News and SocietyJournalism

Journalism "gonzo" - what is it like, how and why do you like creative young people?

Sometimes from the lips of the media world you can hear the word "gonzo". What this term means is understandable to a few. And this despite the fact that this phenomenon in our country is more than forty years. Fortunately or unfortunately, today the term "gonzo" is not very common. What it means, too, is not known to everyone. And this, of course, is of interest.

A bit of history

The origin of such a phenomenon as "gonzo-journalism" is attributed to the sixties of the last century. Most art historians associate his appearance with a certain history.

It is said that at this time in America lived and worked writer and journalist H. S. Thompson. Once the editor of the Rolling Stone edition sent him to do the material from the races. But Hunter Thompson failed the task, because he could not keep within the allotted time. Actually, he did not see the race itself either. To somehow get out of the situation, the correspondent sent his boss the so-called notes on the fields - sketches made in the notebook are not so much skips as those around the spectators.

The unfulfilled task the editor assessed in his own way. Notes on the fields were his liking, because they were written in an interesting, new way. The journalist presence was felt in every line, behavioral problems were raised (the writer noted fraud and drunkenness among the spectators of the spectacle). The readers also liked the new presentation of the material, although they were somewhat shocked by the stylistics.

Journalistic material "gonzo"

What are the facts, but "wrapped up" in the shell of subjective interpretation? How to name the story of an event, artwork or photo exhibition, which is conducted by a correspondent in the first person and where possible the presence of profanity? What definition fits most of the reporting, in which the author not only illuminates what is happening, but resorts to hyperbole, exaggeration and even sarcasm?

For ignorant people, it becomes clear what gonzo journalism is, if they manage to collect all these definitions together.

Translation of the term into Russian

Will help to understand, "gonzo" - what is the translation of this word from English. Dictionaries open the veil: the term denotes definitions such as "crazy", "crazy" or "insane."

And in fact, many journalists, especially people of the old formation, conservatives, seem to be such shocking inadequacies, even partly mentally unhealthy.

Indeed, how can you seriously take the leading YouTube channel "Plus hundred-five hundred" Max, who builds faces, scoffs, using profanity, and over the heroes of the video, and somewhere above himself? This is also gonzo-journalism. After all, the host covers events, even if they are recorded on video clips. And he does it according to all the rules of the new current.

It is worth noting that most of the youth with ecstasy watching all of his programs. And if the video got to the eye of Max, then the popularity of the video is assured.

Trends of "gonzo"

In the traditional press, the facts are often given the same type and without a raisin. The style of "gonzo" contrasts this stagnation with the creative submission of material with a huge share of expression. The manner of the journalist, his personality, his view and assessment of what is happening, the effect of presence and immersion cause genuine curiosity.

Events here take place around the author, envelop him, make him a hero. There are practically no frames. The task of the media representative of the Gonzo style is to surprise or shock the reader, to make an effect with his introduction. The bigger the better.

Media working in this style

An unusual supply of material is used in many media. And if they are not completely adherents of original style, then some sections of publications tend to it precisely. So it happens on the radio, and on television, in newspapers, and in the Internet space.

The well-known publication "" with the section "Oftopik", the magazine "YE! NOT", the resource about the world of rock music and cinema "Rock-Review.Ru", the magazines "Afisha", "Russian reporter", Internet broadcast " Minaev LIVE ».

Modern literary critics and believe that gonzo journalism appeared only in the second half of the last century. In fact, even in the nineteenth century, you can see the first steps of correspondents on this track. For example, the experiences of Mark Twain in the journalistic field - what is not gonzo? What is this direction, then, of course, no one knew. But his story "Journalism in Tennessee" is a sample of the grotesque, sarcasm based on real events, the eyewitness of which was the correspondent himself.

Thomas Wolfe - one of the most prominent representatives of the direction.

Features of Gonzo Journalism

This direction can be distinguished Main features:

  • The material appears before the reader in the reporting genre.
  • The journalist focuses on himself.
  • The author expresses a subjective view of the event.
  • The material is replete with the author's, and sometimes also the non-normative, slang vocabulary.

This original style is far from ambiguous. It departs from the framework of traditional journalism, which is based on truth, evidence and impartiality. All this is very alarming. And the question is raised: does this direction have a future?

Adherents of journalism of this type argue that gonzo, as a way of life, today is not so rare. In reality, this style of existence can be characterized as the lack of conventions and rules, ideals and responsibilities. And so gonzo will evolve, winning more and more fans.

Indeed, it is difficult not to notice and not to note as positive qualities novelty, a fresh look at events and objects, an original and interesting presentation of material. But narcissism, which often replicates an impartial coverage of an event, a bad tone, expressed in the use of obscene words and jargon, the choice of facts that are sometimes immoral, shocking, depicting the immorality of modern citizens, or simply purely physiological blunders - all these accompanying distinctive features of gonzo dislike people cultural.

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