Arts & EntertainmentTheater

Intermission is a break between getting new emotions

Attending cultural events is vital for many people. Those who have once been to the theater, circus, know that there is an intermission here. Nevertheless, not everyone fully understands that the intermission is the word that came to us from France. It has a lot of meanings, but on the whole it means the same thing.

What is an intermission?

Between performances in theaters, circuses, concert performances there are always breaks. Intermission is a word that translates as "between actions". Consequently, the direct meaning of the word assumed a break between the plots of the action.

Intermission is very important. It is necessary for the following reasons:

  • To change the scenery on stage. This helps create a new atmosphere and fresh emotions.
  • So that the actors could change the decoration. This is necessary in order to show the audience a new episode of the performance.
  • That the audience could rest and tune in to accept a new stream of emotions. Theatrical performance, concert, circus performance without a break is difficult enough not only for children, but also for adults. When the intermission is a part of the event, viewers will have the opportunity to rework the information already received and adjust themselves to receive new sensations. Children, thanks to interruptions in the activities, will be able to fully and with due diligence review the whole plot of the presentation.
  • Intermission is the time for cleaning the stage and checking the lights. Sometimes the action during the presentation of the first act provides for different storylines in which it is supposed to shower heroes with rose petals, confetti or simply scatter the attributes over the space of the scene. These elements can place a further full-fledged performance, and the scene can become unsafe for the performing actors. That is why during the break, order is placed on the surface of the place to demonstrate the view to the audience.
  • And also that the actors can rest and reduce the load on the vocal cords. Prolonged pronunciation of speeches in the process of speaking negatively affects the voice. Therefore, actors need breathing space to avoid hoarse or not to lose their voice. Physical rest is also very important. After all, emotional transmission of the plot requires considerable effort.

Both adults and children understand that this period in any speech is important and must be.

This period of time in plays, concerts and other performances was invented long ago and every time is used for the same purposes as at the origins of the emergence of such a concept.

Where is the intermission?

Intermission (Russian synonym - break between, pause), happens in:

  • Theater;
  • At concerts;
  • In the circus;
  • In the Philharmonic;
  • In the opera.

A break between actions happens in all cultural institutions, which involve several stages in the provision of information to the masses.

Synonyms for "intermission"

Everyone knows perfectly well what an intermission is. Not everyone can choose a synonym. The meaning of this word can be as follows:

  • Break.
  • The gap between the actions.
  • Pause before the next act.

To visit institutions in which the word "intermission" sounds after the first part of the performance, it is necessary. Knowing the meaning of such a word will help to understand what is happening behind the scenes during the break.

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