Self improvementPsychology

'I can not fall asleep...'

Often late in the evening or at night we turn in bed, and when it's time to go to sleep, we ask ourselves: "Why can not I fall asleep?" The reasons are different, and it is unfortunately impossible to fight with some, unfortunately. For example, some head injuries or heredity. However, incomparably more often the causes of insomnia are much simpler. Isolate nervous causes (overexcitement or overwork, stress) and material - when something prevents sleep. Below are some recommendations that will help you quickly fall asleep.

To begin with, try to sleep less during the day. Of course, daytime sleep is very useful, but if you want to find a way to sleep when insomnia, they will have to sacrifice.

Take less funds to stimulate the brain. It's coffee, tea, alcohol, too sweet candy.

Once and for all, forbid yourself a tight dinner. Experts advise eating at least 6 hours before going to bed, and only low-fat food. Agree, this is quite curious - after a dense dinner we want to sleep an hour, but after a similar dinner, it is almost impossible to fall asleep. But nevertheless, this is so.

If you are worried about something, but you are able to solve the problem - do it. Do not delay this matter, think how proud you are of you, finally putting an end to the unnecessary headache. Agree, in this situation, like a mountain falls from the shoulders.

Do so that nothing can disturb you while falling asleep. If possible, turn off the phones, reduce the doorphone sound, check if the iron-gas-light is off. Let the superfluous thoughts do not visit your head.

It is more comfortable to fall asleep in the warmth, so if it is now a cold season, put a heating pad in bed, take care of a warm blanket.

Do not forget to ventilate the room before going to bed.

If the problem "I can not fall asleep" has long been reminiscent of myself, then try to understand yourself - why you can not fall asleep in time. The essence of stress is that we subconsciously oppress the secondary functions of the organism in favor of the so-called "combat" - those that are of paramount importance at the moment. The situation that provoked stress goes away, but the excitement remains. Try to overcome stress, analyze the situation and tell yourself that the problem is behind.

What bothers you, you can even "lay out on the shelves." Write down the "pressing" problems on paper, then - describe your further actions, how you will solve them.

Do not start a new wave of experiences on the topic "there are only 5 hours left, but I still can not fall asleep." New experiences, especially - on this occasion, guarantee you a failure.

Write some story. It can be monotonous. For example, if you like to play football, imagine how you go on the field, do a series of tricks, score a goal, then again run after the ball. Such abstract thoughts help to plunge into sleep. Over time, even a reflex will work out - the body will seem to receive a command when you begin to "tell" this story.

Observe the regime - go to bed at least approximately at the same time. So you also train your body - you are taught to fall asleep at this or that time in spite of everything.

Now - about medicine. Modern drugs, unfortunately, do not eliminate the cause of insomnia, but only drown it. They will help only the first time, and then the body will get used to and stop responding to these pills.

If you tell grandmother from the village "I can not fall asleep", she will advise, of course, the herbal collection. Which exactly is most effective - will prompt in a phytoapteke. Do not interfere with honey - eat a day or two tablespoons.

In general, do not stop your insomnia with handfuls of ineffective tablets, but try to find the reason. Probably, for this purpose it is necessary to visit the psychologist. Most likely, the problem lies on the surface, and it will not be difficult to solve it.

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