introduction to it of ordinary ascorbic acid at a rate of half a gram for five liters and waiting for an hour. Do not have a vitamin or are you against chemical additives? You can replace them with fruit juice of any of the shades of red. Only, sorry, the juice should be real, wrung out by its own handles, and not bought in a package at a nearby kiosk or supermarket.

"Road" ways: natural

In the city (and even a smaller settlement), we all prefer to buy purified water or use filters. However, suppose you are on a hike, and the water you took with you was not enough. The refrigerator for freezing with itself, of course, no, to boil firewood will have to be pretty ... But we need water! How to purify water in such "wild" conditions?

If among travelers there is a person who understands stones, let him find silicon. The method is long (five days), but proven and reliable.

A bit faster you will decontaminate the water of the mountain ash. One and a half dozen leaves per 3 liters of the most suspicious water will bring you a real miracle: in a couple of hours it will be quite usable. They say that mountain ash can make even water from the swamp.

For thrifty travelers

Need faster? First-aid kit to go with them all take! A few drops of iodine (and if there is vinegar - even better, to him in the company) - and in a few minutes you can drink water safely. A teaspoon of ordinary peroxide will provide you with the same result. In the same capacity, you can use red dry wine if it is left after the shish kebabs. The method was tested on ancient Greeks and inhabitants of the mountainous Caucasus. And the wine will go a little - a tablespoon per liter of water. It is only necessary to take into account that "shmurdyak" is unlikely to be useful for water treatment purposes.

Well, if the medicine cabinet is forgotten at home, the wine is drunk, and water is needed, look for ordinary things among your things. If it is heated in a fire, then put in water, in about five minutes all viruses and microorganisms will die in it. "Forge" way, too, has been tested repeatedly!

If you have caught salty water

With the problem of how to clean salt water, most often encounter those who in the summer rests "savage". It's a pity! Because the easiest way to cope with non-fresh water is frost. And if at your disposal winter and sea open spaces, it's enough just to freeze half or two-thirds of the pot of water, drain the unfrozen salt, and if necessary, repeat this fascinating process two or three times.

But if around the summer and freezer in the vicinity is not observed, will have to deal with distillation. In principle, it is not too hard, but long and tedious. Two tanks are not so difficult to find. Distillation (necessarily metal) tube - more difficult, but also possible. In the cavity of the pipe, water that does not inspire confidence flows, under its bend a fire is laid out, bowlers, pans or iron jars are put on its end, and receptacles are placed under them. And sit yourself, support the slow light. The water evaporates, cools down on the walls of the metal catchers and flows down over them into the set bowls.

As you can see, all these methods are for people who find themselves in extreme conditions. They are suitable for hunters and fishermen, geologists and lost tourists. In ordinary life, you need to know these methods, but I would not like to use this knowledge. So do not even think about how, for example, how to purify sewage. Yet they are too dirty for artisanal cleansing. Want to install an autonomous system in the country or in your mansion - call a specialist. He will calculate how much the personal complex cleaning station will cost, and will adjust the team for its installation. And so - it is easier to connect to a common system!

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