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Hazel: good and bad. Caloric content of hazelnuts

Russia is a country rich in forests. Here, in a territory with a temperate climate, a deciduous perennial shrub widely spread, which is familiar to almost everyone. It's hazel, or hazelnut. The fruits of the bush are small clusters, located in a kind of cup of leaves.

Leshchina in the history of mankind

Forest nuts are nutritious and tasty. They are more caloric than meat and fish. In addition, this product is very useful for the human body, as it has in its composition a large number of various trace elements, as well as vitamins.

The hazelnut, the benefit and harm of which has been known since time immemorial, along with mushrooms and berries is an original dainty of Russians. Entire families of many people in our country go to collect hazel. What attracts people to hazelnut?
The benefits and harms of this unique natural product were used by our ancestors to remove lightning and evil eye. Helmholz in the fight against rodents and snakes helped. During the Christmas season, Russian nuts scattered nuts in all corners. People believed that they are food for souls coming into the house.

Mankind has known for a very long time what a hazelnut is. The benefits and harms of this plant were known to the Czechs. They believed that if the branches of the hazelnut knock on the walls of the dwelling, then the mice will flee from it. Archeologists of the hazel shell were found during excavations in the layers of the historical era called the Neolithic.

But the ancient Romans and Greeks worshiped the hazel as a sacred plant. They believed that the branch of this shrub can point to a place where untold treasures are buried, stop flooding, extinguish fire and save many ailments. It's not for nothing that the walnut of these peoples was considered a symbol of immortality and life.

About the plant

One of the most famous types of nuts is the forest. Homeland of this shrub is considered Asia Minor and the Caucasus. Now hazel (or hazel) grows in forest zones of countries with subtropical or moderate climate.

The trunks of this shrub are rather thin, but they can grow up to ten meters in height. The leaves of the hazel are large, they have a heart shape with jagged edges.

The fruits of hazel can be either round or oval. In diameter, such nuts reach about two centimeters. During the period when the fruit ripens, its shell is soft enough and has a gently-green color. With the passage of time, its solidification takes place. In addition, the color of the shell is changed to dark brown. Inside, a very delicious kernel is formed. Nuts grow in clusters. The ripened fruit is hard and slightly sweet to taste. But they are very nutritious.

After collection, the mature nuts are kept under a canopy for two to three days. After they remove the grassy part. Prepared fruit should be slightly crocked in the sun (three to five days). Such nuts are stored at a temperature of three to ten degrees for a sufficiently long period (up to a year). You can put the dried fruits in the refrigerator. In this case, the period of storage can be four years.

The hazelnut is sold in retail chains. There it is called hazelnut. This product is a cultivated form of wild species of hazelnut. It differs from its natural counterpart only by the larger size of the nucleus.

Biochemical composition

Properties of the hazelnut are evident due to its rich composition. In the core of this curative product is up to eighty percent of vegetable fats. Ideal in the nut proportion of amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates. This composition allows you to consume a natural product to those who adhere to a diet.

Including hazelnut in your daily diet, a person receives all the vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Their list includes A and B1, B2 and C, D and E. In the nucleoli of the curative product is the right amount of zinc and potassium, phosphorus and calcium, iron and sodium. They are needed for normal operation of bone, muscle, hormonal, reproductive and nervous systems.

From the hazelnuts are obtained oil. It is perfectly absorbed by the human body. In the hazelnut are glycerides of oleic and stearic, as well as palmitic acid. These beneficial substances help normalize the level of cholesterol and restrain its excessive formation in the body. In the kernels of the nut, a specific substance, paclitaxel, was found. This component is able to prevent the development of cancer cells.

Caloric value

Hazelnut is not only useful, but also very tasty product. One hundred grammes contain 9.4 g of carbohydrates, 16 g of proteins and 67 g of fat. That's 704.6 calories. As you can see, hazelnut is a very high-calorie product. This fact should be taken into account by those people who wish to lose weight or keep it under constant control.

However, do not be afraid to include nuts in your diet. The calorie content of this product does not exclude its use in the composition of various diets. What is the secret of hazelnut? The fact is that the caloric content of these amazing kernels makes them very nutritious and able to replace fish, bread and meat. In this case, nuts are very easily absorbed by the body, and if they are used in limited quantities, they will not affect the amount of fatty deposits. In this case, what is the use of hazelnut? They can replace fatty foods.

Hazelnut in the diet

So, you decided to use the hazelnut for slimming. The benefits and harms of this product must be taken into account without fail. In addition to an impressive number of calories in the hazelnut is a large number of various microelements and vitamins. That is why the active use of nuts for weight loss will have an additional positive effect. For example, vitamin E, which is rich in hazelnuts. The benefit of this element lies in the fact that it improves the condition of hair and skin. Also hazelnuts can reduce pressure and activate brain activity.

It should be said that the calorie content of hazelnuts is combined with their ability to relieve stress and raise mood, strengthen the nervous system and improve digestive processes. Inclusion of this product in the composition of diets allows to provide the body with the volume of microelements and amino acids necessary for it, which is necessary for active activity.

Nuts for weight loss can be included in various dishes, and also used separately. During this period, nutritionists are encouraged to drink abundantly and reduce the intake of animal protein in the body. It also requires some restriction of consumption of the product in question (no more than three hundred grams).

Hazelnut with diabetes

What is useful for hazelnut for people with high blood sugar? First of all, its caloric content. After all, this figure is eight times higher than that of milk, and one and a half times that of chocolate.

The dignity of hazelnut for diabetics is also contained in its surprising composition. All the healing ingredients that are in it, contribute to protecting the body from the occurrence of vascular pathologies, and also slow the growth of cholesterol in the blood. That's why doctors and nutritionists always recommend that those who have diabetes suffer from hazelnut. The benefits and harms of this product are also taken into account by the doctors. They advise during the day to observe certain norms of consumption of hazelnuts (not more than fifty grams). Only in this case, the action rendered by hazelnut on the body of a patient suffering from diabetes will be positive. Abuse of a nut can turn into a headache due to spasm of blood vessels. Those who suffer from diabetes, you can not use hazelnut late at night and early in the morning. This is due to the high calorie content of the product. The organism will not easily cope with such food.

Hazelnut for diseases of blood vessels and heart

Cardiologists also recommend hazelnuts to their patients . Useful properties of this product are found in monounsaturated fatty acids.

These components do not give rise to cholesterol plaques and improve blood composition. These properties of hazelnut can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
Potassium salts, also part of the hazelnut, remove excess water from the body. This facilitates the work of the heart muscle, as it reduces blood pressure.

Cardiologists do not advise their patients for hazelnuts. The use of this product is contained in a high calcium content. This element strengthens the walls of the smooth muscles and blood vessels of the heart, making them elastic and strong. Magnesium is also an important component of hazelnut. It is needed for good conduction of nerve signals. Considering all this, the cores must include the hazelnut in their menu.

Hazelnut with oncology

Not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of cancer are hazelnuts. The use of this product in this case is due to the paclitaxel contained in it. This substance actively fights against cancer cells. Another advantage of the hazelnut is the large amount of protein and vitamin E contained in it. These components strengthen the human body. Vitamin E, in addition, has a rejuvenating effect. In this way it promotes the prolongation of human life.

Hazelnut for women

In some cases, it is especially necessary for the weak half of humanity to eat hazelnuts. Useful properties of this product help prevent breast and genital cancers, strengthen lactation, improve the structure of hair and skin.

Hazelnut for men

And what is the use of hazelnuts for the strong half of humanity? Hazelnut is needed in the following cases:

- for building muscle mass and in the period of increased physical exertion;

- to prevent the enlargement of the prostate gland;

- to enhance reproductive function.

Medical recommendations

What is useful for a hazelnut? Hazelnut helps:

- restore the body after a serious illness;

- with bronchopulmonary diseases of a chronic type (to get rid of these pathologies, the nut is grinded with milk);

- to raise the blood level of hemoglobin (in the form of a mixture of walnut, raisins and honey);

- to improve brain activity;

- to eliminate varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;

- to cleanse the liver and the entire body of toxins.

Hazelnut Harm

Unfortunately, not everyone can consume hazelnuts. Allergy is easily caused by this product in those who suffer from a negative reaction of the organism to composite plants. It is not recommended to eat hazelnuts for diarrhea and during the exacerbation of digestive diseases.

Some problems are possible with excessive use of hazelnut. Eaten in large quantities, this product becomes the cause of the appearance of nausea, acute pancreatitis and diarrhea.

Very seriously you need to treat the quality of hazelnuts. In nuts affected by mold, aflatoxins are formed. That is why it is necessary to observe the storage conditions of these healing nuclei. They should be placed in a ventilated bag and lie in a dry place where the temperature does not exceed twenty degrees.

Benefits of leaves of hazel

Since ancient times it is known that not only the fruits of the amazing shrub are curative. To heal various ailments, you can apply and leaves of hazelnut. Useful properties of this green part of the plant are used for pathologies of the intestines, stomach and liver. In addition, decoction and tea from hazel leaves are excellent anti-inflammatory and fortifying agents. A health drink is recommended for asthma, and also as a hemostatic and diuretic.

Twenty grams of raw materials are used to prepare the infusion. It should be filled with a glass of boiling water. After four hours of persisting, the drug is filtered. It is recommended daily four-time reception in the amount of a quarter of the glass.

To prepare the broth also take 20 grams of raw materials. It is poured into two glasses of water and boiled for ten minutes. After this, the drug must be settled for half an hour. The recommended reception is 1/2 cup two to three times a day.

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