
Hydrogen peroxide from acne. A simple and effective tool

Problem skin, tortured acne and acne, and black dots on your face poison your life? Hydrogen peroxide will help you. From acne is the best savior for those who are concerned about the problem of acne. Almost every person has ever encountered this unpleasant situation. Someone was lucky, and he quickly forgot about it, and someone for many years trying unsuccessfully to defeat an unpleasant rash called acne.

Acne can appear at the most inopportune moments and pop up in the most inappropriate places. In these cases, hydrogen peroxide is ready to fight against them . Against acne is a simple but effective method. Nowadays, pharmacological companies offer a huge number of all kinds of expensive means. Buying them, thanks to obsessive advertising, we sometimes forget about the methods, tested for years. It is worth remembering that peroxide from acne will save you not only quickly, but also cheap.

I present to your attention a recipe for black spots and acne. We will need hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) and powder for children, but you can use talcum powder. All this is mixed until thick as sour cream is obtained and applied for half an hour once a day to the areas where pimples are localized.

After similar procedures, the result occurs quickly enough, sometimes 1 week of regular (every other day) use of a similar mask suffices. The main thing is to approach the issue of treatment correctly, then hydrogen peroxide from acne will save you for a long time. First of all, we need to understand the cause of this problem. The options vary from simple to very serious. If the problem is related to internal disorders of the body - genetic, nervous, endocrine, then hydrogen peroxide from acne will not help you. A serious examination with a specialist is necessary.

If the appearance of acne is a manifestation of an excessive predilection for any product (sweets, alcohol, coffee, etc.), then, having reconsidered your diet and lifestyle, peroxide from acne can save you. In fact, it is an oxidizing agent. After application to areas affected by acne, pimples or black dots, it affects pathogenic microorganisms. When their destruction occurs, the skin has a local protective function. Activated immunity will help to overcome inflammatory processes.

When peroxide hits the skin, it is burned, so use hydrogen peroxide from acne should be done correctly. For this you need to know a couple of rules:

  • Be sure to dilute the peroxide, its concentration should not exceed 3%;
  • It is advisable to handle problem areas with a gap of one day;
  • Try not to apply to healthy skin, but only locally to the affected areas.

These simple tips will help to keep your skin healthy. I present to your attention the recipes, how to use hydrogen peroxide against acne:

1. You can not reinvent the wheel, but just bring your favorite cosmetic lotion to the curative. To do this, add 10 drops of 3% peroxide for every 100 ml of lotion. Wipe with a cotton swab face. Use it no more than twice a week. The effect you like.

2. You can prepare a mask with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. 2 tbsp. L. Of natural thick honey mixed with 2 tbsp. L. aloe. Introduce in this mass of 4 drops of iodine and peroxide. All carefully stir. The mass should be of a uniform consistency. Wadding with a cotton bud directly on the pimples themselves. In 20 minutes. Rinse well with lukewarm water.

3. Another mask is yeast. Natural yeast is mixed with hydrogen peroxide. We bring the mass to the consistency of sour cream.

There are two ways to apply a mask:

  • Apply the mask locally to problem areas. After drying, apply again, and then repeat one more time. There must be three approaches in total.
  • Apply to the entire face in one coat. Wait until drying, wash off in both cases with warm water.

In the case of allergic or any other reactions, the use of peroxide should be discontinued.

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