HealthDiseases and Conditions

Logoneurosis: what is it, the reasons, the treatment

Logoneurosis - what is it? The answer to this question is known to few. However, most people, one way or another, are familiar with this pathological condition. About how and why it manifests, we will tell below.

Also, your attention will be presented to the method of treating the pathology in question.

Definition of medical term

Logoneurosis - what is it? According to experts, this is a disturbance (convulsive) of smoothness of speech, which manifests itself in the form of involuntary delay, prolonged utterance or repetition of individual sounds, words or syllables. Thus, logoneurosis is called one of the forms of stammering, the formation of which is due to neurosis.

Features of speech pathology

Logoneurosis - what is it? This disease, the manifestations of which are fickle. They are usually accompanied by other disorders that are neurotic in nature.

With this kind of stammering, the patient does not have consistently difficult to pronounce sounds. In this case, the logoneurosis itself manifests itself only in stressful situations, when it is psychologically difficult for the patient to communicate (in the course of an important speech, in an examination, in a conflict situation, etc.).

In some sources, such medical terms as logoclinium and laloneurosis are used to refer to this disease. In view of neurological roots, logoneurosis is sometimes associated with a phenomenon such as verbophobia or logophobia, that is, with fear (fear) speak.

The causes of logoneurosis

The reasons for stuttering can be different. In most cases, such a pathological condition develops in adolescence or in childhood. The factors that led a person to the logoneurosis are very individual. Experts argue that the causes of stuttering can be neurological and genetic.

Prerequisites for the development of the disease

Most often, stammering (logoneurosis) occurs due to the following factors:

  • In childhood (2.5-6 years), when there is an active accumulation of vocabulary;
  • With other speech disorders (for example, with delayed development of speech, general hypoplasia of speech, alalia, dyslalia, rhinolalia, etc.);
  • In the process of pathological education, violation of family roles;
  • With certain properties of the nervous system (due to increased excitability, impressionability, vulnerability, emotional lability) ;
  • With stuttering parents, as well as character traits peculiar to them;
  • In adolescence (14-17 years), when stress loads increase due to the need to assert their importance in society;
  • Due to hormonal changes in the body;
  • With infection of the central nervous system;
  • In children's cerebral palsy (sometimes stuttering manifests itself in cerebral palsy as a concomitant disease);
  • With endocrine disorders.

It should also be noted that stuttering in adults occurs much less frequently than in childhood. In this case, such a pathological condition can be provoked by some kind of psychotraumatic situation.

Symptoms of the disease

Stammering in adults and children is manifested equally. As we know, this phenomenon is caused by spasms of the speech apparatus, including spasms of the muscles of the larynx, the sky, the tongue, or the lips.

Spasms of the larynx muscular tissues are vocal. Actually from here also there is a beginning of concept "stuttering" as this pathological process strongly enough reminds hiccups. As for spasms of the tongue, palate and lips, they are articulatory convulsions. There are also respiratory cramps. When they occur, breathing is disturbed and a feeling of lack of air is created.

The main signs of the disease

Logoneurosis - what is it? This is a neurogenic disease, which manifests itself as follows:

  • Common neurological symptoms: feelings of inferiority, mental stress, fears, high anxiety, sleep problems, decreased appetite, excessive sweating.
  • The main signs of logoneurosis: repetition (multiple) of individual sounds, difficulty in pronunciation of syllables or words, articulatory convulsions, involuntary pauses arising during speech and spasms of the speech apparatus.
  • Concomitant symptoms: muscle tension, facial tics, trembling of lips, blinking, respiratory cramps, facial grimaces and a sense of lack of oxygen.

Types of disease

As you can see, logoneurosis in children and adults is easy to diagnose. This is due to the fact that his symptoms can not be confused with the signs of other abnormalities.

Depending on the symptoms of the disease in question, there are three different types of logoneurosis. Consider them right now.

  • Clonic stammering. For such a state is characterized by frequent, compulsive and repeated repetition of individual syllables, words or sounds.
  • Tonic logoneurosis. For this species are characterized by involuntary speech pauses and prolonged pronunciation of syllables or words.
  • Mixed type. With this logoneurosis, the symptomatology of both of the above species is observed.

Selection of a specialist

When stuttering, the patient should contact one of the following specialists:

  • Psychotherapist. Sessions with such a doctor can be aimed at eliminating anxiety. Also, the patient is helped to build new habits in the process of communicating with other people. In addition, he is taught ways of relaxation. One of the most effective methods of psychotherapy with stuttering is hypnosis.
  • Neurologist. Such an expert will help not only in the diagnosis, but will also send MRI and EEG for examination. Also, if necessary, the doctor can prescribe a course of soft nootropics or sedatives.
  • Physiotherapist, acupuncturist, reflexologist and masseur. Such doctors conduct therapy sessions aimed at normalizing the work of the National Assembly.
  • Speech therapist is a specialist working directly with speech defects.

It should also be noted that the patient himself can apply the following techniques: aromatherapy, phytotherapy, relaxing baths, meditation, respiratory and muscle relaxation techniques.

Logoneurosis: treatment

Treatment of stuttering should begin as early as possible, until the symptoms of the disease have not time to gain a foothold.

Logoneurosis in children requires complex therapy. Stuttering patients must necessarily meet with a child and family psychologist who will help the parents of a sick child develop a harmonious and correct style of upbringing, as well as create a comfortable microclimate in the family.

In some cases, folk remedies are used to treat such a disease. There are many ready-made herbal remedies that have a calming effect. They include the following:

  • Ordinary oregano (1 large spoon for 220 ml of boiling water, cook in a water bath ¼ hour, and then insist about 40 minutes). After filtering the decoction take three times a day, dividing it into 3 portions.
  • Ruta odorous (1 dessert spoon of herbs for 220 ml of boiling water, keep on a water bath for about 5 minutes). Adolescents and adults should take 1 large spoon three times a day. It is enough for young children to rinse with a decoction of the throat.
  • White or nettles are deaf (1 large spoonful of grass is poured with 220 ml of boiling water, wrapped and insisted for about half an hour). Ready to boil take 1 large spoon three times a day. It is enough for young children to gargle.

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