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"Kalir-kanda": reviews, those who tried to lose weight. How effective is the drug when losing weight?

Every woman wants to remain beautiful and slender, also many people are looking for an effective way to get rid of extra pounds. On the eve of the summer and the beach season this is especially true. In this article we will tell you about the plant calir-canda, reviews about it, characteristics and how to properly use plant extract and tea on its basis.

What is calir-kanda?

Kalir-kanda is a plant native to India. In this region it has been known since ancient times. Due to the fact that its leaves, as well as powder or tea from them are able to suppress appetite, the second name means - "deceive the stomach". It is said that this plant contains special substances that act on the saturation center in the human brain. It also promotes the production of pleasure hormones - serotonin and endorphin. That is, after drinking a pill with an extract of leaves or brewing them in tea, you get a saturation signal even when you have not had dinner or had dinner. Thus, you really cheat the stomach, because the scheme of the process of losing weight is extremely simple: a person consumes fewer calories with food, which means that the body draws the missing energy from its own fat stores. And as a result, you lose weight.

The form of the extract of the plant extract kalir-kanda

In Russia, this supplement is presented in the form of tea and capsules. Raw materials are supplied from India, packaging takes place in Russia. Many are wondering whether it is possible to purchase the plant itself or its seeds and grow a miracle tree on its own private plot. Unfortunately no. Like any plant, a kalir-kanda needs a special climate, and growing it in the territory of Russia is meaningless. Capsules with an extract of caloric candy are sold through a pharmacy network or online stores, the same applies to tea. The only thing - the cost of funds is quite large: the packaging of the extract in capsules costs from 3000 rubles, and a pack of tea for brewing - from 650 rubles. That is, weight loss with the help of this product - pleasure is very expensive.

Capsules "Kalir-kanda": composition of the means for weight loss

This product is sold in a package that contains 90 capsules. The course of intake of dietary supplements (biologically active additives) is calculated for 1 month. In addition to the extract itself of the plant kalir-kanda, each capsule contains:

  • Amino acid L-tryptophan, which accelerates the sensation of satiety;
  • Picolinate chromium - it maintains normal blood sugar levels, and also reduces cravings for sweet foods and flour products;
  • L-carnitine - a popular component of many drugs for weight loss, it helps to break down fat and quickly remove it from the body;
  • Extract guarana - it suppresses the feeling of hunger, is a good tonic and restorative means;
  • Extract of epigallocatechin gallate, which prevents the re-accumulation of fat in the body;
  • Succinic acid is a universal restorative;
  • Vitamin B6, which helps to process carbohydrates entering into glucose, it also helps to strengthen hair and nails, making them beautiful and durable.

Capsules "Kalir-kanda", which we will discuss further on, have their indications and contraindications for use, as well as a specific scheme of admission.

How to properly use the drug "Kalir-kanda" for weight loss

So, the tool is shown in the following cases:

  • At excess weight;
  • With increased appetite - to reduce it;
  • Also it is used by those to whom doctors officially diagnosed "obesity" of any degree;
  • With metabolic syndrome.

Contraindications for capsules are few - they can not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, people with hypersensitivity or allergy to any component included in the product. Also, before starting the course of the drug, the manufacturer recommends consulting with a doctor. Capsules "Kalir-kanda" should be drunk 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating, with plenty of water. Each package contains 90 capsules, that is, it lasts exactly one month. If necessary, after a short break, the course of application of the capsules "Kalir-kanda" can be repeated.

Tea "Kalir-kanda": composition

Depending on the manufacturer, this mixture for brewing contains green tea, enriched with extract from the root of ginseng, Chinese tea "Puer" and actually dried leaves of the plant kalir-kanda. According to the manufacturer, regular use of this drink helps to reduce appetite, normalize blood sugar levels. Moreover, it well quenches thirst, reduces cravings for sweets, helps the body to excrete toxins better, gives vivacity and increases activity. It improves the metabolism, improves immunity and has a fortifying effect. Separately notice that regular use of this tea increases the potency in men. Please note that tea must be able to properly brew. If there are several nuances that must be borne in mind.

How to properly prepare tea "Kalir-kanda"

Actually, the guide to making tea does not contain any complicated moments. For one serving (cup) you need to take half a teaspoon of tea leaves, pour it into the brewer and pour water - hot (80-90 degrees), but in no case boiling. After letting it brew for about 5 minutes and drink. Tea "Kalir-kanda" reviews from buyers is quite good - it really is an excellent tonic (like any other green tea), but is more likely to complement the diet. In addition, it should be drunk without sugar and other additives, with unaccustomed to many it seems quite specific to the taste. Also, do not eat tea in the evening, because it has a pronounced toning effect, and as a result, you may have trouble falling asleep or insomnia.

Capsules "Kalir-kanda plus": customer reviews

Of course, this tool for weight loss has not left unattended many visitors to forums and websites, where they discuss all kinds of supplements and means for getting rid of excess weight. Analyzing what customers say about the extract of the plant kalir-kanda, the responses can be given here:

  • Many people say that the remedy really reduces the appetite.
  • It is also important for consumers that the composition of the capsules is completely natural.
  • The results of weight loss for many vary - for the course of admission, some lose 10 kg, and some only 2-3. However, not in all reviews, buyers celebrated their original weight.

Anyway, the means for losing weight "Kalir-kanda", reviews about which in most cases are positive, helps to get rid of some excess weight. True, there are those whose expectations the drug has not justified. Although the use of such drugs - dietary supplements - for weight loss is quite controversial: many nutritionists advise to use them against the background of a diet, that is, as an aid to weight loss, and not replace them with diet as such. Unfortunately, most of the reviews about the "Kalir-kanda" drug contain information like "helped-not helped", and not a detailed story about how the losing weight ate against its background, whether it was sports, whether the regime of the day. Therefore, it is impossible to make unambiguous conclusions about whether the drug works.

Capsules and tea "Kalir-kanda": negative reviews

Here are the negative aspects of the drugs considered by the buyers:

  • They say that neither tea nor plant extract helps to lose weight at all;
  • Very many complain about the extremely high price of the facility;
  • Note that after discontinuing the medication, the dropped kilograms are returned again.

One way or another, preparations based on the plant kalir-kanda, the reviews about which are mentioned above, some help, and some do not. By the way, the characteristics of this remedy are very similar to those given by buyers to other drugs for weight loss. Someone helps, and a man gets rid of 10-12 kg of excess weight, and someone, using this same tool, does not lose weight by a gram.

Is it worth using the drug "Kalir-kanda" for weight loss: the conclusion and conclusions

Unfortunately, obesity and overweight is a disease, and it needs to be treated. That is, eat right, exercise, sleep at least 8 hours a day. A doctor can prescribe a special diet and medications that are only available on prescription and that are really designed to have a sufficient effect on the metabolism and absorption of fats by the body. All the rest - biologically active additives. As, actually, and plant kalir-kanda. Reviews about it are very ambiguous, that is, buying tea or an extract in the form of capsules, you can either lose weight, or not - the guarantee of efficiency no one gives. And with a negative result, an impressive amount spent on these funds, just will not return back to your wallet. Plus, you risk just wasting your time. Therefore, think carefully, do you really need an extract of the plant kalir-kanda for weight loss. Reviews, a forum of slimming and other sources give him very contradictory characteristics. Maybe it's better to spend three thousand rubles, what is asked for a jar of extract, for a subscription to the gym?

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