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The Days of the Angel of Veronica. When to celebrate the name day?

There are two variants of the origin of the name Veronica. According to the first version, the name has Greek roots. Nick - that's the name of the goddess, who bore victory to the soldiers in every battle. But in the translation from the Latin language the name has a completely different meaning. It means "true image", and it is believed that it came from two words - vera icon. An incomplete coincidence with the name itself is due to incorrect pronunciation.

Days of the Angel of Veronica: dates for congratulations

A woman with such an unusual and beautiful name is the owner of a stubborn character. She has a very strong maternal instinct, she is tender and feminine. The days of the Angel of Veronica are celebrated three times a year. They fall on such dates: July 25, July 30 and October 17.

Day of the Angel of Veronica (the date her birthday will be celebrated) the girl's parents will recognize at the baptism. For an adult woman with this name, the guardian angel is determined by the date closest to her birthday. The patroness Veronica, born on July 25, will be Veronica the Righteous, July 30 - martyr Veronica, October 17 - martyr Virineya (Veronica) Edessa.

Veronica the Righteous, July 25

The first mention of the name of Veronica is found in the Gospel. The book says that even in the time of Jesus Christ, a woman lived in the ancient city of Panead. Twelve years she suffered from painful bleeding. For this time the woman has exhausted all the means for doctors, but has not recovered.

She heard about the miraculous healings of people to whom Jesus Christ touched. When the Savior carried his cross to Golgotha, the woman began to walk behind him, joining the crowd. When, under the weight of the cross, Jesus fell, Veronica bent over to him, watered him and wiped his blood from his face. At the same moment, when she touched the Savior, the woman felt that her illness was gone. From one touch to Jesus Christ Veronica after twelve years of suffering was healed.

But it was not the only miracle that happened at that moment. When the woman came home, she saw that on the board with which she had wiped the face of Christ, his image appeared. A fragment of this canvas with the image of the Savior is still considered to be a miraculous icon.

After her healing, a woman placed a copper statue of her Savior at her house. The grass that grew at the foot of it was miraculous. She healed from the disease of other bleeding women. The copper statue was destroyed only under the emperor Julian the Apostate.

On the day of the Angel of Veronica, whose date falls on July 25, the church remembers the Righteous Saints and notes the miraculous appearance of the miraculous icon of Christ. By the way, in some sources it is indicated that the woman wore a different name. She took the name Veronica after the healing, and it was formed from the Latin words vera icon ("true image").

Name days of Veronika July 30

Another day Angel for women with the name of Veronica falls on July 30. At this date, the church recalls the martyr Veronica. However, information about who was this woman and how tormented for his faith in Jesus Christ, is not preserved.

The days of the Angel of Veronica, which fall in July, are very close to each other. That is why the parents of a girl with that name have the right to choose a patron saint for her child.

The Martyr Virineus (Veronica). Orthodox day - October 17

In 304 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, Christian persecution was not only forbidden, but also welcomed. Because of this, the believers were simply doomed to death. Christian Veronica, along with her mother and sister at the same time was forced to flee from Antioch. They stopped in the neighboring city of Edessa. Hence the word "Edessa" was added to the name of Veronica.

Not for long the girl with her mother and sister remained free. The persecutors soon seized them and took them under escort back to Antioch. But the true Christians waited until the soldiers sat down to dinner, put on their best clothes, turned with prayer to the Lord and rushed into the seething water. Veronica, her mother and sister were martyred, but were not given into the hands of persecutors.

The days of the Angel of Veronica are celebrated not only on 25 and 30 July, but also on 17 October. On this day, the Orthodox Church recalls a martyr named Virineya (Veronika), who suffered for her faith in the Lord.

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