Spiritual developmentReligion

Is it necessary to baptize a child and what is needed for this

Baptism is an obligatory rite for believers. Orthodox priests claim that it is necessary to baptize a child, otherwise he will not fall into the Kingdom of God. This is also said in the Gospel of John, who was a beloved disciple of Jesus Christ.

To baptize a child is to provide him with a divine protection for life.

The explanation of the rite is given by modern scientists. According to this theory, thoughts are material, and many people, when they say the same prayers, create a substance called egregore. Egregor of Orthodoxy is one of the most powerful on the planet, since it was created a long time ago and is supported by a large number of people. This self-developing multidimensional structure assists and protects those who are connected to it through the rite of Baptism and constantly keep in touch with the prayers.

Since Orthodoxy is in essence a high moral teaching, it is desirable to baptize a child even from a scientific point of view.

Before the Baptism of the Child, the Orthodox Church insists on fulfilling the main condition: the presence of godparents. These people should be baptized. At the cross, the responsibility of raising a child in the spirit of Orthodox traditions rests. In addition, they should be prepared for the fact that if something happens to the biological parents of the godson, then they are obliged to take the child under their shelter and take care of it. According to the canons of the Church, a husband and wife can not baptize a child. The godmother must be over 13 years old, and the godfather must be at least 15 years old.

Now, what is needed for baptism. The godfathers must come to the temple with consecrated crosses. The godmother's clothes are a headscarf and a dress with closed shoulders, its length is below the knees. The church does not prohibit putting on high-heeled shoes, but the godfather should think about whether she can stand in such shoes from half an hour to two, while the ritual lasts. It is advisable for the godfather to wear a shirt with long sleeves and trousers.

According to the old tradition, the Baptism rite is held on the fortieth day after the birth of the child. It was believed that until this time the woman was still not fully recovered physically and morally from childbirth. Today the priests do not insist on exact observance of this provision, therefore Baptism can be held at any convenient time. A good sign is considered if the Baptism of the child takes place on Easter or another Orthodox holiday.

In special cases, it is permitted to baptize a child until the fortieth day and not even in the temple. This may be due to the infant's disease. In this case, the ceremony is conducted in order to protect the baby as soon as possible and give him the protection of God for healing.

It is important that Baptism is not appointed in the period when the mother's mother or godparent critical days. At this time, women are generally forbidden to enter the temple.

A few weeks before the baptism of the cross, one must confess, it is necessary to repent of our sins and receive communion.

On the day of the ritual, you can not take food. Intimacy is also contraindicated.

According to the national tradition, all the expenses are incurred by the godparents. Most Orthodox churches have no official quotations for Epiphany. According to God's law and the human, after the ceremony the godfathers are donated to the temple as much as they can. You just need to buy some of the things for Baptism. The answer to the question of how much it costs to baptize a child is expressed in the cost of a towel, in which the godmother will take the baby after the font, shirt, cap and cross on the chain. The cross buys the godfather.

Baptism is a Sacrament, during which the child is born anew, cleansed and passes under the protection of God.

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