
Maribor, Slovenia: attractions and photos

The small town of Maribor is in Slovenia. It has about 100 thousand people. Despite the small number, Maribor plays a big role in the economy of the republic. Due to the climatic conditions it is a major tourist center of the country. The city is located in the north-eastern region of the republic, which is called Lower Styria. The Drava River flows through its territory, and Maribor (Slovenia) surrounds the Pohorje mountains.

Historical background

During the Early Middle Ages, Marburg Castle was built on one of the hills on the Drava River. The first information about him is found in documents dating from 1164. Gradually around the castle there was a market, which was named Maribor. Next to him settled people, in 1254 Marburg receives the status of a city, and the surrounding area becomes a county. Further development of Maribor was due to the strengthening in Styria in 1278 of the Habsburg dynasty. At that time the city was at the intersection of trade routes, therefore it turned into a major trade and trade center.

In the XV-XVII centuries Maribor (Slovenia) several times survived the siege and attack of the Turks. To protect from the enemy, three more castles and fortress walls with guard towers were built in the city. To date, only four towers have survived.

Maribor was part of the Habsburg Empire until 1918. After the First World War, Austria claimed these lands, but the patriots of Slovenia were the first to seize power in the city. During the Second World War he was captured by German troops. Germany has deployed military factories here, as a result of which Maribor was often bombed, and many historical monuments were destroyed. After the defeat of Germany, the city returned to Yugoslavia.

The city's attractions

The capital of the republic is Ljubljana. The second place is occupied by Maribor (Slovenia). sights Cities are of interest to tourists. Acquaintance with them begins with the Main Square. Here are preserved old houses. Among them stands the church of St. Aloysia. In the center of the square stands a column on which is a statue of the Virgin Mary. It is a monument to urban residents who died from the plague in 1743. Next to the column is an altar, and around it are statues of white marble. The Town Hall is also located on the Main Square. It is decorated with the coat of arms of the city.

Of all the castles that were built on the territory of the city, only one remained. It was built in the late Gothic style in the 15th century. After the restoration in the building is the city museum of local lore. Among the exhibits there are paintings and sculptures that have been preserved since the Middle Ages, as well as handicrafts and objects that acquaint visitors with the history of winemaking in the province.

Not far from the castle are the wine cellars "Vinag", famous all over Europe. The cellar stores about 6 million liters of drink, the length of the cellars is almost 2.5 km. There is a tasting room where you can taste delicious wines.

Maribor (Slovenia) is located on the picturesque bank of the Drava River. The decoration of the city is the embankment of Lent. In the Middle Ages, there was a large port through which Austrian ships went to sea. Currently, in the summer on the embankment there is a colorful festival of Lent with folk festivals and skating on the river.

Old grapevine and winemaking in Maribor

The unique climatic conditions in which the city of Maribor (Slovenia) is located, contributed to the development of viticulture and winemaking. Here grow the oldest vineyards of Europe, and wine has an exquisite taste and is popular not only at home. When visiting Maribor, tourists are taken to the street Vozhasniska to the famous wine house. Once it was inhabited by people, but after reconstruction, a museum was organized in the house. The presented expositions tell about the history of winemaking in Slovenia.

Near the house grows a vine, which is 400-450 years old. It is included in the "Guinness Book of Records" and is considered the pride of the inhabitants of Maribor. Every year the vine gives a harvest, from which about 100 bottles of a unique wine, differing in taste, are obtained, but the wine is not available to ordinary consumers. The complete collection comes to the first persons of the country, and the vine itself is protected by the state.

The inhabitants of the city consider it their duty to cut dry twigs on the vine. Every year at the beginning of October and in November on St. Martin's Day, specialists trim the vineyard.

To Slovenia for a ski resort

Seven kilometers from Maribor are the mountain slopes of Pohorje. In winter, the slopes of the mountains are covered with a stable snow cover, and Maribor (Slovenia), a photo confirms this, turns into a ski resort. The developed infrastructure, safe mountain slopes and good climatic conditions contributed to the fact that every year in the Maribor Pohorje there are stages of the World Cup in Alpine skiing. Due to this the city got the status of an Alpine resort.

The total length of the equipped ski slopes is 64 km. The ski resort of Maribor was one of the first, where lighting was organized for descents from the mountains in the dark. Along the tracks there are special cannons for applying artificial snow. In the resort you can not only ski, but also to descend on snowboards. There are also good conditions for freeriders who like to ride on unequipped trails. The ski season in Maribor lasts about 100 days a year.

Maribor - thermal resort of Slovenia

In addition to skiing, Maribor attracts tourists with its thermal springs. There is one of the best thermal complexes in Slovenia. It is equipped with excellent swimming pools, modern diagnostic equipment, saunas, Turkish baths, solarium. Interested persons can undergo a course of treatment with ozone therapy or a course of rejuvenation in thermal waters.

Water in the complex is delivered from a depth of 1200-1500 meters, its temperature is 44 ° C. Not far from the ski slopes there are several four- and five-star hotels, in which there are pools with hot water. After skiing, vacationers can enjoy the term.

Hotels in Maribor

The guarantee of a good holiday in Maribor is the right choice of hotel. Each of them develops its own system to attract customers. In the city and close to the ski slopes there are elite hotels. Maribor (Slovenia) Strives to ensure that in each of them comfortable living conditions are created, regardless of the number of stars and the purpose of coming to the city. For a business or romantic trip, hotels in the city center, skiers and freeriders are better suited to settle closer to the descents.

All hotels in the city have a system for pre-booking seats. Many of them offer free days after 10 days of stay, 16 hotels are allowed to stay with pets, and six hotels have SPA centers.

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