
Instructions and references: spray "Dominator"

What is the purpose of the Dominator spray? Feedback from users and the purpose of this tool will be discussed further. Also you will learn about the method of using this drug, its features and contraindications.

Ingredients of the agent

Is the medication effective? What does this say about the reviews? Spray "Dominator" is very fast. The unique properties of this drug, doctors say, are due to its composition. According to the instruction, it contains the following ingredients: iron, zinc, sodium, potassium and other adapted trace elements, which activate the process of producing sex hormones.

Features of Dominator components

How does the drug work? What does the reviews say? Spray "Dominator", according to doctors, includes only natural ingredients. Their features we will consider right now:

  1. Pectins. These are the active substances that promote the increase in the size of the penis and improve the overall metabolism.
  2. Patchouli oil. It is necessary to increase sexual desire and increase libido.
  3. Essential chamomile oil. Has softening, enveloping and moisturizing properties. Qualitatively prepares the skin of the sexual organs for a long sexual act.
  4. Muscat essential oil. Promotes sensuality and blood circulation in the genital organs.

Advantages of the drug

What is remarkable about the medicine in question? What does this say about the reviews? Spray "Dominator", according to doctors, has the following advantages:

  • Natural composition.
  • Duration and speed of action.
  • Affordable price.
  • Simple application.
  • Improvement of quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm produced.
  • Safety for health.
  • Increased sexual desire.
  • The minimum range of side effects and contraindications.
  • Improvement of potency.
  • Lack of addiction.
  • Increase the duration of sexual contact.
  • Increased production of testosterone.

Indications and contraindications

What is the purpose of the "Dominator" spray for men? Reviews say that this tool is used to increase the penis. The composition of this drug includes natural substances, which provide an instant effect. Each of the ingredients is responsible for performing its specific function, but in general they demonstrate a miraculous result. Users say that after applying for several minutes the man's dignity thickens. The organ increases in size, preparing for a prolonged sexual intercourse. Contraindications for this drug is almost none. It can not be used only with personal sensitivity to its components.

Mode of application

How should I use the Dominator spray? The doctors' comments say that this is a topical preparation. It does not need to be taken inside. The remedy has long been an excellent alternative to other methods of penis enlargement (for example, such as tablets, mechanical pumps and surgical operations). It is quite simple to use this medication. According to user feedback, the vial of the drug is provided with a metering dispenser. Therefore, monitoring the consumption of the drug is not very difficult. 2-3 sprayings are required per procedure. After this, the product should be massaged on the sexual organ, slightly stretching his skin.

Use this drug can be right before sex or 20 minutes before it. In the event that you did not wait for the full absorption of the drug, it will serve as a good intimate lubricant. Spray "Dominator" for men, the reviews of which are presented below, can be used one-time, that is, for a brief increase in the sexual organ. However, it is often used for a whole course over the course of a month and a half. According to consumers, the use of such a drug helps not only to improve potency, but also serves as a good preventive against genitourinary system diseases.

Consumer and medical reviews

Spray "Dominator" is a fast and very effective tool. This is the opinion most men adhere to. They argue that regular use of the spray not only helps to increase the penis, but also increases libido and sexual stamina. Thus, this medication significantly improves the quality of the person's intimate life.

As for experts, their testimonies also testify to the unique effectiveness and power of this tool. As a result of the combined effects of all these components, patients can get rid of the following problems:

  1. Dissatisfaction with the size of their childbearing body.
  2. Rapid and premature ejaculation.
  3. Weak sexual desire.
  4. Unstable erection.
  5. Insufficient duration of intimate act.
  6. Weak sensations during orgasm.

Thus, experts argue that the spray "Dominator" allows you to increase the male dignity, as well as significantly diversify the intimate life, filling it with new colors.

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